Setting Up Terms of Use

The Terms of Use page stores rules and guidelines to which user must agree as a condition of using a service. The terms act as a legal contract. They are also known as Terms and Conditions or Terms of Service. When you set up a terms of use definition, you also specify the contexts where the definition is available. For example, you can specify that certain terms can be used for public user registration but not for permit applications or planning and zoning applications.

You add, modify, and delete terms of use definitions on the Terms of Use page.

This example illustrates the Terms of Use Details page.

Terms of Use Details page

Adding Terms of Use

  1. Select Common Setup > Terms of Use.

  2. On the Terms of Use page, click Add.

  3. On the Terms of Use Details page, enter values for the following fields.

    Elements on the Terms of Use Details page

    Page Element


    Terms of Use ID

    Enter an identifier for the terms of use definition.

    If a definition changes over time, create multiple definitions with the same ID and new effective dates. The effective dates of the different versions must not have gaps or overlap.

    Effective Start Date

    Enter the first day that the definition is valid.

    Effective End Date

    Enter the date, if any, when the definition will no longer be valid. To keep the definition valid indefinitely, do not enter a date. If no date is specified, the field displays the text Open end date.

    After a definition is saved, the end date becomes read-only. Although you can’t make manual changes, the system can still update the end date to accommodate new effective-dated entries. For example, if the currently effective definition has an open end date, and you create a new definition with a later start date, the original definition’s end date changes to the day before the new definition goes into effect.

    Show All Dates

    Click this button to access the effective-dated history of the definition. This button is not available during the creation of a new definition.

    On the page that displays this history, use the Add button to add a new effective-dated entry for the definition. The new entry inherits the same Terms of Use ID. You provide the new effective start date and other details for the definition.

    The system provides logic to prevent gaps or overlaps in the effective-dated history.


    Enter a description of the terms of use. This is not part of the Terms of Use text that public users see.


    Select the Permits check box to make this terms of use definition available for permits applications. This option makes the definition available to the Terms of Use ID field on the Permit Type page. Note that it is also necessary to add the Terms of Use element to the permit form.

    Select the Planning and Zoning check box to make this terms of use definition available for planning applications. This option makes the definition available to the Terms of Use ID field on the Planning Application Type page. Note that it is also necessary to add the Terms of Use element to the planning application form.

    Select the Registration check box to make this terms of use available for registration functionality. This option makes the definition available to the Terms of Use ID field on the Public User Setup page. See Setting Up Public Users.

    You must select at least one check box.


    Enter and format the detailed content of the terms to which a user must agree. This is the text that users see when they are asked to agree to the terms.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Terms of Use

  1. Select Common Setup > Terms of Use.

  2. Click a row on the Terms of Use page.

  3. On the Terms of Use Details page, you can update the description, usage and content.

  4. Click Save.

Managing Effective-Dated Terms of Use Definitions

This example illustrates the Terms of Use Details modal page that displays the effective-dated history of a terms of use definition.

Terms of Use Details page with history data
  1. Select Common Setup > Terms of Use.

  2. Click a row on the Terms of Use page to open the Terms of Use Details page.

  3. Click the Show All Dates button to view the effective-dated history of the definition you opened.

  4. Expand the Common Data section to see the Terms of Use ID.

  5. Expand the History section to see a list of all versions of this terms of use definition.

    Click a history row to open the Terms of Use Details page for the specific row.

  6. Click the Add button in the History section to create a new version of the definition.

    In the new definition, you can modify any of the data except for the Terms of Use ID. An error message appears if the new effective dates create gaps or overlaps in the definition history.

Deleting Terms of Use

  1. Select Common Setup > Terms of Use.

  2. Click a row on the Terms of Use page.

  3. On the Terms of Use Details page, click Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.