Managing Public User Accounts

This topic describes the account and profile information that can be updated using account management functionality. The Manage Account page is available to both public users, who can manage their own accounts, and agency staff, who can manage information for any public user.

Registered public users access the Manage Account page from the account menu in the page header. Agency staff accesses the Manage Account page from the Public User Access page. For detailed navigation instructions, see Accessing Public User Account Information.

Security Details for Managing Public User Accounts

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to managing public user accounts.

Security roles for managing public user accounts

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Registered Public users

Manage their own user accounts.

PSC Registered Public User

PSC Public User Account Management

Manage public sector public user accounts.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Economic Development Officer

PSC Chief Building Officer

PSC Cashier

PSC Building Inspector

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permits, see Creating Custom Roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Public User Access Versus Agency Staff Access

For the most part, public users and agency staff have access to the same account management options. These are the exceptions:

  • Public users can see the verification status for any data that requires agency verification, but only agency staff can update the verification status.

  • If account attachments are enabled, public users can’t delete attachments unless you configure the Public User Setup page to allow this action. Agency staff can always delete attachments.

  • Only agency staff can apply and manage account and profile conditions. Conditions are account restrictions. Both public users and agency staff can see active conditions that have been applied to the account or profile.

    For more information about conditions, see Managing Account Conditions.

Note: Agency staff do not have access to user passwords, which are not part of account management.

Managing General Account Information

General account information is initially provided during the user registration process.

To manage account information:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

    This page has two frames. Use the left frame to select either the overall account or the profile. Use the right frame to view and update details for the selected item.

    If the account has active conditions, the left frame displays a warning icon next to the Account link. Similarly, if the profile has active conditions, an icon appears next to the profile link. Conditions relate to permits and planning applications. Active conditions can prevent certain actions or issue warnings when the actions are attempted. For detailed information about managing conditions, see Managing Account Conditions.

  2. Select Account Information in the left frame.

    This is selected by default when you first access the Manage Account page. When it is selected, the right frame list the different types of account information. The row for each type of information includes the section name and instructional text. The Name row additionally displays the user’s full name.

  3. To view or update name information:

    1. Click the Name row in the right frame.

      The Name page appears.

    2. Review or update information in the following fields: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Salutation, Display Name (a read-only value that concatenates the user’s first, middle, and last names), Initials, Suffix, and Title.

    3. Click Save to save changes and close the page.

  4. To view account access information:

    1. Click the Access item in the right frame.

      The Access page appears.

    2. Review the following information:

      Page elements on the Access page

      Page Element


      User Name

      Registered users see their first and last name. This field is read-only.


      The email that was provided during registration. This field is read-only.

      This email is used for the user ID and account access notifications such as those related to setting passwords and changing or verifying account or profile information.

      Notifications related to transactions are sent to the transaction email address, which is inherited from the user profile. The profile and transaction email addresses do not have to be the same as this account email.

      IVR Access Code (Interactive Voice Response Access Code)

      This field appears only if the agency enables IVR access codes on the Public User Setup page. See Setting Up Public Users.

      This field originally contains the 4-digit PIN that public users enter when registering. It's used to access permit information and schedule inspections in the agency's interactive voice response system.

      The code is masked on this page. To change the code, click the Edit icon.

      You can click the cancel icon to return to the original code, or you can enter a new code and click the check mark to save the new value.

    3. Click Cancel to close the page.

  5. To view or update additional information:

    1. Click the Additional Information item in the right frame.

      The Additional Information page appears.

    2. Review or update the setting to Hide my contact information from public view.

    3. Click Save to save any changes and close the page.

  6. To review the most recently accepted terms of use:

    1. Click the Terms of Use item in the right frame.

      A window with the full text of the terms of use appears.

      When a public user views this information, the terms are always current as of the time the user signed into the current session. This is because users must agree to any changes in the terms of use when signing in.

      When agency staff views this information, they see the terms that the user last accepted, even if the agency has changed the terms since then.

    2. Click the Close icon in the top right corner of the window to close it.

  7. To view conditions that have been applied to the account:

    1. Click the Conditions item in the right frame.

      A window that lists account-level conditions appears. Active conditions are first, followed by resolved conditions.

    2. Review the conditions, and optionally access condition details or resolve conditions.

      For detailed information about adding and managing conditions, see Managing Account Conditions.

    3. Click the Close icon in the top right corner of the window to close it.

Managing Account Attachments

Your agency controls whether attachments can be added to accounts. Set this option on the Public User Setup page. Attachments can be associated with either the account or the profile.

This procedure describes how to manage attachments that are associated with the overall account.

To manage account attachments:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

    This page has two frames. Use the left frame to select either the overall account or the profile. Use the right frame to view and update details for the selected item.

  2. Select Account Information in the left frame.

    This is selected by default when you first access the Manage Account page. When it is selected, the right frame list the different types of account information, including attachments. The row for attachments includes information stating how many attachments (if any) have been added. Both account attachments and profile-specific attachments are included in the count.

  3. Click the Attachments item in the right frame.

    The Attachments window opens. It lists all attachments for the account, including both account attachments and profile attachments. The following information appears:

    Page elements in the Attachments window.

    Page Element


    File Name / Date

    The file name of the attachment, and the date that the attachment was added to the account.


    A user-supplied description. Users can optionally add a description while adding the attachment.

    Profile Name

    If the attachment is associated with the profile, the profile name appears. If the attachment is associated with the account in general, this column is blank.


    This column appears only if the agency’s public user setup specifies a document group for public user attachments. Document groups consist of a set of document categories.

    When visible, this field displays the document category for the attachment.

    For more information, see Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories and Setting Up Document Groups.


    This column appears only if the agency’s public user setup specifies a document group for public user attachments. The categories in a document group can optionally include subcategories. For example, a Licenses category might have subcategories for different types of contractor’s licenses.

    When visible, this field displays the document subcategory for the attachment.


    Click to access a menu with options for viewing attachment information, downloading the file, or deleting the attachment from the account.

  4. To add a new attachment:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Select a file using your browser’s file selection window.

    3. On the Add Attachments page, verify the File Name and optionally enter a Description.

    4. If document groups are enabled for public users, optionally select the appropriate Category and Subcategory values.

    5. Click Upload.

      When the upload is complete, the new attachment appears in the list on the Attachments page.

  5. To view or modify attachment information:

    1. Click the Actions icon and select View Details.

    2. On the Attachment page, review the File Name, the File Size, and the Last Updated By and Uploaded By user names.

    3. Optionally update the Description.

    4. If document groups are enabled for public users, optionally update the Category and Subcategory.

    5. To change which profile, if any, is associated with the attachment, use the Profile Name field.

      If this field does not have a value, the attachment is associated with the overall account rather than a specific profile.

    6. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Attachments page.

  6. To download a file, click the Actions icon and select Download.

  7. To delete a file, click the Actions icon and select Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    Note: Agency staff can always delete attachments. Public users can’t delete attachments unless the Public User Setup page is configured to allow this action.
  8. To close the Attachments window, click Cancel.

Viewing the Account Profile

On the Manage Account page, the left frame displays the profile associated with the account.

Selecting the profile name in the left frame causes the right frame to display summary information about the profile. This information is broken into sections. Clicking a section opens a detail page with complete information.

To view the summary information for the profile:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Review the following summary information:

    Summary information for a profile

    Profile Section

    Information Displayed

    Profile Basics

    The profile type: Personal or Business.

    Profile Information

    For the business profile type only. No summary information appears.

    Contact Information

    The number of contact methods for the profile.


    The number of contacts for the profile.


    The number of licenses for the profile, and whether the profile has contractor status.

    The self-reported contractor status appears, but you must access license details to see if the status has been verified.

    Trust Accounts

    The number of trust accounts for the profile.


    The number of active conditions for the profile.

    Although the details for this section includes both active and resolved conditions, the count in the summary includes only active conditions.

Updating Profile Basics

To update profile basics:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Click the Profile Basics section to open the Profile Basics page.

  4. Review and update the following fields:

    Elements on the Profile Basics page

    Page Element


    Profile Name

    The identifying name for the profile. This name appears in the page header and on the Manage Account page.

    The name for the profile that is created during the registration process is the public user’s first and last name. This name is truncated if it's longer than 60 characters.


    The profile that gets created during the registration process is the default profile. The check box is read-only.

    Profile Type

    Displays either Personal or Business based on the account use selected during registration. You can't change the profile type.


    Displays Active to indicate that the account profile is active and can be updated.

  5. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Manage Account page.

Managing Contact Information

Contact information consists of the user’s addresses, phone numbers, and emails. Only US addresses are supported.

The primary contact information in the profile is used as the default contact information in the user’s applications.

To update contact information:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Click the Contact Information section to open the Contact Information page.

  4. To add or modify a contact method:

    1. If you are adding a contact method, click Add in the appropriate section (Address, Phone, or Email) to open the Details page.

    2. If you are updating a contact method, click the View More Details button at the end of an existing row to open the Details page.

    3. Select the Type.

      The Details page displays different fields depending on the type of contact method, but all contact methods include the Type field. Address types are Home and Work. Email and Phone types are Home and Business.

    4. If you’re adding a new address, either enter the Postal Code or click the Don't know link.

      As you enter a Postal Code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate city and state combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address. If you don’t know the postal code, clicking the Don’t know link displays a full set of address fields.

      If you accessed an existing address, the additional address fields are already visible.

    5. Enter the complete contact information: either an address, a Phone and Ext (extension), or an Email.

    6. If this will be the primary address, phone number, or email, select the Primary check box.

      Only one contact method of each type can be primary, so if you select the check box, the previous primary address, phone number, or email (if any) is updated to no longer be primary. When there is only one contact method of each type, it is automatically primary.

    7. Click Save or Cancel to close the Details page and return to the Contact Information page.

  5. To delete a contact method, click Delete for the appropriate row.

  6. Click Cancel to return to the Manage Account page.

Managing Contacts

Contacts are people who can interact with the agency regarding business related to the associated account.

To manage contacts:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Click the Contacts section to open the Contacts page.

  4. If you are adding a contact, click Add to open the Contact Details page.

  5. If you are updating a contact, click the View More Details button at the end of the row to open the Contact Details page.

  6. On the Contact Details page, enter the contact’s First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Business.

  7. To enter an address, enter the Postal Code or click the Don't know link to reveal additional address fields, then enter information in those address fields.

  8. Enter a Phone and Ext (extension).

  9. Enter an Email.

  10. Click Save or Cancel to close the Contact Details page.

    Any information you save immediately appears on the Contacts page.

  11. Click Cancel on the Contact page to return to the Manage Account page.

Note: When applicants enter contact information in an application, they can create new contacts or choose existing profile contacts. When creating a new application contact, the user can indicate whether the new contact should also be added to the account profile. When choosing an existing profile contact, the applicant can modify contact details and indicate whether the original profile contact record should be updated as well.

Updating Licenses

The licenses section of the Manage Account page includes both a list of professional licenses and a statement of whether the profile is for a contractor.

If your agency requires staff to verify contractor status and professional licenses, staff members who access the information can update the verification statuses for both types of information. Public users can see but not update the verification statuses.

To update license information:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Click the Licenses section to open the Licenses page.

  4. Review or update these fields related to the user’s contractor status:

    Licenses page elements related to user’s contractor status.

    Page Element


    Are You a Contractor?

    To indicate the contractor status, select either Yes or No.

    Verification Status

    This field is visible if the contractor status is Yes and the Public User Setup page is configured to require that contractor status be verified.

    The default value is Pending verification.

    Agency staff updates the status to either Verified or Verification failed after independently verifying the user’s contractor status.

    Note: Although public users and agency staff can both see the verification status, only agency staff can update the value.
  5. To add a new license, click Add, or to view an existing license, click the row for the license you want to view.

    The License Details page opens.

  6. Review and update the following fields on the Licenses page:

    Elements on the License Details page

    Page Element


    License Type

    This is a free text field for entering the type of license, such as a General Contractor license or an Electrical Contractor License.

    License ID

    Enter the license number that uniquely identifies the license.

    Start Date

    Enter the date that the license became valid.

    Expire Date

    Enter the date that the license expires or requires renewal.

    Verification Status

    This field is visible if the Public User Setup page is configured to require that licenses be verified.

    The default value for a new license is Pending verification.

    Agency staff updates the status to either Verified or Verification failed after independently verifying the license.

    Note: Although public users and agency staff can both see the verification status, only agency staff can update the value.
  7. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Licenses page.

  8. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Manage Account page.

    Saving on the Licenses page saves changes to the Are You a Contractor? and Verification Status fields. Changes to licenses are saved from the License Details page.

Updating Trust Accounts

The Trust Accounts section of the profile lists trust accounts that are used for payments to the agency.

If your agency requires staff to verify trust accounts, staff members who access the information can update the Verification Status field. Public users can see the verification status, but they can’t update it.

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

  2. Select the profile name in the left frame.

  3. Click the Trust Accounts section to open the Trust Accounts page.

  4. To add a new trust account, click Add, or to view an existing trust account, click the row for the account you want to view.

    The Trust Account Details page opens.

  5. Review and update the following fields on the Trust Account Details page:

    Elements on the Trust Account Details page

    Page Element


    Account Number

    Enter the unique account number for the trust account.


    The description might include the financial institution name and other important information about the account.


    Select Active or Inactive.

    Verification Status

    This field is visible if the Public User Setup page is configured to require that accounts be verified.

    The default value for a new account is Pending verification.

    Agency staff updates the status to either Verified or Verification failed after independently verifying the account information that the user provided.

    Note: Although public users and agency staff can both see the verification status, only agency staff can update the value.
  6. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Trust Accounts page.

  7. Click Cancel to return to the Manage Account page.

Managing Account Profile Attachments

Your agency controls whether attachments can be added to user accounts. Set this option on the Public User Setup page.

Attachments can be associated with either the account or with the account profile. The account-level list includes all attachments.

To manage account profile attachments:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

    This page has two frames. Use the left frame to select either the general account or the account profile. Use the right frame to view and update details for the selected item.

  2. In the left frame of the page, select the profile name.

    When the profile is selected, the right frame displays information for the profile. The row for attachments includes information stating how many attachments (if any) are associated with the profile.

  3. Click the Attachments item in the right frame.

    The Attachments window opens. It lists the attachments that are associated with the profile.

    Page elements in the Attachments window.

    Page Element


    File Name / Date

    The file name of the attachment, and the date that the attachment was added to the account.


    A user-supplied description. Users can optionally add a description while adding the attachment.


    This field appears only if the agency’s public user setup specifies a document group for public user attachments. Document groups consist of a set of document categories.

    When visible, this field displays the document category for the attachment.

    For more information, see Setting Up Document Categories and Subcategories and Setting Up Document Groups.


    This field appears only if the agency’s public user setup specifies a document group for public user attachments. The categories in a document group can optionally include subcategories. For example, a Licenses category might have subcategories for different types of contractor’s licenses.

    When visible, this field displays the document subcategory for the attachment.


    Click to access a menu with options for viewing attachment information, downloading the file, or deleting the attachment from the account.

  4. To add a new attachment:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Select a file using your browser’s file selection window.

    3. On the Add Attachments page, verify the File Name and optionally enter a Description.

    4. If document groups are enabled for public users, optionally select the appropriate Category and Subcategory values.

    5. Click Upload.

      When the upload is complete, the new attachment appears in the list on the Attachments page.

  5. To view or modify attachment information:

    1. Click the Actions icon and select View Details.

    2. On the Attachment Details page, review the File Name, the File Size, and the Last Updated By and Uploaded By user names.

    3. Optionally update the Description.

    4. If document groups are enabled for public users, optionally update the Category and Subcategory.

    5. Click Save or Cancel to return to the Attachments page.

  6. To download a file, click the Actions icon and select Download.

  7. To delete a file, click the Actions icon and select Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

    Note: Agency staff can always delete attachments. Public users can’t delete attachments unless the Public User Setup page is configured to allow this action.
  8. To close the Attachments window, click Cancel.

Managing Account Profile Conditions

You can access conditions applied to the account profile from the profile summary page. For detailed information about adding and managing conditions, see Managing Account Conditions.

To manage account profile conditions:

  1. Access the Manage Account page.

    This page has two frames. Use the left frame to select either the general account or the account profile. Use the right frame to view and update details for the selected item.

  2. In the left frame of the page, select the profile name.

    If the account profile has conditions, an icon representing the condition severity appears next to the profile name.

  3. Click the Conditions item in the right frame.

    A window that lists the conditions for the selected profile appears. Active conditions are first, followed by resolved conditions.

  4. Review the conditions, and optionally access condition details or resolve conditions.

  5. Click the Close icon in the top right corner of the window.