1Managing Users

Managing Users in Public Sector Compliance and Regulation

This topic provides an overview of the types of users and describes how users are created and managed within Public Sector Compliance and Regulation.

Overview of User Types in Public Sector Compliance and Regulation

In the Public Sector Compliance and Regulation offerings, there are these types of users:

  • Anonymous Users

  • Registered Users

An anonymous user:

  • Accesses the site, but either has not registered with the application, or they have not signed in.

  • Could be an unregistered resident, a business owner, a contractor, and so on.

  • Can access the public landing page, view all transaction types, use a GIS map, self-register, run specific reports, and so on.

Note: You do not create anonymous users or assign roles to them. For any user who is not registered and signed in, the application automatically assigns them the anonymous user role and privileges. The anonymous user role is a Fusion Applications role, and can’t be modified or cloned.

A registered user can be a:

  • Registered public user.

  • Agency staff member.

A registered public user:

  • Could be a resident, a contractor, a business owner, and so on.

  • Can access the registered user landing page, view their applications, apply for transaction types like permits, pay fees, manage their own user account, and so on.

An agency staff member:

  • Could be a permit technician, plan reviewer, plan coordinator, building inspector, and so on.

  • Can access the Agency Springboard, view assigned tasks, view all transaction types, plus they can access additional job-specific functions and data.

Note: For the Public Sector Compliance and Regulation offering, you do not create users through the Security Console interface. You create them using Public Sector Compliance and Regulation service described in the following sections.

Creating Registered Public Users

When an unregistered user, clicks the Register button in the global header, and successfully completes the registration process, the application creates a user account for that user.

System administrators can define the information the anonymous user must provide during the registration process using the Public User Setup page.

For more information on the Public User Setup page, see Setting Up Public Users.

In addition to defining the options on the user registration page, system administrators can also define the roles that will automatically be assigned to the users upon registration using the Public User Roles page.

A registered public user would typically have a set of roles assigned to them, for example:

  • The PSC Registered Public User abstract role to provide all the default access for a resident, contractor, and so on.

  • The custom roles created during implementation to provide access to transactions, such as CUSTOM_PSC_MANAGE_PERMITS and CUSTOM_PSC_VIEW_PERMITS.

For more information on the Public User Roles page, see Setting Up Public User Roles.

For more information on the roles that need to be assigned to registered public users, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Compliance and Regulation

Creating Agency Staff Users

The agency staff user is employed by the agency in the capacity of administering or processing transactions, such as permit applications, planning applications, and so on.

You create agency staff users on the Agency Staff page, where you can create and manage the agency staff profile.

For more information, on the Agency Staff page, see Managing Agency Staff Profiles.

An agency staff member would typically have a set of roles assigned to them. For example, the following list illustrates a minimum set of roles:

  • The PSC Agency Staff abstract role to provide all the default access for an agency employee.

  • At least one of the delivered job roles, such as PSC Permit Technician, to provide access to the functions and data required to complete job tasks.

  • The custom roles created during implementation to provide access for job tasks, such as CUSTOM_PSC_MANAGE_PERMITS and CUSTOM_PSC_VIEW_PERMITS.

For more information on the roles that need to be assigned to various agency user types, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Compliance and Regulation.

Signing In

Depending on your identity provider platform, which could be Fusion or Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) the sign-in screen appears differently. You select your identity provider during licensing and implementation of the offering.

This example illustrates signing in using Fusion Security as your identity provider.

Signing in with Fusion security

This example illustrates signing in using Oracle IDCS as your identity provider.

Signing in with Oracle IDCS

This example illustrates the prompt an anonymous user receives if they attempt to perform an action that requires specific credentials, such as accessing an intake form. The anonymous user can choose to sign in using their user ID or register in the system to obtain a user ID.

Prompt to sign in or register
If you are using Microsoft Active Directory to store user information, refer to Oracle Applications Cloud: Securing Applications, "Bridge for Microsoft Active Directory."
Note: While you can use Fusion or IDCS as your identity provider, IDCS must be used to integrate with Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC).

Setting the Next URL for the Default User Category

This topic describes how to set the Next URL property for the default user category so that the current user is directed to the Public Sector Compliance and Regulation offering after registering in the system and setting up user credentials and passwords.

This setup task only needs to be completed once for all users because all users are associated with the DEFAULT user category.

  1. Navigate to the Security Console.

  2. Select the User Categories tab.

  3. Click the DEFAULT user category link.

  4. On the DEFAULT User Category: Details page update the Next URL edit box to reflect the URL for your Oracle Public Sector Compliance and Regulation implementation.


  5. Save your changes.

Note: The URL entered using the previous steps, such as https://server.example.com/fscmUI/pscrAuthentication.html should only be used for setting the Next URL value.The URL that can be published for external public users is to access the service is: https://server.example.com/fscmUI/publicSector.htmlUsers can bookmark the URL for accessing the Public Sector Compliance and Regulation homepage.
Note: In some cases, an existing Oracle Fusion Applications customer may want employees to be redirected to the Fusion Applications homepage and may only want the public users to be redirected to Public Sector Compliance and Regulation homepage. In this case, you need to create a new user category for the public users and perform the steps above for the new category instead of for the DEFAULT user category. The new category you create would need to be referenced on the Public User Set Up page.

Setting Up Users for Oracle Mobile Applications

System administrators set up Oracle Inspector and Oracle Municipal Code Officer with profiles and security before they can implement the application on their mobile devices.

Before an inspector or agency staff member can install, configure, and use the mobile application, you must do the following:

  • Create an agency staff profile for each user.

  • Configure security for each user.

Tip: If your agency is using Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) as your identity provider (IdP), you must send your field officers an email containing the Mobile Application Activation link from the Agency Mobile Setup page.For information on sending notifications, see Managing Mobile Application Activation.
Tip: Oracle recommends that agencies implement mobile device management (MDM) software to protect employees' mobile devices from security threats, such as malware and theft.

Creating an Agency Staff Profile

Make sure that each user has an agency staff profile to log into the mobile application. Because the application package configuration is secure, agency staff must enter their login credentials before the environment begins to download.

For more information about creating agency staff profiles, see the documentation for Managing Agency Staff Profiles.

Configuring Security

Agency administrators must explicitly grant mobile application access to the necessary agency user roles. Users can open the application but need the proper credentials. Make sure the appropriate users have the following role assigned for the specific application they are using:

Mobile Application


Oracle Inspector



Oracle Municipal Code Officer


For information about setting up roles, see the documentation for Managing Roles in Public Sector Compliance and Regulation.