Defining Alerts

You can enable alerts for the Agency Springboard and public landing pages using ad hoc alerts or using certain delivered communication events.

You have multiple options for setting up alerts that appear on the public user landing pages and the agency springboard:

  • Use the Communication Center to create an ad hoc alert.

    This is the preferred method. For step-by-step instructions, see Working with Ad Hoc Communications.

  • Use communication events, and create the alert using the delivered PSC_GENERIC_ALERT event.

    This topic provides step-by-step instructions for setting up an alert this way.

Configuring the Agency Springboard and the Public User Landing Pages to Show Alerts

  1. Select Navigation > Menu Configurations.

  2. On the Configure Menu Structure page, select the Products menu.

  3. Click Open Menu.

  4. Expand the folder for the desired alert location:

    • Agency Springboard Data

    • Anonymous Landing Page Data

    • Registered Landing Page Data

  5. Select the Alerts item in the folder.

  6. On the Link Details page, change the Show On field to All devices.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Adding Alerts Using Delivered Events

For general information about working with events, see Setting Up Communication Templates.

  1. Select Communication Setup > Communication Events.

  2. Locate the PSC_GENERIC_ALERT event row for general alerts and click the row to open the Communication Event Details page.

  3. Click the Add button in the Communication Template section.

  4. On the Communication Template Details page, select Alert in the Channel Type field. The page refreshes to show the fields required for defining an alert.

  5. In the Template Attributes section, enter information for the required fields:

    Elements for alerts in the Template Attributes section on the Communication Template Details page

    Page Element


    Code and Name

    Enter a code and descriptive name for the alert.

    Start Date Time and End Date Time

    Enter when the alert is valid, including when to start and when to stop showing the alert.


    Turn on the switch to activate the alert.

  6. In the Compose section, enter information in these fields:

    Elements for alerts in the Compose section on the Communication Template Details page

    Page Element



    Enter a value that identifies the target recipients:

    • Individual Registered Users

      Enter comma-separated user IDs for the registered users, for example, SYSTEM_ADMIN,BUSINESS_ANALYST.

    • All Registered Users

      Enter this attribute: ${User}. The Communication Alerts framework provides the alert information when the registered user logs in.

    • All Anonymous Users

      Enter this attribute: ${Anonymous}.

    • A Combination of Users

      Enter a string including comma-separated user IDs for the registered users, ${User} for all registered users, and ${Anonymous} for all anonymous users.

    Message Body

    Compose the message for your alert here. For the Alert channel type, you can enter only plain, unformatted text.

    Select and Insert

    Insert variable attributes into your communications. You select the field and the attribute that you want to insert in that field, and click Insert to enter a variable for that attribute.

    For example, if you select the To field and the Anonymous attribute, and click Insert, the ${Anonymous} variable is inserted into the To field of the communication template.


    Enter any additional information about the communication. These remarks are not included in the generated communication.

  7. Click Save to return to the Communication Event Details page.

  8. On the Communication Event Details page, turn on the Enabled switch.

  9. Click Save.

Modifying Alerts

  1. Select Communication Setup > Communication Events.

  2. Locate the row to be modified (either the PSC_GENERIC_ALERT row or the ADHOC-EVENT event row), and click the row to open the Communication Event Details page.

  3. In the Communication Template section, click the row for the alert you want to modify.

  4. On the Communication Template Details page, you can enable or disable the alert message, change the recipient of the alert in the To field, and update the message text in the message body.

  5. Click Save.

  6. On the Communication Event Details page, you can turn on or turn off the Enabled switch.

  7. Click Save.