Managing Manual Plan Review Cycles

The plan coordinator manages the plan review cycle, which is a series of plan reviews completed by multiple reviewers.

As a plan coordinator, you perform these review cycle tasks on the Plan Reviews page:

  • Add plan review cycles.

  • Cancel plan review cycles.

  • Add and remove plan reviewers.

  • View the different plan review cycles.

  • Add comments for a review cycle.

  • View all plan review comments.

To access the Plan Reviews page for a transaction:

  1. Select Permits or Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select a transaction record with a status of Plan Review.

  3. In the navigation panel, select Permit Information > Plan Reviews or Planning Application > Plan Reviews.

This example shows the Plan Reviews page for a manual review.

Example of the Plan Reviews page for a manual review
Tip: You can access this page on a mobile device as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. On a mobile device, this page enables you to view plan review status and comments. It does not enable you to add or edit plan review information.

Manual Plan Review Cycle Workflow

The plan review workflow for the plan coordinator appears on the Task Management page. As a plan coordinator, you sort tasks by Workflow.

When the last reviewer provides a decision status for a plan review cycle, it is automatically closed. Upon closing, the overall review status changes to Complete.

The system also updates the plan review cycle details with the most severe decision status from the individual plan reviewers. The decision statuses are listed here, from most to least severe: Rejected, Revision Required, Approved with Comments, Approved, and Not Required. If plans have one or more rejections, or revisions are required, the plan coordinator may require the applicant to correct the plans and resubmit them for another review cycle.

You can configure the Business Rules Framework to trigger the generation of a communication to designated users when a review cycle is completed or canceled. For example, the completion of a review cycle can send a notification to the plan coordinator. For more information, see Setting Up Send Communication Actions.

Workflow is automatically moved forward to the next step when the current plan review cycle status is Complete and the plan review decision is Approved, Approved with Comments, or Not Required. The workflow process definition needs to identify the plan review task and the action to take when auto-advancing. For more information, see Using Custom Properties.

Once a plan review cycle or transaction is closed or canceled, you can no longer edit comments.

Adding Manual Plan Review Cycles

The first cycle of a plan review is automatically created when a permit technician or assigned planner puts the transaction into Plan Review status. You add subsequent cycles until the plan review is complete.

  1. On the Plan Reviews page, click the Add Review Cycle button to add a new plan review cycle.

    This button is available only when all other plan review cycles for the transaction are complete or canceled.

  2. If Enable Default of Plan Review Name is turned on for the agency, the default review cycle name is the name of the previous cycle. Otherwise, there is no default name. You can edit or enter the cycle name on the Add Plan Review page. You can also edit the cycle name at any time on the Plan Review page.

  3. Select the check box on the Add Plan Review page if you want to copy the reviewers from the most recent review cycle.

  4. Click the Add button.

The cycle must be canceled or complete before you can add another new plan review cycle. That is, you can have only one active plan review cycle at a time. The number of review cycles is shown in the Plan Reviews page header details, and you can switch between multiple cycles to view reviewer and decision details.

If you want to add a due date for the plan review cycle, click Edit next to the Due Date field and select a due date. If Enable Cascading Cycle Due Date is turned on for the agency, the due date you enter here is automatically entered for any reviewer due dates that are blank. Additionally, you can click the Copy Plan Review Cycle Due Date to Plan Reviewers button next to the Due Date field to overwrite all plan reviewer dates with the due date for the plan review cycle.

You can set up the system to send communications when cycle or reviewer due dates are approaching. For more information, see Setting Up Notifications for Plan Review Due Dates.

For more information on agency-level plan review options, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits and Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Planning Applications.

Canceling Manual Plan Review Cycles

On the Plan Reviews page, click the Cancel Review Cycle button to cancel a plan review cycle that is active. This button is available only when the plan review cycle has a status of In Progress.

Canceling a cycle sets the review cycle status to Canceled. After canceling, the cycle and review details are read-only. All active tasks associated with the plan review are canceled when the plan review cycle is canceled.

Note: An active plan review cycle is canceled when the transaction that it is associated with is withdrawn.

Recording Time for Plan Reviews

Agency staff can use the Record Time section to record the time they spend on their plan reviews. For more information, see Adding Time Entries.

Accessing Conditions of Approval for Planning Applications

Click the Conditions of Approval link on the Plan Review page to access the Conditions of Approval page for the planning application. This link is available only for planning applications. For more information on conditions of approval see Working with Conditions of Approval.

Adding Reviewers to Manual Plan Reviews

After creating a plan review cycle, you add plan reviewers on the Plan Review page.

If the transaction type associated with the transaction includes required plan review departments, those departments are displayed at the top of the Reviewers grid. Once a reviewer from a required department is added to the plan review cycle, that department no longer appears.

If Enable Auto Assignment is turned on for the transaction type, a reviewer row is automatically added to the plan review cycle for each required plan reviewer department selected for the transaction type. Additionally, the department lead for each department is automatically assigned as the reviewer. For more information, see Setting Up Permit Types and Setting Up Planning Application Types.

  1. On the Plan Review page, click the Add Reviewers button.

    The Add Reviewers modal page displays a list of available reviewers by plan reviewer department. For more information on plan reviewer departments, see Setting Up Plan Reviewer Departments.

    Reviewers are available in the list only when they have a transaction type job attribute that matches the transaction type of the transaction.

    Additionally, if the parcel or address for the transaction is associated with a plan review district, only the reviewers that have the matching plan review district job attribute are initially available on the page. Turn on the Show Reviewers for All Districts switch to view all reviewers regardless of which plan review district is assigned to them. The District column displays which districts are assigned to each reviewer. The Show Reviewers for All Districts switch and the District column appear on the Add Reviewers modal page only if a plan review district is assigned to the transaction.

    For more information on plan review districts, see Setting Up District Types, Setting Up Districts, Assigning Districts to Parcels, and Assigning Districts to Addresses.

    For more information on assigning job attributes, see Managing Agency Staff Profiles.

    The Count column displays the number of plan reviews currently assigned to each reviewer. This enables a plan coordinator to consider a reviewer’s workload when deciding whether to add them to a plan review.

  2. Select the check box next to each reviewer that you want to add.

  3. Click Save.

    When the Reviewers grid refreshes, you’ll see the added reviewers with an In Progress status.

Note: If you’re resubmitting a plan for review, you can elect to copy the original set of reviewers when you add a new plan review cycle. See Managing Manual Plan Review Cycles.

Removing Reviewers from Manual Plan Reviews

As a plan coordinator, you can remove or delete plan reviewers from a plan review cycle on the Plan Review page.

In the Reviewers grid, click the Delete button for a reviewer. You can remove reviewers when:

  • The plan review cycle is active.

  • The reviewer’s status is In Progress.

  • You entered an override decision for a reviewer, but the reviewer did not enter comments or a decision before the override.

You cannot delete a reviewer if the reviewer has added comments or entered a decision.

Note: Removing the last plan reviewer who hasn’t yet submitted a decision permanently closes the plan review cycle. If desired, you can add a new reviewer before removing the last reviewer, or close the cycle and open a new one.

Viewing the Different Plan Review Cycles

You can switch between plan review cycles to view the Reviewers grid for each cycle.

  1. Click the Switch Cycle link in the plan review header details.

    This link is available only when there are two or more plan review cycles.

  2. On the Switch Cycle page, click the Select button for the cycle you would like to view.

    The refreshed page shows the cycle header details and reviewers for the selected cycle.

Adding Comments for a Review Cycle

Plan coordinators can add comments at the review cycle level on the Plan Reviews page.

Click Add Comment at the bottom of the Plan Reviews page to enter a comment.

All of the comments entered for the review cycle appear on the Plan Reviews page below the Add Comment button. You can’t edit comments once the plan review cycle or permit is closed or canceled.

Viewing All Plan Review Comments

Plan coordinators, plan reviewers, and applicants can view all comments entered for all cycles of a plan review on the Plan Reviews page.

Click the Consolidated Plan Comments link.

This example shows the View Plan Comments page.

Example of the View Plan Comments page

The View Plan Comments page displays all of the comments entered for a plan review by all participants during every review cycle. The comments listed on this page are searchable and filterable.