Working with Meetings

Meetings are scheduled between registered public users and agency staff to review and discuss the requirements of the application submitted for business license, pre-application, or planning application.

Business License: A consultation meeting is scheduled between the registered public user who has submitted a consultation application and the agency assigned specialist – to review and discuss the requirements of the business license.

Applicants and authorized agency staff schedule consultation meetings. The authorized staff are the business license manager and the business license specialist.

Planning application: A meeting is scheduled between the registered public user who has submitted a pre-application or planning application and the agency assigned planner – to review and discuss the requirements of the project.

Applicants and authorized agency staff schedule meetings. The authorized staff include the planning assistant, zoning administrator, principal planner, and associate planner.

Administrators configure the system to enable the applicants and the agency staff to schedule meetings – using the Meeting Setup Template page. See Setting Up Meetings.

Security Details for Working with Meetings

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to working with meetings.

Security roles for working with Meetings.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Access Planner Calendar

Access the planner calendar.

PSC Agency Staff – All agency users

PSC Planning Application Meeting Inquiry

View a planning application meeting.

PSC Agency Staff – All agency users

PSC Planning Application Meeting Management

Schedule and reschedule planning application meetings.

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Pre-Application Meeting Inquiry

View a pre-application meeting.

PSC Agency Staff – All agency users

PSC Pre-Application Meeting Management

Schedule and reschedule pre-application meetings.

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Review Summary Inquiry

View pre-application outcome.

All users including users without login

PSC Review Summary Management Self

Manage pre-application outcome of applications assigned to themselves.

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Review Summary Management All

Manage pre-application outcome for all the applications.

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Principal Planner

PSC System Administrator

PSC Planning Application Management with Elevated Access

Manage pre-application outcome for all the applications.

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Principal Planner

PSC System Administrator

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permits, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Scheduling a Meeting

Specialists schedule consultation meetings on the Business Consultation Meeting Request page.

Planners use the Pre-application Meeting Request page for scheduling pre-application meetings and the Planning Application Meeting Request page for planning application meetings.

Applicants can schedule a meeting depending on the scheduling configuration on the Meeting Setup Template page. See Setting Up Meetings.

To schedule a meeting:

  1. Access the transactions page from the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application, pre-application, or the planning application record for which you want to schedule a meeting. The detail page opens.

  3. For consultation application click Consultation Information and for pre-application or planning application click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the meetings page for the application.

  5. Click the Schedule Meetings button.

  6. On the meeting request page, the meeting subject, agenda, and the location are displayed as set up in the meeting template applied. Enter values for the following fields:

    This table describes the element attributes.

    Page Element


    Meeting Subject

    Review the subject for the meeting.

    Note: Only specialists or planners can change the subject of the meeting.

    Meeting Agenda

    Review the agenda for the meeting.

    Note: Only specialists or planners can change the agenda of the meeting.

    Scheduled Date

    Select a date to schedule the meeting. The dates available for scheduling your meeting are based on the meeting template applied and the agency’s holiday calendar.

    See Setting Up Planning Application Types for the pre-application meeting template and Setting Up Business License Types for the consultation meeting template.

    For more details about templates, see Setting Up Meetings.

    Scheduled Time

    Select the start time of the scheduled meeting. The time values available for scheduling your meeting are based on the template applied by the administrator.

    Meeting Duration in Hours

    View the duration of the meeting, which is set up by the administrator in the template applied.

    Meeting Location

    View the location of the meeting. Only specialists or planners can change the location of the meeting.


    View the list of additional invitees for the meting. Agency staff can add or remove invitees.

  7. Click the Schedule button to schedule the meeting and return to the meetings page. You can view the record of the meeting you just scheduled.

    Workflow tasks are automatically updated using the Business Rules Framework when meetings are scheduled.

    • When you schedule a business meeting, the workflow task Schedule Business Consultation will be updated to Completed.

    • When you schedule a pre-application or planning application meeting, the workflow task Schedule Meeting will be updated to Completed.

    For more about workflow, see Using Workflow.

    You can configure the Business Rules Framework to trigger the generation of a communication to the applicant and the assigned planner. For more information, see Business Rules Framework Overview and Setting Up Business Rules

    Communication using the Meeting template: An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency staff, with the schedule and details of the meeting — depending on the meeting setup template applied. Invitees receive an email about the meeting.

Adding Comments to a Meeting

Presently, the Comments functionality is available only for Planning Applications, and not for Business License and Pre-applications.

Comments enable you to add additional information to a meeting schedule. To add a comment:

  1. Access the meetings page.

  2. Click the Add Comment icon.

  3. On the Comments page, add a new comment by entering the text. You can use the Rich Text options for formatting.

  4. To add a comment by selecting from a list of existing comments:

    1. Click Select Comments on the Add Comments page.

    2. On the Select Comments page, click Favorite, Standard, or Recent to see the corresponding list of comments. For more information about standard comments, see Working with Comments.

Modifying and Deleting Comments in a Meeting

  1. Access the meetings page.

  2. Click the Comments icon in the condition record.

  3. On the Comments page, select the comment you want to modify.

  4. Make changes to the text and click Save.

  5. To delete the comment, click the Delete icon on the Comment page.

Viewing Meetings

  • Agency staff and registered public users view a list of meetings through their transactions page:

    • Registered users and specialists: Business Consultation Meetings page.

    • Registered users and planners: Pre-application Meetings page or Planning Application Meetings page.

  • Agency staff can also use the Calendar to view all the meetings scheduled at the agency level or just view their own meeting schedules. The following sections detail the two ways of viewing meeting schedules.

Viewing Meetings through Transactions Page

  1. Access the transactions page from the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application, pre-application, or the planning application record for which you want to schedule a meeting. The detail page opens.

  3. For consultation application click Consultation Information and for pre-application or planning application click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the meetings page for the application.

  5. View the list of meetings, including this information:

    This table describes the element attributes.

    Page Element


    Meeting Details

    View the date of the meeting along with the timings and status.


    View the subject of the scheduled meeting.

    Meeting Location

    View the location of the scheduled meeting.


    View the list of additional attendees added by the agency staff when scheduling the meeting.


    Click to open the meeting request page and select a new date and time for the meeting. See the section Rescheduling a Meeting.


    Click to cancel the scheduled meeting.

Viewing Meetings on the Calendar

Agency assigned staff can use the Calendar to view their own meeting schedules or all the meeting schedules for the entire agency.

  • Specialist Calendar shows the consultation meetings.

  • Planner Calendar shows the meeting schedules for pre-application, public hearing, and planning application meetings.

  1. Select the Specialist Calendar tile (for business license) or the Planner Calendar tile (for pre-application, hearing, and planning application) on the Agency Springboard.

    Planners can also access the planner calendar from the Planner Worklist. On the Agency Springboard select Planner Worklist > Calendar. For more information on Planner Worklist, see Using the Planner Worklist.

  2. On the Business Consultation Calendar page (for business license) or the Planner Calendar page (for pre-application, hearing, and planning application) you can view the details of the meeting schedule. Click the application link to access the transaction application page.

  3. On the calendar page you can perform the following actions:

    This table describes the element attributes.

    Page Element



    View the meeting schedules for consultation, pre-application, public hearing, and planning applications for:

    • My meetings (Default)

    • All meetings

    Calendar View button

    Select to view the meeting schedules on a calendar. You can choose to view the calendar by month, week, or day. This view is the default selection.

    List View button

    Select to view the meeting schedules in a list format, with the current meeting displayed at the top followed by the future schedules. You use the Filter option to search the past and future meeting schedules. Use the Sort By and Search options to refine your search results.

Rescheduling a Meeting

You reschedule a meeting on the meetings page. Applicants can reschedule their meetings only if the administrator has enabled the settings in the template that is applied.

Note: To schedule, reschedule, or cancel public hearing meetings related to planning applications, see Working with Public Hearings.
  1. Access the transactions page from the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application, planning application, or the pre-application for which you want to reschedule the meeting.

  3. For consultation application click Consultation Information and for pre-application or planning application click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Navigate to the Meetings link to view the meetings page for the application.

  5. On the record of the meeting you want to reschedule, click the Reschedule button.

  6. On the meeting request page you can select a new available date and time for the meeting.

    Note: Only specialists or planners can edit the subject, agenda, and location of the meeting.
  7. Click Schedule.

    The meetings page now lists the newly scheduled meeting record and the previous meeting record shows with a status of Canceled.

    An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency staff, with the updated meeting schedule — depending on the setup in the Communication template. For more information on communication event templates, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

Canceling a Meeting

You cancel a meeting on the meetings page related to the transaction.

  1. Access the transactions page from the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the consultation application, planning application, or the pre-application for which you want to reschedule the meeting.

  3. For consultation application click Consultation Information and for pre-application or planning application click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Meetings link to view the meetings page for the application.

  5. On the record of the meeting you want to cancel, click the Cancel button.

  6. Click OK to confirm. The meeting page now lists the meeting record with a status of Canceled.

    An online notification and email are sent to the applicant and to the assigned agency staff, that the meeting has been canceled.