Migrating Data Using Oracle Integration Cloud

Use Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to migrate your legacy data to Licensing and Permitting.

Using OIC integrations delivered by Licensing and Permitting, you can migrate data for planning applications, permits, and code enforcement.

OIC Data Migration Process Flow

  1. Review the Licensing and Permitting objects for which legacy data migration using OIC is supported.

    For a list of supported Licensing and Permitting objects, see Migrating Data to Licensing and Permitting Using OIC.

  2. Determine which legacy data needs to be migrated.

    Completed transactions will have no workflow associated with them. In-flight transactions will require configuring workflow and assigning migration statuses.

  3. Define your Licensing and Permitting workflow.

    See Setting Up Process Definitions for Workflow.

  4. Identify legacy transaction status values to migrate and the corresponding workflow process definition user task.

    See Assigning Workflow Status To Migrated Transactions.

    Note: Make sure that the latest workflow process definition is selected for a transaction type before running a migration integration associated with it. Otherwise, you will be unable to migrate the workflow status associated with the transactions.
  5. Review, configure, and run the delivered OIC integrations.

    See Migrating Data to Licensing and Permitting Using OIC.

  6. Review and verify migrated data.

  7. Run the Prepare Migrated Data for PSCR process.

    See Preparing Migrated Data for Licensing and Permitting.

  8. Generate transaction workflow.

    See Running the Generate Transaction Workflow Process in Assigning Workflow Status To Migrated Transactions.