Adding Responsible Parties

Agency staff add and manage responsible parties related to a case.

Viewing Responsible Parties

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and then select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, select the View More Details button for the case you are working with.

  3. Click Responsible Parties in the left panel to view the Responsible Parties page for the case.

    Page Element


    Primary Responsible Party icon

    Indicates that the person is the primary responsible party.

    Responsible Party

    View the name of the party responsible for the reported violation.

    Mailing Address

    View the address of the responsible party.

    You can view the location of the address on a map at the top of the page.


    View the email address of the responsible party.


    View the phone number of the responsible party.


    Shows the status of the responsible party – Active or Inactive.


    View the type of the responsible party. For example, owner.

    Online Access Status

    Displays the status of the online access that was requested by the responsible party:

    • Not Requested

    • Pending Approval

    • Issued

    • Denied


    Select from these options:

    • Allow Access

    • Deny Access

    • Inactivate: Access to the case is removed and a communication is sent to the responsible party. The person will not be included in the notice process.

    The Access options are available only if a responsible party has requested access to this case. Also, once approved, the Actions menu shows only the Deny and Inactivate options. Similarly, after denying the access, the Actions menu shows only the Approve and Inactivate options.Once the access is issued, the responsible party can access their case details using the Resolve Issue page and take actions such as submitting appeals. See Resolving Issues.

    Note: The Access actions are also available to the assigned code technician on the Access Requests tab in the Code Technician Worklist.
  4. To view more information about the online access activity, click View Details for the responsible party record. If applicable, the detail page shows information about the access request, such as, the approver’s name, date of approving, and any comments.

    A separate Online Access section is displayed if the responsible party has requested for online access, using the Resolve Issue page. Review the requester’s user name, email, phone, and the status of online access.

Managing Online Access Requests

The Online Access Requests section on the Responsible Parties page lists all the responsible parties who have requested access to the case. You can approve or deny the access for each request or drill down to the request details.

To approve an access request, click the Actions menu on the record and select Approve Access. On the Approve Access page you select one of the options:

  • Link the request to an existing responsible party: Use the checkbox to select a responsible party from the list identified by the agency and click Save. The existing responsible party row detail is updated with the email address as per the access request and the online access status changes to Access Allowed. The Online Access section shows the details.

  • Create a new responsible party: Select the check box and click Save. The Add Responsible Party page opens for you to enter the details and save. A new record is added to the Responsible Party grid, with the online access status as Access Allowed.

To deny an access request, click the Actions menu on the record and select Deny Access. The record is removed from the Online Access Requests grid and a new record is added to the Responsible Parties grid with online access status as Access Denied. To approve the request, you can use the Actions menu on the row and select Approve Request.

Once the request is approved or denied, the record is removed from the Online Access Requests grid.

Note: Approved and inactive responsible parties are not listed in the Approve Access page.

Adding Responsible Parties

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and then select the Cases tab.

  2. On the Cases page, select the View More Details button for the case you are working with.

  3. Click Responsible Parties in the left panel to view the Responsible Parties page for the case.

  4. Click the Add Responsible Party button. On the Add Responsible Party page, you can add a new responsible party by entering the details or you can click the Select from Parcel Owners link to search and select an existing parcel owner record.

    Note: You must enter a value for the Type field if you have selected an existing parcel owner.
  5. Select the Primary switch if you want to assign the newly added responsible party as the primary responsible party. Such an assignment will automatically update the earlier primary responsible party as not primary.

  6. Click Save to add the responsible party and return to the list page, which always lists the primary responsible party with an indicator.

New responsible parties are active by default. You can set a responsible party as inactive by using the Inactivate option available in the Actions menu in each record. Inactive responsible parties are not included in the notices and they will not have access to the case.

Updating Responsible Party Detail

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and then select the Cases tab.

  2. On the Cases page, select the View More Details button for the case you are working with.

  3. Click Responsible Parties in the left panel to view the Responsible Parties page for the case.

  4. Click the View More Details button on the responsible party row to update the details.

  5. On the Edit Responsible Party page, enter new values for the fields you want to change.

    To enter an address, begin by entering the Postal Code. As you enter the code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate state and city combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address.

    If you don’t know the postal code, click the Don’t know link that appears when the postal code field is blank. Clicking this link displays a full set of address fields.

  6. Turn off the Active switch if you want to set the responsible party as inactive.

  7. The Online Access section appears only if there is an access request from the responsible party, which is pending approval, approved, or denied. You can approve or deny the access depending on the status of the request.

  8. Click Save to save the changes and return to the Responsible Parties page.