Working with Case Property Information

Property information shows the location details of the property that is associated with the case. The information includes the parcel ID, address of the property, and the name of the property owner. You can change the property using a search, or update the existing property details using the edit option.

Viewing Parcel Information

You view the parcel associated with this case on the Property Information page. You can also view the parcel location on a map.

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case you are working with.

  3. Select the Property Information tab in the left panel to open the detail view of the property.

Changing Property

You can change the property associated with the case on the Property Information page.

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case you are working with.

  3. In the case details, select the Property Information tab in the left panel to open the detail view of the property.

  4. On the Property Information page, click the Search button.

  5. On the Search Property page, search a new parcel and click Select.

Updating Property Address

You can update the parcel address associated with the case on the Property Information page.

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case you are working with.

  3. In the case details, select the Property Information tab in the left panel to open the detail view of the property.

  4. On the Property Information page, click the Edit button.

  5. On the Update Property Information page, you can enter new values for the address, city, and state. Click Done.

Viewing Cases Associated with a Parcel

Agency staff can view summary of cases that are associated with a parcel on the Transactions page, Cases tab.

For more information, see Viewing Transactions Associated with a Parcel.