Getting an Online Fee Estimate

Agency staff and registered public users can get fee estimates online outside of the application process.

Estimating Fees Using A Simplified Intake Form

The online calculator estimates application fees based on the fee structure of the application type.

After signing in, you can select the Estimate Fees action on the Agency Springboard. Public users select this action on the registered user landing page. From the Apply page you can initiate an application for a permit, but for a fee estimate you’ll launch the fee calculator from the fee estimate icon. Based on the fee structure for the application you choose, you’ll enter information that is relevant to the fees, without filling out an application. The estimated fees are calculated and displayed for your review with fee line descriptions and amounts. You'll also see whether a fee is due when you submit the application or payable later when required. You might want to simulate new scenarios simply by entering new values, or by selecting a different type of application. Once you have a fee estimate and decide to move forward, you can begin the application process, if desired.

Note: The calculated fees are only an estimate and may change without notice. The final fees are determined when you submit the application and during application processing.

Here’s how to get an online estimate:

  1. Go to the Agency Springboard if you are gathering information for a public user. Registered public users can go to their landing page.

  2. In the I Want To quick actions drop-down list, select Estimate Fees.

  3. Once you’re on the Apply page, find the application type you want and click the Estimate Fees icon. For example, if you want to get an estimate for a building permit, click the icon next to the button to start a building permit application.

  4. Fill out the form to the best of your knowledge with the information required to calculate the fees. For example, enter the square footage of the building.

  5. Click Calculate.

  6. For different scenarios, enter new values and click Calculate to see the updated estimate.

The estimated fees are displayed for your review with the fee description, amount, and whether the fee is due when you submit the application or payable when required.