Adding Logic

This topic describes how to add business logic to intake forms using the Groovy programming language.

Groovy Overview

You can add business logic to your intake form using the Apache Groovy programming language.

Groovy is an:

  • Object oriented language that can be used for scripting or programming.

  • Extension of the Java programming language, using similar constructs and syntax.

For Java developers, Groovy can be compared to other programming languages, such as Python or Ruby, that don’t intend to replace Java, but act as a companion language, extending capabilities and providing additional flexibility.

When designing intake forms, you can add Groovy scripts to provide:

  • Validators

  • Triggers

  • Object functions

  • Global functions

The logic can be added at these levels:

  • Field: Field-level logic applies only to the currently selected field.

  • Object: Object-level logic can be used within a single intake form design.

  • Global: Global functions can be called from any intake form in your offering.

The types of scripts you can add depends on the level on which you are adding the logic (field or object).

Script Type



Field and Object



Object Function


Global Function


Before adding Groovy to your intake forms, you will need to become familiar with the Groovy language and how it is intended to be used within Oracle Fusion applications.

For more information on Groovy usage within Oracle, refer to Oracle Applications Cloud: Groovy Scripting Reference.

For general information on the Groovy language, see Apache Groovy documentation.

Working with the Groovy Script Editor

To access the Groovy Script Editor:

  1. Save the intake form you are creating.

    The field(s) you reference in your logic at the field level or the object level must exist in the underlying database object, which occurs when you save the form after adding any new elements.

    Note: For the user-defined fields you added manually to your intake forms, the Add Logic button doesn’t display in the Field Attributes panel until you have saved your intake form.
  2. Click the Add Logic button in the Field Attributes panel or in the intake form header.

    • When clicking Add Logic in the Field Attributes panel, your code operates at the field level.

    • When you click Add Logic in the intake form header, your code operates at the object level.

    This example illustrates the separate field-level and object-level Add Logic buttons.

    Add Logic at Field Level or Object Level
  3. Use the Groovy Script Editor to add the logic, script name, error message, and additional options, depending on the type of script you are writing.

The following example illustrates adding validation logic to a field using the Groovy Script Editor.

Groovy Script Editor

Only the page elements that apply to the type of script you are writing appear in the editor.

Page Element

Script Type


Work Area


In the work area, add your logic.

The first line in the comments (/* <text> */) is automatically generated, and it provides you the field name and object name as they are referenced internally.

For a field contained in a delivered field group, the field name will be similar to the field label, such as DemOverallHeight.

In the case of a user-defined field, the field name will match the field label you have entered, with a "_c" as a suffix to indicate it is a custom field.

For example, if you have a user-defined field named Rooms, the field name appearing in the script will be Rooms_c.

The custom object name is the type code as defined on the Transaction Type page, and it is preceded by the offering code, such as LNP1 or PZ1 and a “_c” suffix. LNP1 is the prefix for permits and PZ1 is the prefix for planning and zoning applications.

For example, if for a permit the Transaction Type Code is Fence, the custom object name in the script will be LNP1Fence_c.

Script Name


By default, the script name follows this structure:

field_script type


object_script type

For example, the user-defined field Years Experience would have the following default validator script name: YearsExperience_c_validator.

You can change the script name if needed.

To add multiple scripts of the current type, select New from the drop-down list.



Add text to describe the purpose of the script.



Used only for triggers. Defines when the trigger runs, such as during the Create event. See the "Add Triggers" section below for more information.

Error Message



Provide the message that the system displays the user to correct any issues. For example, in the case of a validator script, the message appears if the data entered for the field does not pass the validation logic.

Field ID Search



Use the Label field to search for the Field ID value, which reflects the name under which the field is stored in the database and how you’d refer to it in your script.


Object Functions

Global Functions

Used only for object functions and global functions. Enables you to define the parameters the function will accept.

Return Type

Object Functions

Global Functions

Used only for object functions and global functions. Enables you to set the data type for the return value of the function.

Error Message



Provide the message that the system displays the user to correct any issues. For example, in the case of a validator script, the message appears if the data entered for the field does not pass the validation logic.



Saves the current code.



Removes the business logic from the associated field or object.

This may be required in some cases prior to removing the field from the intake form.



Closes the editor without first saving any changes.

Note: While you can delete fields with Groovy logic associated with them, make sure the Groovy logic evaluates to True prior to deleting the field, otherwise you risk making the entire transaction type invalid.
Note: When referencing a field for field level logic, use newValue and oldValue to reference the current field value.At the object level, use the internal field name, such as YearsExperience_c. You can access the internal name of the field a few ways. You can select the field, and click Add Logic, to see how the field is referenced in the Groovy Script Editor. You can also review how the field is referenced in the JSON payload from a REST request, such as a describe request.

Setting the Scope of a Groovy Script

The following table outlines the possible scope of a Groovy script.



Where Set


You can add Groovy logic to act on a single field. The code you add runs only against the selected field.

You can add Groovy to fields in delivered predefined field groups or to user-defined fields you have added manually.

Select the field to which you want to add validation logic, and click Add Logic in the Field Attributes panel for that field.


If your script involves more than one field, you need to add that code at the object level. The object refers to the current intake form you are creating. For example, if you are creating a fence permit, the logic you add for the current object applies to fields in that fence permit definition.

When in the designer with the intake form open, click the Add Logic button at the top of the form, next to the Preview button.


You can create global functions that can be called by any field-level script or object-level script in your offering.

When in the designer with a intake form open, click the Add Logic button in the header at the top of the form. You can access the Global Functions option only by opening the Groovy Script Editor at the object level.

This example illustrates the Groovy Script Editor at the field level. Details are in the surrounding text.

Groovy Script Editor: Field-Level (Test02)
Note: When you add logic at the field level, you can add Validator scripts only.

This example illustrates the Groovy Script Editor at the object level. Details are in the surrounding text.

Groovy Script Editor: Object Level

When you add logic at the object level, you can add these types of scripts:

  • Validators

  • Triggers

  • Object Functions

  • Global Functions

Note: For scripts at the field level use newValue and oldValue to reference the current field. At the object level, use the field name, such as NumberofRooms_c to reference fields.

Work With the Transaction Type Data Structure

Accessing data stored within the transaction type business object requires and understanding of the underlying data structure. To understand the data structure, you need to become familiar with the JSON payload for a transaction intake form.

Use your REST client utility such as cURL or Postman to access the REST endpoint for an intake form.

You can use a “describe” request to view the data structure of the intake form, using a GET operation. For example:<transaction_type>_c/describe

This example illustrates the parent-child relationship of the data within a transaction type.

Transaction type data hierarchy

The describe results show you the metadata for the business object, such as the name, type, and so on, such as LnpRecordKey, integer, and so on.

You can also submit a request to access data for a specific transaction by including the LnpRecordKey value to the request. For example:<transaction_type>_c/<LnpRecordKey>

This example illustrates transaction type JSON returned in a REST client.

Sample transaction type JSON

The top portion of the JSON reflects the parent object, and the sections within the “links” block are the child objects. The parent object contains attributes from the transaction type, some general field groups, such as Application and Applicant, and any user-defined fields you have added.

The majority of the fields in the field groups reside in a single object, the FieldGroups object (FieldGroupsVO). Reusable fields reside in LnpGlobalCustom object (LnpGlobalCustomVO).

Note: Lnp refers to the Permits offering. Other offerings, such as Planning and Zoning or Business Licenses, use other naming conventions, such as PnzGlobalCustomVO.

Knowing the object on which you are writing your logic is essential for achieving the desired scope of your results. When you write logic at your transaction type level, as in Custom Object LNP1FencePermit_c, that logic applies locally, only for that transaction type. If you write logic at a child object level, as in Custom Object FieldGroupsVO, that logic is global and would apply to any instance of that field group or field group field in any transaction type where it appears.

Note: Be very careful when writing logic globally to the FieldGroups child object. Logic that applies in one scenario, may not apply to all. Logic at the FieldGroups level always fires even if a particular field in that object isn’t used in the current transaction. If you write logic at the FieldGroups level, consider including code to check if the value(s) of field(s) is not null prior to running a validation, for example.

When you open the Groovy Script Editor, comments at the top of the work area indicate where the logic you write will apply. For example:

/* Object Validator for Custom Object LNP1FencePermit_c */

What element you have selected in the workspace and where you click the Add Logic button (in the header or in the Field Attributes panel) determines where your logic applies, either locally to the current transaction type only, or globally. The following table provides selected scenarios to illustrate how the comments at the top of the work area indicate the scope of the logic for that script.

Workspace Selection


Logic Scope

  1. Select a field in a child field group, such as Front Fence Height in the Fence field group.

  2. Click Add Logic in the Field Attributes panel.

/* Field Validator for field FenHeightFront Custom Object FieldGroupsVO */

The Logic applies to the Front Fence Height field in the selected field group. This field is stored in the child Field Groups view object, where all other fields appearing in field groups are stored. Logic written at this level for this field will apply globally to all instances where this field group is used.

  1. Select a field in a child field group, such as Front Fence Height in the Fence field group.

  2. Click Add Logic in the header.

/* Object Validator for Custom Object FieldGroupsVO */

The Logic applies to the Field Groups view object, and logic applies globally to all instances where this field group is used. Because the logic is written at the object level it can apply to multiple fields in the Field Groups view object.

Note: Most field groups are considered child objects with the fields being stored in the Field Groups view object. Applicant and Application are considered parent objects, with their fields stored in the transaction type parent object.
  1. Select a user-defined field (in this case Years Experience).

  2. Click Add Logic in the Field Attributes panel.

Field Validator for field YearsExperience_c

The logic applies to the user-defined field Years Experience locally for that transaction type.

Note: If the field is set to be reusable, then the logic you add applies to all instances where that field is used.
  1. Select a group box or page tab.

  2. Click Add Logic in the header.

Object Function for Custom Object LNP1IDFencePermit_c

The logic applies locally to multiple fields to the current transaction type.

  1. Reusable user-defined field selected.

  2. Click Add Logic in the Field Attributes panel.

Field Validator for field ContractorName_c Custom Object LnpGlobalCustomVO

The logic applies globally to that reusable in any intake form where it is used.

When you are writing logic on a field or object at the child level, such as FieldGroups, you can reference the fields that reside on that object directly. For example:

/* Object Validator for Custom Object FieldGroupsVO */

FenHeightFront < FenHeightRear

If you are writing logic that is local to your transaction type intake form, and you want to access values in a child object, such as FieldGroups, for validations and comparisons, you can’t directly reference the field names in your logic. The FieldGroups view object is a collection, so you need to parse the child record using the hasNext() method. For example:

/* Object Validator for Custom Object LNP1InfoDevResFence01_c */

// Identify and assign the object.
def vo = FieldGroups

while (vo.hasNext()) {
  // Access the next row in the row iterator.
  def currow =
	// Run validation.
  currow.FenHeightFront < currow.FenHeightRear

If you are writing logic that is local to your transaction type intake form, and you want to access values in a child object, such as LnpGlobalCustom, for validations and comparisons, you need to write code similar to accessing FieldGroups, but because LnpGlobalCustom isn’t a collection, you don’t need to use the hasNext() iteration method. For example:

First, instantiate the child object:

def vo = LnpGlobalCustom

Then use dot notation to access the desired field:

vo.EstimatedCost_c > 100

Note: You can also use dot notation to access the field, such as LnpGlobalCustom.EstimatedCost_c.

Using the Field ID Search

When you reference a field in your script, you use the internal field ID, not the label that you see on the form design. For fields stored in child objects, you also need to know the object name. The Field ID search feature enables you to find the internal field name and object name.

  1. Use the Label drop-down list to select or search for the label of the field as it appears in the form design.

    Initially, the drop-down list contains only a subset of the fields stored in the transaction type parent object. To search for additional fields, you need to enter partial search criteria to begin building a result list matching possible fields.

  2. Select the desired field label from the result list.

  3. Use the value displayed for the Field ID in your script.

    Fields stored on the transaction intake form object do not list an object, while fields stored in the field groups or global custom object show the object and field in dot notation, as in ObjectName.FieldName.

    The following examples illustrate that depending on where the field is stored, it may or may not include an object name.

    This example illustrates using field ID search on a user-defined field, showing just the field name.

    Field ID Search - user-defined field

    This example illustrates using field ID search on a field group field, showing the object and field.

    Field ID Search - field group field

    This example illustrates using field ID search on a reusable field, showing the object and field.

    Field ID Search - reusable field

Running Groovy Depending on Request Type

You can have your Groovy logic run depending on the current request type. The supported request types are:

  • Submit

  • Save

  • Import

You can use built-in Groovy functions to return the request type to evaluate and then selectively run your logic depending on the result. For example, in some situations you may want a validation to run only when an intake form is submitted, but not when it is saved or when legacy data is being imported into the system for that transaction type.

Request Type




isSubmit ()

Returns true if the request type indicates the intake form is being submitted.


isSave ()

Returns true if the request type indicates the intake form is being saved.


isImport ()

Returns true if the request type indicates legacy data is being imported into the transaction type associated with the intake form using the supported import utilities.

These functions are supported for:

  • Validations

  • Triggers

  • Object functions

Note: The request type built-in functions can't be used for global functions.
Note: Validation for fields you've set to be required fields runs only for the submit request type. By default, validations for required fields do not run for the import request type.

For example, to run a validation only when an intake form is submitted, you could use:

    TotalCosts_c <= EstimatedCosts_c;

Or, to run the logic only if it is not a data import request, you could use:

    return true;
/* Continue with validation logic. */

Add Validation Logic

A validator script provides data integrity for end user input. A validator script is a logical construct that returns either true or false.

The essential components of a validator script include:

  • Groovy logic

  • Error message

For example, assume you have a form with the field Years Experience to indicate the number of years experience of a solar panel installer. To meet permit criteria for your agency policy, you can validate that the applicant doesn’t enter zero by adding the following validation script to the field.

newValue > 0

At runtime, if the field value entered does not meet your validation logic criteria during a save or submit request. The validator script returns either true or false. If the return is false, the system displays the error message so the user can resolve the issue.

This example illustrates the runtime message displayed by a Groovy validation script.

Groovy validation script runtime error message

Validator scripts can be run at the field level and at the object level. Field-level validation is for single-field validation, and object-level validation involves validation of multiple fields. Use the object level when you reference multiple fields in the validation, and use the field name, not newValue. For example:

TotalCosts_c <= EstimatedCosts_c

Note: The Groovy script executes only when the user either saves or submits the form. If there is any delivered validation for a field contained within a delivered field group, that delivered validation runs before any Groovy validation you have added. Before adding Groovy logic to a field delivered in a predefined field group, make sure to test the field group at runtime to become familiar with any existing, internal validation.
Note: In the case of multiple field-level validations, each runs independently. If you have added object-level validations also, the object-level validation runs only if all field-level validations have passed.

Add Triggers

Triggers enable you to invoke processing logic based on an event.

In addition to the common attributes, including Script Name, Description, and Error Message, you also set the Type. Setting the type is how you define the event on which the trigger is based.



On Initialize

Fires when a new instance of an object is created. Use to assign programmatic default values to one or more fields in the object.

Note: Create events run only when the intake form is saved the first time. It does not run on subsequent saves or submits.

On Invalidate

Fires on a valid parent object when a child row is created, removed, or modified, or also when the first persistent field is changed in an unmodified row.

On Remove

Fires when an attempt is made to delete an object. Returning false stops the row from being deleted and displays the trigger error message.

Before Insert

Fires before a new object is inserted into the database.

Before Update

Fires before an existing object is modified in the database.

Note: If you want the trigger logic to run on each save and submit, not just on the initial Create event, use the Before Update event.

Before Delete

Fires before an existing object is deleted from the database.

Add Functions

You can create functions at the object and the global level.




Object functions provide business logic to be used within the scope of the current business object, which is the current transaction type, such as an intake form for a permit.


Global functions can be called from any intake form design within the offering.

The interface for creating functions is the same for creating object or global functions, and it contains the same general options in the editor, such as Script Name, Description, and Error Message, plus the additional items listed below.

This example illustrates defining a function, parameters, and return type. Details are in the surrounding text.

Groovy Script Editor: Defining a function

Page Element



Define the parameters received by the function when it is called. Add the name of the parameter and its data type. Refer to the following table for data type descriptions.

Click Add to include multiple parameters in the grid.

Click Delete to remove a row from the grid.

Return Type

Define the data type of the value returned by the function. Refer to the following table for data type descriptions.

You can apply these data types.

Data Type



Applies only to return values. Use in situations when the function does not provide a return value to the caller, such as when the functions performs a task, writes an output line, and so on.


A text value.


A whole number, either positive or negative.


A logical true or false value.


An integer value in the range of ±263-1.


An integer of arbitrary precision.


A floating-point decimal value in the range of ±1.79769313486231570 x 10308

Big Decimal

A decimal number of arbitrary precision.


A date value with optional time component.


An ordered collection of objects.


An unordered collection of name/value pairs.


An entire business object, which in this case refers to an instance of an intake form.

Once you create the function, you can call it from other scripts. For example:

/* Object Trigger for Custom Object LNP1SolarPermit_c */

/* Define variables and explicitly cast the type (Integer).*/

def n1 = (Integer) EquipmentCosts_c
def n2 = (Integer) LaborCosts_c

/* Call the global function add2 to add total costs, passing in the variables.*/

TotalCosts_c = adf.util.add2(n1, n2)

For a function defined at the object level, you can call the function using just the function name, such as add2.

For a function defined at the global level, you need to add as a prefix adf.util. For example, if the global function name is add2, you call the function using adf.util.add2(param1, param2).

In this example, there is global function named add2, which adds two parameters passed in. On the Triggers page, the trigger script is set to run on the Create event type, and the values for EquipmentCosts_c and LaborCosts_c are passed to the function to calculate the value of the TotalCosts_c field.

Note: When defining variables for number data types, explicitly cast the data type of the parameters you define. So, if the field is an integer, explicitly specify (Integer), or if the field is a float number, specify (Double). For example: def n1 = (Integer) EquipmentCosts_c

Example: Basic Calculations

You can use functions to calculate, but you can also use basic expressions, such as A + B, A - B, and so on. For example:

TotalCost_c = EquipmentCosts_c + LaborCosts_c

Example: Accessing User Security Context

To access information regarding the current user, instantiate the getSecurityContext() object. In this example, the script checks if the user is assigned a particular role, and if not, displays the error message.

/*Get the security context.*/

def secCtx = adf.context.getSecurityContext()

/*Check if the user has the desired role.*/

if (secCtx.isUserInRole('PSC_ROLE_NAME')) {

/*If user has role, then check if field is not blank. If field is blank, 
returns false, showing error message.*/

 return newValue != null 

/*If the user doesn't have the role, returns true, bypassing the error message.*/

return true

Example: Validating a Phone Number

To validate the format of a phone number, such as 111–222–3333, you can use a regular expression. For example:

newValue ==~ /^(\d{3}\-\d{3}-\d{4})/

Example: Copying a Field Value to Another Field

To make a field reflect the value of another field (to copy it), you can use a trigger. For example, you may have a field named Estimated Project Cost that will be reflected in the Final Cost field once the permit has been processed. To do this:

  1. Use the Triggers tab.

  2. Enter this code:

    FinalCost_c = EstimateProjectCost_c
  3. Select Before Update from the Type drop-down list.

Example: Working with Dates

When working with dates, switches and so on, and you are checking for null values, it is recommended to use the following construct:


Instead of using something like:

(ExpirationDate_c == null || ExpirationDate_c == "")

This can help to avoid script saving issues and unexpected validation results.

Example: Validation Return Value

When writing validation, your code must always return either a true or false when exiting. Failing to do so can cause validation to fail a validation by mistake. If an exit occurs, such as at the end of the code, without returning a true or false, the assumed return is false. To avoid this, consider the following approach.

if (TotalProjects_c < 10)
     return false;
     return true;
return true;

Example: Validation by View Type

When defining validation logic for a specific from view, such as a business license amendment view, you must insure that it only runs within that view to prevent erroneous save or submit errors.

For example, some fields that have Groovy validation may only be visible in the amendment view of that form. However, validation logic runs regardless of the view. As such, saving or submitting while in another view type, such as origination, will cause erroneous error messages.

To prevent this, your logic should be written to detect the view by interrogating the version type (VersionType). For example, the following validation logic runs only if the amendment view is active.

if (VersionType == "A"){
     if (BusinessLocations_c < 5)
          return false;
          return true;  
    return true;