Managing Plan Review Documents

Agency staff can add and remove plan review documents on the Plan Reviews page for a permit or planning application. Documents can be added and removed during both manual and electronic cycles.

Adding Documents to a Plan Review

Documents can be added during both manual and electronic cycles until the cycle is completed, even if some reviewers have provided a decision.

Documents added to a plan review cycle are automatically added to a Bluebeam Studio™ Session that is already in progress. Documents can also be deleted when a Studio Session is in progress. If a document fails to upload to Bluebeam Studio™ or if the upload status is No, you can use the Retry button to initiate the upload process again. For more information, see Working with Electronic Plan Reviews.

  1. On the Plan Reviews page in the transaction details, click the Add Documents button.

  2. On the Add Documents page, select the documents that you want to attach to the plan review cycle. The list displays documents that have already been uploaded to the application's Attachments page.

  3. Click Save.

The document appears in the Documents grid with the file name, description, document state, and date added to the plan review cycle. The state of the document appears as follows:

  • Initial - Displayed when the document is added to the cycle.

  • Resubmitted - Displayed when a document with the same name is added to the cycle. Applicants typically upload a revision to the plan review documents after a plan review cycle was rejected or required revisions. Revised documents should be uploaded with the same file name. Once they are added, they are considered Resubmitted.

  • Marked Up - Displayed when a document that is marked up in Bluebeam Studio™ Session is copied back to the cycle and the Attachments page in the application details.

The documents in the Documents section can be copied into the next plan review cycle.