Managing Authorized Agents

Authorized agents are added when an applicant self-identifies as an agent for a licensed contractor. Agency staff can review and update the information and indicate whether the authorized agent is a contractor operating under the contractor license.

The agent’s name and contact information are copied from the applicant information on the intake form and added to the list of authorized agents in the Associations tab of the contractor record.

You can’t manually add authorized agent information for a license, but you can verify agents and update an agent’s verification status depending on the results. Only verified agents are marked as active. Agents who are pending verification or whose verification failed are marked as inactive.

To manage authorized agents for a license:

  1. Select Contractor > Contractors.

  2. Locate and select the contractor license.

  3. Click the Associations link to access the tab with authorized agent information.

  4. Review the following information:

    Authorized agent summary fields

    Page Element



    Displays the authorized agent’s name, email, and phone.


    Displays the business name from the contractor license details.


    Displays the relationship this person has to the contractor license:

    • Authorized Agent: A person who has shown valid documentation for using this license.

    • Contractor: A person who is a contractor operating under this license.


    Displays the authorized agent’s address.


    Displays Active if the agent has been verified.

    Displays Inactive if verification is pending or the verification has failed.

  5. Click a row to access agent details.

  6. Update the Verification Status by selecting Verified, Pending verification, or Verification failed.

    The default status for an agent who submits an application is Pending verification.

  7. Update the Association Type by selecting Authorized Agent or Contractor to indicate how the person is associated with the licensed contractor.

  8. The Last Reviewed field displays the date when the authorized agent information was last reviewed.

  9. Make any necessary changes to the agent’s personal information or contact information.

    The default values are copied from the applicant section of the intake form where the applicant self-identified as an authorized agent. You can update everything except the agent’s name.

  10. Click Save.

    The detail window closes and your changes are saved. If you changed the verification status, the system also updates the Association field on the agent list and the Last Reviewed field on the agent detail page.