Setting Up Code References

Code references provide detailed specifications that come from a broad range of codes, guidelines, ordinances, and so forth. Even if the source document does not use the word “code,” use the Code References pages to enter the information into the system. A code reference maps to a specific section in the source document.

Note: The code references described in this topic are not currently used in the public sector application. To set up code references for code enforcement, see Setting Up Code References for Code Enforcement.

You add, modify, and delete code references on the Code Reference page.

This example illustrates the Code Reference Details page.

Code Reference Details page


Before you set up code references, you must define:

  • Code types, which represent specific published documents that contain codes, guidelines, and so forth.

    See Setting Up Code Types.

  • Standard types, which describe the different fields or disciplines that codes relate to. Examples might include fire safety or electrical systems.

    Set up standards types by defining values for the ORA_PSC_CC_STD_CODE_TYPE lookup type. Define these values on the Lookup Type pages. See Setting Up Lookups.

Adding a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. On the Code Reference page, click Add.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Code Reference Detail page

    Page Element


    Standard Type

    Select the type of standard that the code falls under. Standard types represents fields or disciplines such as Materials, Engineering, or Installation.

    Standard Name

    Enter the title of the section that contains this code reference. This title comes from the source document.

    Code Section

    Enter the section number for this code reference. The number uniquely identifies this reference within the source document.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the official effective start date of the code reference, and optionally enter an end date.

    Code Type

    Select a code type from the values that you defined on the Code Type page. The code type identifies the source document.

    See Setting Up Code Types


    Enter a description of the reference.


    Enter a URL link to the source document.


    Enter detailed content copied from the source document.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. Click a row on the Code Reference page.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, make any necessary changes.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting a Code Reference

  1. Select Common Setup > Code Reference.

  2. Click a row on the Code Reference page.

  3. On the Code Reference Detail page, click Delete.

    You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.