Working with Code Enforcement Fees and Payments

You view and manage code enforcement fees and payments associated with a case on the Fees and Payments page in the case details.

Viewing Fees and Making Payments for a Case

The Fee and Payments page from the case details shows the details of the payments due for the case. Separate fee items are listed based on the source and type of the applicable fees. Payable amounts can include fees for case status changes such as for violation, citation, or any other case status changes.

The distribution of fee items and the associated fee for each item are determined by the fee items and schedules set up. For details, see Setting Up Fee Items and Setting Up Issue Subtypes.

You use the Pay button to open the Pay Fees page and make the payment.

Tip: You can also make a payment for a case or citation from the agency springboard by selecting the Make CE Payments option in the I want to field. Registered public users can make payments for a case or citation using the CE Payments tile on their landing page.

The attributes on the case details – Fees and Payments page are updated once the payment is successful.

To view the fee details for a case and make payment:

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel or click the View Details link in the Fees and Payments section on the Overview page for the case.

  4. On the Fees and Payments page, view a list of total fees, as well as a list of separate fee items. Pay button is displayed, when you have fee items due for payment. Use the Pay button to pay either all the balance amount which is due or pay only a particular fee item.

    Page Element


    Total Fees, Total Payable, Total Payments in Process, Total Paid, Balance Due, and Pay button

    The top section on the page displays the consolidated details for all the fee items displayed in the grid below. Use the Pay button to open the Pay Fees page and pay the total balance due or pay for selected fee items.

    Calculate Late Fee button

    When there are overdue fee items, a late fee is associated with them, which the responsible party must pay. Click to calculate late fees for fee items, if any.

    Fee Source

    Shows the source from which the fee item was generated. For example, case status change, citation, and late fee.

    Fee Item

    The identifier of the fee.

    Fee Reference ID

    The unique identifier of the fee reference generated for each fee item. The values are generated based on the fee autonumber rule set up on the Code Enforcement Options page.

    Note: The fee reference ID for a late fee will remain same as the value generated for the fee item it is applied on.

    See Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement.


    The amount due for the fee.

    Note: Fee amounts are calculated based on the fee schedule set up on the Issue Subtype page. For more information, see Setting Up Issue Subtypes.


    The currency in which the fees are paid.


    Shows the status of the fee payment:

    • Paid

    • Processing payment

    • Due

    Due Date

    The date by which the payment must be made.

    Assessed Date

    The date on which the fee was assessed.

    Payment Reference ID

    The identifier of the payment.

Viewing Fee Item Details

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and click the Cases tab. Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel or click the View Details link in the Fees and Payments section on the Overview page for the case.

  4. On the Fees and Payments page, select the fee item for which you want to view details.

  5. On the Fee Item Details page, view additional information about the fees such as fee reference ID, description about the fee item, and department. You can edit to make changes to the fields for fee amount, status, department, assessed and due dates, as well as enter comments.

Note: Code technicians can make citation payments on behalf of the responsible party by using the I want toPay Citation option on the Agency springboard.

Adding an Ad Hoc Fee Item

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel or click the View Details link in the Fees and Payments section on the Overview page for the case.

  4. On the Fees and Payments page, click Add (+ button) to add an ad hoc fee item.

    Page Element


    Fee Item

    Search and select a fee item.

    If a Fee Item is associated with a department, then the Department field gets automatically populated when you select the fee item.

    Amount (USD)

    Enter the amount for the ad hoc fee.


    • Canceled

    • Due

    • Suspended

    • Pending (Default selection)

      Fee items with a status of Pending are not added in Balance Due in the Fees and Payments page.

    • Paid


    The department that calculates the fee amount.

    Assessed Date

    The date on which the fee was assessed.

    Due Date

    The date by which the payment must be made.


    Add comments pertaining to this fee item.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.

Paying Code Enforcement Fees

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel.

  4. Click the Pay button to access the Checkout page. You can use the check boxes to select the fee items you want to pay for.

    Note: When overdue fee items are present, the late fees for these are automatically calculated as you click the Pay button and the total amount to be paid is shown.
  5. Click the Information icon next to the Total Amount to Be Paid to preview the fee items before making the payment.

  6. Depending upon the agency’s payment integration setup, various modes of payment are available, such as Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal or Cash. Choose the payment method and click the Make Payment button to access the Payment Details modal.

  7. Verify details on the Payment Details page and click Done.

  8. The Cash Drawer page shows the details of the transaction. Click Save to save the changes and go to the Payment Successful page.

  9. Click the Print Receipt button to print the payment receipt.

  10. Click the Back link to return to the Fees and Payments page.

  11. In the Fees and Payments page, Payment Reference IDs are generated for the paid fee items. Click the link to view a receipt with details such as, receipt number and date, reference number, amount paid, item details, and payment method.

Calculating Late Fees

  1. Select the Code Technician Worklist tile on the Agency Springboard and select the Cases tab.

    Alternatively, you can select the Cases tile on the Agency Springboard to view all the cases in the system.

  2. On the Cases page, click View More Details for the case row you want to access.

  3. Click Fees and Payments in the left panel.

  4. Click Calculate Late Fee at the top of the grid.

  5. The Calculate Late Fee pop-up window lists only the overdue fee items. Select the fee items for which you want to calculate the late fees.

  6. Click Submit to return to the Fees and Payments page. The page now lists the late fee as a separate record with the same Fee Reference ID as its associated fee.