Viewing Tasks in the Worklist

The worklist enables agency users to view a list of just the workflow tasks assigned to them.

The tabs displayed in the worklist depend on the agency user's role. For example, a plan reviewer will see the Plan Reviews tabs with their assigned plan reviews, and an inspector will see the Inspections tabs with their assigned inspections, and so on. General tabs include Incoming Tasks and My Tasks.

  1. On the agency springboard, select the Worklist tile.

    If you're a code technician using the Code Enforcement offering, click the Code Technician Worklist tile. If you're a planner using the Planning and Zoning offering, click the Planner Worklist.

  2. On the Worklist, select the tab that lists the tasks that you want to review.

  3. Click a task in the list to open the transaction details.

    Clicking the View More Details button for a task on the Incoming Tasks and My Tasks tabs takes you to the Workflow page in the transaction details, where you can manually advance the workflow. For more information, see Using Workflow.

For information about the common elements found on worklists, see Using Page Controls.