Setting Up GIS Attribute Mapping

Use Global Information Systems (GIS) attribute mapping to specify information about your map service parcel layer.


Before you enter the information about your map service layers, you must:

  • Publish the map service, which must have parcel, address, and owner layers.

    When you save the URL for a map service layer, an error message appears if the layer is not available.

  • Ensure that the parcel layer has a field with parcel IDs that match the parcel IDs in the Oracle system.

    Parcel IDs must match exactly, with no formatting differences.

Setting Up the Service Layer URLs

To set up the layer service URLs:

  1. Select GIS Setup > Attribute Mapping.

    The GIS Attribute Mapping page appears.

  2. Enter parcel layer information:

    Parcel layer elements on the Attribute Mapping page

    Page Element


    Parcel Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your parcel layer feature service.

    The URLs for the different layers of an Esri map service have numeric identifiers. The URL that you enter here ends with the number for the parcel layer as in the example https://servername/arcgis/rest/services/Your_City/MapServer/4

    You must publish your parcel layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the parcel layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

    The values in the drop-down list come from the parcel layer that you specify. Select the GIS attribute that provides the same identifiers that are used in the parcel table in the Oracle system.

    For information about setting up the parcel table, see Setting Up Parcels.

    On maps used as property pickers, clicking a parcel on a map retrieves the parcel identifier from the map service. This value is used as criteria for searching the Parcel table, and the search results appear in a modal window. As long as the same parcel number exists in the Parcel table, the search results include just one value, representing the selected parcel.

  3. Enter address layer information:

    Address layer elements on the Attribute Mapping page

    Page Element


    Address Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your address layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the address layer.

    You must publish your address layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the address layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

  4. Enter owner layer information:

    Owner layer elements on the Attribute Mapping page

    Page Element


    Owner Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your owner layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the owner layer.

    You must publish your owner layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

    Parcel Number

    Select the owner layer GIS attribute that provides the unique identifier for each parcel.

  5. Enter neighborhood layer information:

    Neighborhood group layer elements on the Attribute Mapping page

    Page Element


    Neighborhood Group Service URL

    Enter the URL for your neighborhood group layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the neighborhood group layer.

    This layer identifies neighborhood groups so that the system can check whether a location on a map intersects those neighborhood groups. For example, when generating public notification lists, attributes are downloaded for all neighborhood groups that intersect the defined public notification area.

    Your GIS administrator must create and publish your neighborhood group layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

  6. Enter boundary layer information:

    Boundary layer elements on the Attribute Mapping page

    Page Element


    Boundary Layer Service URL

    Enter the URL for your boundary layer feature service. The URL ends with the number for the boundary layer.

    This layer identifies the agency’s boundaries so that the system can check whether a location on a map is within those boundaries. For example, in the code enforcement system, issue locations must be within the agency’s boundaries.

    Your GIS administrator must create and publish your boundary layer feature service before you enter the URL here.

  7. Click Save.