Working with Conditions

You can view, apply, and resolve conditions on permits in the Oracle Inspector mobile application on the Conditions page.

When you access the Conditions page by clicking the Conditions button on the Inspection Details page in the mobile application, you can:

  • Review existing conditions applied to the permit.

  • Review condition details.

  • Resolve existing conditions.

  • Apply new conditions.

Conditions on the permit can prevent you from scheduling an inspection and providing inspection results. They can also prevent you from adding or proceeding with a final inspection.

If conditions have been applied to a permit, an icon appears on various pages to indicate the type of condition, such as lock, hold, or notice. If there are multiple conditions applied to the permit, the most severe condition is displayed. You can see which conditions have been applied in the condition details.

For more information about conditions, see Applying Conditions to Applications.

This example illustrates the Conditions page containing the field values described in the following table.

Oracle Inspector - Conditions page

Action elements on the Conditions page

Page Element


Apply Condition

Click this button to add a new restriction to the permit.

See Applying Conditions to Applications.


Click this button to resolve the restriction that was applied to the permit.

View More Details button

Click the detail icon next to the condition in the list to access condition details. You can resolve the condition on the details page.

Types of Permit Inspection Conditions

Three types of conditions apply specifically to permit inspections:

  • Prevent Inspection Schedule

  • Prevent Inspection Result

  • Prevent Final Inspection

Agency staff applies the Prevent Inspection Schedule condition to prevent the inspector from adding an inspection.

When agency staff applies the Prevent Inspection Result condition on the permit, the inspector can't click the Result button on the Inspection Detail page to finalize the results of any type of inspection. You also can't work with the checklist.

When agency staff applies the Prevent Final Inspection condition, the inspector can't add an inspection, provide results for items in the checklist, or click the Result button on the Inspection Detail page to finalize the results. The condition can be applied at any point in the permit process except on complete or canceled permits.

You can, however, add a pending or placeholder final inspection if the agency has enabled pending inspections for permits. To add a pending final inspection, you turn on the Pending switch on the Request page when adding the inspection. The condition prevents inspection supervisors from assigning or scheduling the inspection until the condition is resolved.