Working with Related Transactions

Applicants and agency users can link their consultation, business license, permit, or planning applications to other transactions using the Related Transactions page. Agency staff can establish links between transactions and code enforcement cases. Only agency staff such as a code technician have access to the Case – Related Transactions page and are allowed to drill down to the case detail from other transactions. Public users do not have access to related transactions for cases.

As agency staff you can establish relationships between transactions and then perform actions such as viewing the related transaction applications, marking them as primary or sub-application, and removing the link.

The following diagram shows the related transactions linking for a selected application:

Related transactions linking

Related Transactions Linking

Security Details for Working with Related Transactions

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to working with related transactions.

Security roles for working with related transactions.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Manage Related Transactions

Manage related transactions.

PSC Agency Staff - All agency users PSC System Administrator

PSC Registered Public users

Manage related transactions. Access is also dependent on the related transactions configuration in agency setup.

PSC Registered Public users

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permits, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Viewing Related Transactions

The Related Transactions page lists all the transactions linked to the selected application including those transactions that are in turn linked to the transaction you have linked. To view all the related transactions:

  1. Access the Transactions page for your consultation, business license, permit, or planning application from the Agency Springboard. For Code Enforcement, access the Cases page.

  2. Select the business license, permit, case, or planning application for which you want to link a transaction.

  3. Click the Related Transactions link in the left panel to open the Related Transactions page and view related transactions added by applicants, contacts, and agency staff.

    Note: For code enforcement cases, only agency staff can add and manage related transactions.
  4. View the details of the linked transactions:

    Elements on the Related Transactions page:

    Page Element


    Primary application


    View the relationship of the linked transaction application with the selected application.


    View the identifier of the linked transaction, a link to access the application detail, and the type of application.

    Note: The detail link is available only for agency staff. Public users accessing this page for their transaction can only view the identifier of the application or case. They cannot drill down to the detail page.


    View the status of the transaction or case and the date of update.


    View the description of the transaction.


    View the detail related to the linking of the transaction:

    • Manual or Automatic linking: The transactions that are manually linked to this application show as Manual and the other transactions that are indirectly linked show as Automatic. For example, if you link transaction 1 to your application X, then the Related Transaction page on your application X shows 1 as Manual and any other transaction that is linked to 1 shows as Automatic.

    • Primary or Sub-application: The relationship of the linked transaction with the selected application

    • Linked by <user> with <date>: The user (staff or public user) who linked the transaction, with the date of linking.


    Click and choose from options to mark a transaction as primary, sub-application, for removing the link, or for applying conditions of approval to permits. See a separate section on performing actions.

Adding a Related Transaction

As an applicant, you can establish links only from your business license, permit, or planning application. Agency staff can however add related transactions from any transaction.

Code enforcement case related transactions are created and managed only by agency staff such as a code technician.

Note: Linking option for related transactions is set up in Functional Setup Manager (FSM). For details on setting up the related transactions for your agency, see Setting Up Agencies- Setting Up Related Transaction Linking.

To link a business license, permit, case, or planning application to a transaction:

  1. Access the Transactions page from the Agency Springboard.

    For cases, access the Cases tile from the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the business license, permit, case, or planning application for which you want to link a transaction.

  3. Click the Related Transactions link in the left panel to open the Related Transactions page.

  4. Click the Link button to open the Link Transaction page, which lists the applications you can link. Agency staff can access the list of cases in a separate tab. These pages list all the active applications and cases related to the selected property or case. Enable the Show All switch to view all the applications or cases in the system.

    Note: If no property is associated with the application or case, then all applications are listed by default.
  5. Select all the desired applications or cases using the check boxes and then click the Add Selected button to establish a link between the transaction applications. The Link Transaction page closes to show the Related Transactions page, which now lists the new transaction rows.

Performing Actions on Related Transactions

Agency staff and public users such as applicants and contact users with appropriate permissions can mark related transactions as primary or sub-application. Only agency staff can manage related transactions for code enforcement cases.

As an applicant or contact user you can remove the link between related transactions from your transactions. This is not applicable to code enforcement cases.

Agency staff have access to all transactions to remove related transaction links.

Click the Actions menu and select from:

  • Mark as Primary

  • Mark as Sub-application

  • Remove Application Link (Not available for an automatically linked transaction)

  • Apply Conditions of Approval: Add conditions of approval to the current permit.

    Note: This option is available only for permits.

    See Working with Permit Conditions of Approval

If a transaction is marked as Primary, its Actions menu will show the option to mark it as Sub-application. Likewise, if a transaction is marked as Sub-application, its action will show the option to mark it as Primary.