Using Predefined Field Groups

This topic lists and describes the set of predefined field groups delivered to help you build forms quickly and consistently.

Predefined field groups are prebuilt user interface modules that you can use in your forms for capturing common business information, such as Applicant, Application, Property, and so on.

Common Predefined Field Groups

Field Group



Identification and contact information for the public user who is filling out the form (or on whose behalf an agent is completing the form). This field group includes the applicant’s name, address, phone, and email. When updating address, email, and phone information, the user has the option to save the changes to the user’s account profile.


Displays information about the form itself, such as status, relevant dates, and descriptions.


Enables you to attach and download files, such as documents or images. You determine document properties displayed in the list of attachments and during upload.

Contains multiple instance options to create unique instances of the attachment field group.

For more details on the Attachments field group, see the section below "Working with the Attachments Field Group."


Enables you to enter additional comments or descriptions pertaining to information on the form.

Contains multiple instance options to create unique instances of the comments field group.

Contact Details

Enables you to add information for individuals or organizations that are contacts for an application.

When users enter contact information in an application, they can create new contacts or choose existing profile contacts. When creating a new application contact, the user can indicate whether the new contact should also be added as a profile contact. When choosing an existing profile contact, the user can modify contact details and indicate whether the original profile contact record should be updated as well.


Enables applicants to provide information about one or more licensed contractors who are performing the work for a permit or planning application.

This field group includes an integration option that is configured as part of your agency-level contractor options. For more information, see Setting Up Contractor License Options.

Fee Summary

Lists the items selected, the cost for each item, and the total amount to be paid when submitting the form.

Note: This does not include additional inspection or other fees which may be assessed at a later time.


Describes the parcel as it is registered with the municipality, such as the parcel ID, parcel type, and so on.

You can also define these attributes for this field group:

  • Agency Map Profile and Public Map Profile: Link the intake form to two separate map profiles, one for agency users and one for public users.

  • GIS Object Selection: Define which users can select GIS objects in the map profile that are not related to a specific property, such as sewer laterals and streets, and associate them to the transaction. Enable object selection for None, Agency users only, or All users.

For more information, see Setting Up Map Profiles and Using the Main Map and Explore Your City Map.

Related Transactions

Enables applicants and agency users to link their consultation, business license, permit, or planning applications to other transactions. In Code Enforcement, agency staff can link cases to transactions.

Terms and Conditions

Provides access to the terms and conditions regulating the usage of the online form, and provides a way for the user to accept the terms. This field group is hidden from agency staff who complete a form on behalf of a public user.

This field group does not identify which Terms of Use definition to use, so if you add this field group to an application intake form, you need to also add a Terms of Use definition on the Permit Type or Planning Application Type page.

The Display Mode property has these options:

  • Link: the form displays a Terms and Conditions link that the user clicks to open a window with the full terms and the check box for accepting the terms.

  • Embedded: the full text of the terms appears directly on the form.

If the display mode is Link, these two additional properties are available:

  • Help Text: Enter informational text that appears on the form along with the Terms and Conditions link.

  • Display Label: Enable this option to display the description of the Terms of Use definition on the form along with the Terms and Conditions link.

Note: This field group is not used to set up public user registration terms and conditions. The Public User Setup page includes all registration-related configuration.

Predefined Business License Field Groups

Field Group


Business Details

Captures information to help describe the business, such as name, ownership type, mailing address, and so on.

Note: You must add this field group to all business license intake forms. It must come before the Business Locations and Business Owners field groups either in a previous tab, or above them in the same tab.

Business Locations

Captures information about the physical location of the business such as address, parcel number, and phone number.

Note: You must add this field group to all business license intake forms. It must come after the Business Information field group either in a subsequent tab, or below it on the same tab.

Business Owners

Captures information about the business owners or corporate officers.

Note: You must add this field group to all business license intake forms. It must come after the Business Information field group either in a subsequent tab, or below it on the same tab.

Industry Classification

Captures the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the business.

Tax Related Details

Captures measurable attributes used to calculate taxes, such as number of employees, estimated or actual gross receipts, square footage, number of rental units, and so on.

Working with the Attachments Field Group

You can configure the attachments field group and add it into your form multiple times. Attachments provide supporting documentation needed by agency staff when processing a transaction.

Configurable Features


Component Attributes

You can name the attachments component title in the Label field.

Component Multi-Instance Options

Use these multiple instance options to create unique instances of the attachment field group:

  • ID

  • Value

For more information about multiple instance options, see Working with Predefined Field Groups.

Attachment Columns:

You can configure these attachment properties in the attachments list:

  • File Name: Display the file name of the uploaded file.

  • Description: Display the user-entered description.

  • File Size: Display the size of the uploaded file.

Business Columns:

  • DocumentCategory

  • DocumentSubcategory

Agency-defined document categories and document subcategories enable you to organize the various types of attachments. You can configure these fields for document categories and document subcategories:

  • Label: Change the field name.

  • Show in List: Display the field in the attachments grid.

  • Show in Detail: Display the field in the attachment detail information.

  • Show in Upload: Display the field on the modal page for uploading an attachment.

  • Searchable: Enable search on the document category or document subcategory field.

  • Sortable: Enable sorting for the document category or document subcategory field.

Managing Lookup Types Associated with Fields in Predefined Field Groups

Some field groups have fields that are associated with existing lookup types delivered with your offering. To view or modify the lookup type, you can access the lookup from the Intake Form Designer using the Manage List button.

For more information on managing lookup lists for predefined field groups, see the section “Managing Lookups for Predefined Field Groups” in Working with Predefined Field Groups and refer to Setting Up Lookups.