Setting Up Agencies

An agency is an organization that offers a range of services to its constituents, including issuing permits and licenses.

Administrators add and modify agency information using the Agency page.

Set up exactly one agency, with agency ID 1. Oracle does not currently support multiple agencies.

Adding an Agency

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. On the Agency Information page, click Add.

  3. On the Agency Information - Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Agency Information - Details page

    Page Elements


    Agency ID

    Enter the number 1 as the ID for your agency.

    Name and Description

    Enter a name and a short description for the agency.


    Enter the country in which the agency is located.

    This value is informational only. Address fields throughout the system support only USA addresses.


    Enter the currency that the agency uses for financial transactions.

    This value is informational only. It does not affect the currencies for fees, cash drawers, or payment adaptors.

    Time Zone

    Select your agency’s local time zone. All times displayed in Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting use this time zone.

    Time Format, Date Format, and Number Format

    Select the default formats that the agency uses to display times, dates, and numbers for anonymous users.

    Parcel Owner Format

    This field is reserved for future functionality. Currently, regardless of your selection, parcels have one field to identify the parcel owner and an additional field to identify a secondary owner.

    Hide property owners from public users

    Turn on this switch to hide property owner information from public users.

    Oracle Policy Automation ID

    Enter the unique identifier for an agency-wide Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy model.

    Oracle Intelligent Advisor is a separate Oracle product. Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy models provide logic models for questionnaires that help public users determine which applications they need to complete.

    The policy model that you enter here is used by offerings that do not have an offering-specific policy model. To specify an offering-level policy definition, select the Features tab on the Agency Information page, then click the Options link for the offering.

    For more information on Oracle Intelligent Advisor, see Overview of Oracle Intelligent Advisor Configuration.

    Business Number Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for businesses.

    Note: This field is required if the Business Licenses offering is enabled for your agency. Autonumber rules need to be defined after you create the agency, so be sure to return to the agency pages to add the business number autonumber rule that you define.

    Location Number Rule

    Select the autonumbering rule to increment numbers for business locations.

    Note: This field is required if the Business Licenses offering is enabled for your agency. Autonumber rules need to be defined after you create the agency, so be sure to return to the agency pages to add the location number autonumber rule that you define.

    Default Search Filter

    Select a default search filter. The available search filters are Address, Parcel, and Owner.

    Default Search Type

    Select the default search type. The available search types are Starts with and Contains.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying an Agency

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information tab.

  3. Update the agency information field values.

  4. Click Save.

Adding an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Addresses tab, and click Add.

  4. On the Addresses - Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Addresses - Details page

    Page Elements


    Address ID

    Enter a unique ID for the address.


    Select to indicate that this is the primary address for the agency. An agency may have only one primary address.

    From Date and To Date

    Enter the date range for which the address is valid.

    Address Fields

    The agency address. The Country field displays US.

    As you enter a Postal Code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate city and state combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address.

    If you don’t know the postal code, click the Don’t know link to display a full set of address fields.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Addresses tab.

  4. Click a row on the Addresses tab. You can:

    • Update the agency address field values.

      Note: You cannot change a primary address row to non-primary. Instead, when you update a non-primary row to primary, all other address rows are saved as non-primary.
    • Delete the address. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

      Note: You cannot delete primary address rows.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting an Agency Address

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click a row on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Address tab.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Select the check boxes next to all the agency addresses that you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Note: You cannot delete primary address rows. To delete an address row that is designated as primary, you must first designate a different address row as primary. This changes the previously primary row to non-primary, allowing it to be deleted.

Adding Agency Languages

For information on adding languages and establishing language defaults for an agency, see Setting Up Languages.

Configuring Agency-Level Options for Specific Offerings

The Features tab lists offerings that are enabled in Functional Setup Manager (FSM). Because features are enabled in FSM, you can ignore the Integration Enabled field on this page. Use the Options link to configure offering-specific settings.

The Permits offering encompasses both Permits and Planning and Zoning. For more information about configuring Permit and Planning and Zoning options, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits.

For more information about configuring Code Enforcement options, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement.

Enabling Subledger Accounting

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the row for your agency on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Oracle Financials tab.

    Note: This tab appears only if you select Financials Cloud Subledger Accounting as your accounting framework option in Functional Setup Manager. For more information, see Selecting an Accounting Framework.
  4. Turn on the Create Subledger Accounting switch.

  5. Select your agency’s ledger in the Financials Cloud Ledger field.

  6. Click Save.

For more information on Oracle Financials Cloud Subledger Accounting, see Oracle Financials Cloud documentation: Implementing Subledger Accounting and Using Subledger Accounting.

Setting Up Related Transaction Linking

The Related Transactions tab allows you to set up access for your users to link their applications with other related transactions. You control the way related transactions are linked with applications based on whether an applicant or a contact user is working with the application.

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the row for your agency on the Agency Information page.

  3. Select the Related Transactions tab.

  4. Select the check boxes for applicants and contacts to allow linking related transactions:

    • Applicants can link transactions to only their own applications

    • Applicants can link transactions to any application

    • Contacts can link transactions to any application that they manage

    • Contacts can link transactions to any other application

    Note: If no option is selected, then the Link and Actions options will not be available for applicants and contacts on the Related Transactions page.
  5. Click Save.

See Working with Related Transactions.