Processing Incidents

The code enforcement technician who claims an incident has various options for processing it: scheduling an inspection, marking it as a duplicate, reassigning it to another technician, releasing it back to the pool of unclaimed incidents, rerouting it by updating the issue type or subtype, or closing it.

The following actions are available for processing incidents:

  • Schedule Inspection

  • Mark as Duplicate

  • Reassign

  • Release

  • Reroute Incident

  • Close

Code enforcement technicians access these processing options from an Actions menu. This menu appears on the Incidents tab of the code technician worklist, which lists incidents where the current user is the assigned technician. It’s also available on the Overview section of the Incident detail page. See Working with Incident Details.

Note: The Incidents tab of the code technician worklist displays the same incident information as the other incident-related worklist tabs.

Accessing Incident Actions from the Worklist

To access the Actions menu for an incident in the code technician worklist:

  1. From the agency springboard, click the Code Technician Worklist tile.

  2. Select the Incidents tab to view incidents in Reported status where you are the assigned technician.

  3. Optionally select a subtab to further filter the list of incoming incidents:

    • Click the Overdue tab to display incidents with a due date before the current date.

    • Click the Priority tab to display incidents with a priority setting of Yes.

    To return from a subtab to the main Incoming Incidents tab, click the Back to Incoming Incidents icon next to the Search icon.

  4. Click the Actions icon for an incident.

    A drop-down list of actions appears.

Accessing Incident Actions from the Incident Details

The Actions button on the Overview section of Incident Details page is identical to the Actions button on the code technicianworklist. Click the button to see a drop-down menu of available actions.

You have two options for accessing incident details:

To access incident details via the code technician worklist:

  1. Click the Code Technician Worklist tile on the agency springboard.

  2. Access a tab that displays the incident you want to access, and locate the incident in the list.

  3. Click the View More Details icon for the incident.

To access incident details via the Incidents list:

  1. Click the Incident List tile on the agency springboard.

  2. On the Incidents list page, locate the incident and click it.

Scheduling an Inspection When Autoassignment is Active

If the technician who reviews an incident determines that it is a valid incident, the next step is to schedule an inspection. If the code enforcement autoassignment option is active, the system does the work for you.

To schedule an inspection when autoassignment is active:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Schedule Inspection from the menu.

    The system schedule an inspection for the next available date. The inspection is assigned to a code enforcement officer who is associated with the incident’s district. A confirmation message tells you the inspection date and the assigned officer, and you are done.

Note: In some situations, autoassignment can’t be completed. For example, a system-level option sets the maximum number of inspections per day code enforcement officers, so there might not be any eligible officers available on or before the inspection due date. When autoassignment isn’t possible, the Schedule an Inspection page opens, and a message explains why the inspection couldn’t be scheduled automatically. In this scenario, simply use the Schedule an Inspection page to schedule the inspection manually. When you schedule the inspection manually, you can overbook an officer or set the inspection date past the due date.

Scheduling an Inspection Manually

To schedule an inspection manually:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Schedule Inspection from the menu.

    The Schedule an Inspection window opens.

  3. Review the following read-only fields for contextual information:

    Page Element



    Indicates whether the incident has been marked as a priority. The incident priority can affect the due date calculation.

    Due Date

    Displays the date by which the inspection should be completed. The inspection due date is determined by the time-based rules for the associated issue subtype. These rules are based on the incident submission date and whether the incident is marked as a priority.

    District Type

    Displays the incident’s district type, which is inherited from the issue subtype.


    Displays the incident’s district, which is based on the district type and the incident location.

    The default list of available code officers consists of the code officers who are assigned to this district.

  4. Accept the default Inspection Date, or enter a new one.

    The default inspection date is normally the inspection due date. However, if you are scheduling the inspection manually because autoassignment couldn’t find an eligible officer before the due date, the default date is the next date that an officer is available without being overbooked.

  5. Review any existing comments.

    Existing comments display the date and time the comment was created, the user ID of the person who added the comment, and the first 200 characters of the comment text. If any comments are truncated, click the comment to open a window that displays the entire comment. A comments search box is available if any comments exist.

  6. Optionally add additional comments:

    1. Click Add Comment.

    2. In the Add Comment window, enter your comment in the rich text field.

      Alternatively, insert a copy of an existing comment by clicking Select Comments. For more information about working with comments, see Working with Comments.

    3. Click Save to close the Add Comment window and return to the Schedule an Inspection window.

      Even if you cancel the Schedule an Inspection action, the new comment remains.

  7. Select an inspector from the list in the Assign section.

    The list displays the Name of each inspector who is available on the inspection date.

    The Inspection Count for an officer indicates how many inspections that person is already scheduled to perform on the specified date. A warning icon appears next to the count if choosing the officer would overbook the officer (based on your system setting for the maximum number of inspections per officer per day).

    If no inspectors are available, change the inspection date.

  8. Click Save to schedule the inspection on the selected date with the selected inspector.

    The inspection is scheduled, and the incident status changes to Inspection.

    After you schedule an inspection, the incident no longer appears on the Incidents tab of the code technician worklist. You can still access the incident from the incident list and incident details pages. See Working with Incident Details.

Checking for Duplicates and Marking an Incident as a Duplicate

To check for duplicates and mark an incident as a duplicate:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Mark as Duplicate from the menu.

    The Check for Duplicate window opens. The Selected Incident section at the top of the window displays the incident ID, issue type, issue subtype, and address for the incident that you are marking as a duplicate.

  3. Click the Cases and Incidents links to view initial lists of possible duplicates

    The search that is performed when you open the page shows active incidents and cases that match the issue subtype and location of the selected incident. Cases and incidents appear in separate lists that appear when you click the corresponding links.

    The search results show the case or incident ID, the issue type and subtype, the status, the address, and the reported date.

  4. Optionally enter your own search criteria and click Search to look for other cases or incidents that the selected incident duplicates.

  5. Select the check box for an incident or case that the selected incident duplicates.

  6. Click Mark as Duplicate, then click OK in the confirmation message window.

    The original incident status changes to Closed with a reason of Duplicate. The related issue information is saved so that the Incident detail page for the newly marked duplicate shows which incident or case was duplicated.

    After you mark an incident as a duplicate, it no longer appears on the Incidents tab of the code technician worklist. You can still access the incident from the incident list and incident details pages. See Working with Incident Details.

Reassigning an Incident to Another Technician

Note: Reassigning an incident assigns the incident to a new technician, who is then responsible for reviewing and processing the incident. Reassigning does not assign the incident to a code enforcement officer who will perform an inspection. To assign an incident for inspection, use the Schedule an Inspection option.

To reassign an incident to another technician:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Reassign from the menu.

    The Reassign Technician window opens. The Technician Assigned field displays the name of the current assignee.

  3. In the Select to Change area, use these fields to review the list of technicians:

    Page Element


    Show All Technicians

    This check box is available to supervisors (but not to technicians) when automatic routing is on. Supervisors can select the check box to list all code enforcement technicians, regardless of whether their job function attributes match the current incident’s issue type and subtype.

    If automatic routing is not enabled, this check box is hidden, and the technician list always includes all technicians.


    Displays the names of available technicians.


    Displays the number of open incidents that the code technician is currently assigned to.

  4. Select a technician by clicking the row with the technician’s name.

  5. Click the Save button.

    After you reassign an incident, only the newly assigned technician sees the incident on Incidents tab of the code technician worklist.

Releasing an Incident

Releasing an incident clears the Technician Assigned field. This sends the incident back to the Incoming Incidents tab on the code technician worklist so that another technician can claim it.

You can only release incidents in Reported status that are assigned to you—that is, where you are the assigned code enforcement technician. If the incident has moved past Reported status, you can still reassign it, but you can’t release it.

To release an incident:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Release from the menu.

    The Technician Assigned field is immediately cleared, and the change is saved.

Rerouting an Incident

Incidents are classified based on the issue type and subtype. If automatic routing is enabled, the issue type and subtype route incidents to code technicians with the proper area of responsibility.

The Reroute Incident action enables you to correct an incident’s issue type and subtype. The action is available regardless of whether automatic routing is enabled, but automatic routing ensures that the correctly classified incident is directed to the appropriate code technicians.

Rerouting an incident closes the original incident with a reason of Rerouted and creates a new incident.

When the new incident is created:

  • Information from fields that are common to all incidents gets copied to the new incident.

    This includes the location, the description, whether the issue is a public safety risk, and the name and contact information (if any) from the original incident.

  • Data in the original incident’s custom fields are not copied.

  • You can review and edit the new incident information before submitting it.

    Use this option to add information in any custom fields for the new incident subtype.

  • The agency user who reroutes the incident becomes the creator of the new incident.

    If a public user was signed in while creating the original incident, the user can see the incident using the Track Your Issues option. After rerouting, however, the new incident is not associated with the original public user account, and it’s not included in the user’s issue list. The public user can see that the original issue was closed, and the issue details provide the new issue number.

To reroute an incident:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Reroute Incident from the menu.

    The Reroute Incident window opens.

  3. Enter the corrected Issue Type and Issue Subtype.

    You must change at least one value before you can continue.

  4. Click Continue.

    The Review page appears.

  5. Review the information for the new incident.

  6. If you need to add or change information for the new incident:

    1. Click Edit on the review page to make the fields editable.

    2. Make your changes.

    3. Click Done to return to the review page.

  7. Click Submit.

    The original incident is closed with the reason Rerouted, and a new incident is created. A confirmation message provides the ID of the new incident.

    If automatic routing is active, the new incident is routed to the appropriate code technicians. Otherwise, the new incident goes into the general pool of unassigned incidents.

Closing an Incident Manually

Sometimes an incident can be closed immediately, without first being inspected.

To close an incident:

  1. Access the Actions menu for an incident.

  2. Select Close from the menu.

    The Close Incident window opens.

  3. In the Close Reason field, select one of the following reasons:




    No violation has occurred.


    The incident was created in error.


    The incident has been referred to another department or agency.

    Note: Other close reasons, including Duplicate and Reroute, are assigned by the system during related processing.
  4. Review any existing comments, and optionally add additional comments.

    To add new comments:

    1. Click Add Comment.

    2. In the Add Comment window, enter your comment in the rich text field.

      Alternatively, insert a copy of an existing comment by clicking Select Comments. For more information about working with comments, see Working with Comments.

    3. Click Save to close the Add Comment window and return to the Close Incident window.

      Even if you cancel the Close Incident action, the new comment remains.

  5. Click Save.

    The incident status changes to Closed.

    After you close the incident, it no longer appears on the Incidents tab of the code technician worklist. You can still access the incident from the incident list and incident details pages. See Working with Incident Details.