10Setting Up Activity Tracking

Setting Up Activity Tracking

This topic gives you an overview of the steps involved in setting up activity tracking for the administrative actions that are required during the application process.

  1. Set up activity statuses, if desired, and review system statuses.

    See Setting Up Activity Statuses.

  2. Set up activities.

    See Setting Up Activities.

  3. Define activity groups.

    See Setting Up Activity Groups.

  4. Add activities to the groups, and configure the activity rules that are used to calculate due dates of tasks.

    See Defining Planning Application Activity Rules.

  5. Assign the activity group to the planning application type.

    See Setting Up Planning Application Types.

Setting Up Activity Statuses

Use delivered activity statuses to identify the progression of an activity using activity due dates tracking.

You can review the delivered activity statuses on the Activity Status page:

  • Canceled

  • Completed

  • In progress

  • Incomplete

  • Not required

  • Pending

You can’t delete the system-delivered statuses, but you can modify the descriptions. You can also define additional activity statuses that are associated with either the In progress or Not required system status.

Adding Activity Statuses

Define any additional statuses that your agency will use for activity tracking on the Activity Status page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Status.

  2. Select the Activity Status tab.

  3. Click Add to define a new status.

  4. On the Activity Status Details page, enter values for these fields:

    Page Element



    Enter a status name.


    Enter a description for the status. The description is exposed to agency staff for an activity using activity due dates tracking.

    System Status

    Select the system status that you want to use.

    Note: You must associate the new status with a system status to ensure correct processing.
    • In process

    • Not required

  5. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The switch is turned off by default for a new status.

  6. Click Save.

Modifying Activity Statuses

You can modify the activity statuses that you have defined on the Activity Status Details page, but you can only edit the Description field of system-defined statuses. The description is exposed to agency staff for an activity on the activity due dates tracking page.

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Status.

  2. Select the Activity Status tab.

  3. Select the row for the status that you want to modify.

  4. For user-defined statuses, you can:

    • Edit the description.

    • Select the system status that you want to use for processing: In progress or Not required.

    • Turn on the Enabled switch to enable a user-defined record status.

  5. For system-delivered statuses, you can only edit the description. You can’t edit the Status field or disable the status.

  6. Click Save to save any changes.

Setting Up Activities

When configuring activity tracking for your agency, you set up the activities that take place during the application process.

Activities are time-sensitive tasks that help you track due dates related to the progression of a planning application. You set up activities on the Activities Details page for reuse in the activity groups associated with the planning application type. When a planning application is submitted, you manage the activities to complete the application. For example, you might set up an activity called Administrative Close for completing the hearing decision report.

You can modify or delete an activity, but when an activity is assigned to an activity group, you can’t delete the activity.

Let’s take a look at how to set up application activities:

  1. Select Common Setup > Activity.

  2. On the Activity page, click Add to add a new activity.

  3. On the Activity Details page, you’ll find these fields:

    Page Element


    Activity ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the activity. You can’t modify this field after saving the activity.


    Enter a name for the activity.


    Enter a description of the activity.


    Displays Planning and Zoning to indicate the offering this activity will be used for.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch when the activity is ready for use.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Up Activity Groups

When configuring activity tracking for your agency and after defining reusable activities, you define the grouping of activities that apply to a planning application type.

First, define the activity group that will be mapped to one or more planning application types. You can reuse activity groups for different application types. Then assign the activities that have already been set up to activity groups and set up the rules for calculating due dates. The groups identify the list of tasks involved in processing a planning application.

You can modify or delete an activity group, but you can’t delete the activity group when it’s associated with a planning application type.

Here’s how to define the activity group:

  1. Select Common Setup > Activity Group.

  2. On the Activity Group page, click Add to add a new group.

  3. On the Activity Group Details page, enter a values for the group.

    Page Element


    Activity Group ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the activity group.

    Activity Group

    Enter a name for the activity group.


    Enter a description of the activity group.


    Displays Planning and Zoning to indicate the offering this activity group will be used for.

  4. Add activities to the group in the Activity section.

    You can click the Activity link to see the list of activities available for use in the group.

  5. Turn on the Enabled switch when the activity group is ready for use.

  6. Click Save.

The next step is to define the rules for each activity that are used to calculate due dates and manage the activity.

Defining Planning Application Activity Rules

You define planning application activity rules for each activity in an activity group to track and manage tasks based on important due dates.

The rules are based on events that occur during the planning application lifecycle—which include when the application is received, application acceptance, the hearing schedule, and the hearing decision—and determine how the activity due dates are calculated.

Activity Rule Example

Let’s take a look at an example. First, the agency sets up a reusable activity City Clerk Publishes Final Packet, which can be part of multiple agency groups. This activity reminds the planning application staff to publish the final packet before the public hearing. After the activity is assigned to an activity group, the agency defines the rules for tracking the activity. In this example, the activity is related to the hearing, based on the City Council hearing date. That is, the City Council hearing date is the base date and activities may be due before or after. Here the task is due 7 days before the hearing date, and if the hearing is canceled or rescheduled, agency staff can repeat the activity with a new base date.

The example Activity Group – Activity setup page shown here is described in the surrounding text.

Activity Group - Activity page

When the hearing with the City Council is scheduled, the activity based on the rule is inserted into the activity tracking list for the planning application as shown here.

The due date for the activity is calculated to be 7 days before the hearing date. The hearing date in this example is 10/21/20 and the activity is due 10/14/20.

Notice how the activity or activities with same base date in the group are activated on the application’s activity tracking page. In this example, all of the activities associated with the hearing base date appear in the list when the hearing date is scheduled.

Defining Activity Rules

Here’s how to define activity rules that are used to determine due dates of tasks:

  1. Select Common Setup > Activity Group.

  2. On the Activity Group page, select the row with the activity group that you want to add activities to.

  3. Click the Add button in the Activity section on the Activity Group Details page.

  4. On the Activity page, select an activity from the reusable activities you set up in the first step of due date tracking setup. For more information, see Setting Up Activities.

    The activity name and description are displayed once you select an activity.

  5. Next select the base date for calculating due dates, when the event in the application timeline occurs. Choose one of the following from the Base Date list:

    Activity Base Date

    Event Description

    Submission Date

    The date when the application was submitted in the agency system.

    Acceptance Date

    The date when the agency accepts the application after submission. The workflow process populates the acceptance date in the application

    Hearing Date

    The scheduled hearing date for the planning application. The calculated activity due date is updated when the hearing date changes.

    Hearing Decision Date

    The date when the hearing body makes a decision about the planning application, such Approved or Denied.

  6. For each base date, enter the due date rule in days in the Due Date field. For example, if an activity deadline is 30 days after the application acceptance date, enter 30 in the Due Date field and select Days after base date. You can also indicate whether the due date is prior to the base date by selecting Days before base date.

  7. Then set up the unique rules for each activity based on the event date.

    • If you select the Submission Date base date, you provide a due date and also indicate whether the application can be resubmitted. For example, when an application is submitted, state law provides up to 30 days to review the application and determine its completeness. When an application is resubmitted, the 30-day allowance begins again. It can only be resubmitted if it’s incomplete.

    • The Acceptance Date base date selection only requires due date values.

    • For the Hearing Date and Hearing Decision Date base dates, enter the due date and values for the following fields:

      Page Element


      Hearing Body

      This field applies only to the Hearing Date Hearing Decision Date base dates. Select from the available hearing bodies that evaluate the application. Your agency sets up the hearing bodies you can choose from. For more information, see Setting Up Hearing Bodies.

      Hearing Decision

      This field applies only to the Hearing Decision Date base date. Select one or more decisions about the planning application: Approved, Continue, Denied, and None. The calculated activity due date is based on the date the hearing decision is made with one of the specified outcomes.

      Redo Activity with New Base Date

      Indicate whether the activity needs to be redone whenever the base date changes. For example, the activity based on the current due date is complete, but you want to redo the activity based on a new date. A new row automatically appears on the activity tracking page with the new base date and calculated due date.

  8. Turn on the Enabled switch when the activity rule is ready for use. You can turn off the switch to disable the activity rule but you can’t delete it if the activity group is in use.

  9. Click Save.

Setting Up Actions Based on Activities

You can set up business rules in the Business Rules Framework to automatically update a workflow step and send communications based on an entitlement activity status change in the activity tracking.

The Business Rules Framework is an event-driven, action framework that enables you to execute various actions based on conditions in the business rules you define. Here the business rules can automate workflow and communications actions based on the progression of planning application activities. For more information about the Business Rules Framework, see Business Rules Framework Overview.

Before you begin, set up activity tracking, define the workflow process in Oracle Autonomous Integration Cloud (OIC), and set up communication templates. For information about workflow, see Setting Up Process Definitions for Workflow. For information about setting up communication templates, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

The workflow advances and communications are sent when the activity conditions are met. In this example, the workflow status for the human task Review Application Completeness is automatically set to Complete when the Completeness Review activity in activity tracking is set to Completed. Also, when the status of the Completeness Review activity is changed to Completed, the selected communication templates from the Planning Activity Updated communication event are sent.

Let’s look at setting up the business rule with the conditions to trigger workflow advancement and communication actions:

  1. Select Common Setup > Business Rules Framework.

  2. Select the Planning and Zoning tile.

  3. In the list of planning and zoning events, select the Planning Activity Updated event.

  4. Click Add to create a business rule.

  5. Define the conditions for the action in the Conditions section.

    • 1. Activity Equals Completeness Review AND

    • 2. Activity Status Equals Completed

    Example of entitlement activity conditions described in the surrounding text

    Example of Business Rules Framework rule condition for entitlement activity
  6. Select actions:

    • The Update Workflow action that updates a workflow process instance.

    • The Send Communication action that sends emails and notifications based on communication templates.

    Workflow advancement and communications actions described in the surrounding text

    Example of Business Rules Framework rule workflow action
  7. Click the Configure link for the Update Workflow action to configure the workflow action values in the Update Workflow table.

    Identify the workflow step and the action that should be used when updating a task. In this example, the values are Review Application Completeness for the PSC_ACTIVITY_TYPE workflow property and Completed for the action.

  8. Click the Configure link for the Send Communication action to select communication templates from the Planning Activity Updated communication event in the Activity Tracking resource. .

    You can select templates by template code or channel type. You can also process all Planning Activity Updated templates. Click the Edit Templates link to access and update the templates.

When the activity conditions are satisfied, the business rule triggers the workflow and communications actions.