Setting Up Accounting Rules

Accounting rules define how accounting journal entries are created for a specific type of agency transaction. They are only used when you have selected Public Sector Accounting as your accounting framework option.

An accounting rule contains the debit and credit distributions lines that are generated including the accounting segment values that are used and the percentage of the accounting transaction amount that is distributed to each line. Only one rule may be applied to a given accounting transaction unless you specify an accounting rule group.

You add, modify, and delete accounting rules on the Accounting Rule page.

Adding Accounting Rules

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. On the Accounting Rule page, click Add.

  3. On the Accounting Rule page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Accounting Rule page

    Page Element


    Accounting Event

    Enter the accounting event to associate with this accounting rule.

    The event identifies the agency transaction to which the rule applies. It also determines the fields that are available when you define the criteria that are used to select the accounting transactions that the rule processes.

    If you select the FeeReceipts accounting event, the Classification field appears.

    Accounting Rule

    Enter a unique ID for the accounting rule.

    Accounting Rule Group

    Optionally, enter the group that the accounting rule belongs to. When this rule is applied to an accounting transaction, any other rules referencing this group will also be applied.

    When multiple accounting rules are assigned to the same group, transactions meeting the selection criteria are processed by each rule in the group.


    Enter a description of the accounting rule.

    Start Date and End Date

    Enter the date range during which the accounting rule can be used.

    Show All Dates

    Click to access the History Data page where you can update existing effective dated rows, and add new ones.


    Select the ledger to which this rule applies.


    Select Fee Revenue, Payment, or Overpayment options. This represents the type of journal entry the rule will produce. This field appears only if you have selected the FeeReceipts accounting event. The default value for the field is Fee Revenue.


    Click to validate the entered data and ensure that the rule is valid for processing.

  4. Add distribution lines and criteria.

    Note: You must have values defined for all required accounting rule fields before you can add distribution lines and criteria.
  5. Click Save.

Adding Distribution Lines

  1. On the Accounting Rule Details page, click Add on the Distribution Lines tab.

  2. On the Distribution Lines page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements on the Distribution Lines page

    Page Element


    Line Number

    Enter a number for the distribution line to determine the order in which it is processed.

    Debit or Credit

    Specify whether this line is a debit or a credit.

    Note: You must define at least one debit line and one credit line for each fund.

    Account, Division, Department, Fund, Function, and Program

    Enter values for the six segments (fields) that are appropriate for the line. These segments classify a transaction for financial and operational reporting purposes.

    Note: Account and Fund are required.


    Specify the percentage of the accounting transaction amount that is distributed to this line. The total debit and credit percentages must equal 100 percent for the rule. In addition, the total debit percentages must equal the total credit percentages for each fund.

    Rounding Adjustment

    Use this switch to identify one debit line as a rounding adjustment line. The application uses this line to balance the distributed debit total to the accounting transaction amount, if necessary.

    In addition, use this switch to identify one credit line as a rounding adjustment line for each fund. The application uses this line to balance each fund's credit total to its debit total, if necessary.

    Note: You can enable this switch for only one debit line and one credit line for an accounting rule.
  3. Click Save.

Adding Criteria

You define field criteria to determine the accounting transactions to which this rule applies. The fields that are available to select as criteria are determined by the accounting event that is associated with the rule.

  1. On the Accounting Rule Details page, access the Criteria tab and click Add.

  2. On the Criteria page, enter values for the following fields to create a criterion:

    Elements on the Criteria page

    Page Element


    Field Name

    Select the field on which you are basing this criterion.

    Logical Operator

    Specify whether the field must be equal or not equal to a specific value.

    Field Value

    Enter the field value on which the criterion is based.

    For example, if you create a criterion with the TRANSACTION_TYPE field being equal to BUILDING, this accounting rule will apply only to building transactions.

  3. Click Save.

Modifying Accounting Rules

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. Click a row on the Accounting Rule page.

  3. On the Accounting Rule Details page you can:

    • Update the accounting rule field values.

      Note: You can't update the Accounting Event or End Date fields.
    • Delete the accounting rule. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

    • Add, modify, or delete distribution lines and criteria.

  4. Click Save.

Modifying Distribution Lines

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. Click a row on the Accounting Rule page.

  3. Click a row in the Distribution Lines tab on the Accounting Rule page.

  4. On the Distribution Lines page you can:

    • Update the distribution line field values.

      Note: You cannot update the Line Number field.
    • Delete the distribution line. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Criteria

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. Click a row on the Accounting Rule page.

  3. Click a row in the Criteria tab on the Accounting Rule page.

  4. On the Criteria page you can:

    • Update the logical operator and field value.

    • Delete the criterion. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Distribution Lines

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. Click a row on the Accounting Rule page.

  3. Click Edit for the Distribution Lines tab on the Accounting Rule page.

  4. Select the check boxes next to all of the distribution lines that you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

Deleting Criteria

  1. Select Accounting Setup > Accounting Rule.

  2. Click a row on the Accounting Rule page.

  3. Click Edit for the Criteria tab on the Accounting Rule page.

  4. Select the check boxes next to all of the criteria that you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.