Setting Up Cash Drawers

Cash drawers enable you to logically separate cash and checks handled by your cashiers. They are not linked to a physical cash drawer. You add and modify cash drawers using the Cash Drawer page.

Adding a Cash Drawer

  1. Select Payment Setup > Cash Drawer.

  2. On the Cash Drawer page, click Add.

  3. On the Cash Drawer Details page, enter values for the following fields:

    Elements of the Cash Drawer Details page

    Page Element


    Cash Drawer ID and Description

    Enter a unique ID and description for the cash drawer.


    Select the currency that the cash drawer accepts.

    Tolerance Amount

    Define the acceptable amount of overage or shortage during the cash drawer reconciliation process. If the amount that the cash drawer is over or under is within the tolerance amount, then the cashier can complete the reconciliation process without intervention from a manager.

    Cash Reconciliation

    Select how cash is reconciled for the cash drawer. Options are:

    • One Cashier Session per Cash Drawer: Select to allow only one cashier session per day for this drawer. Once a cashier session associated with it has been closed, the drawer can be associated with a new session on a new date.

    • Multiple Cashier Sessions per Cash Drawer: Select to allow multiple cashier sessions to be open per day for this drawer.

      Only one cashier session can be open at a time. If there is an existing session open for a drawer, you can’t open a new session until the existing session is closed.

  4. (Optional) Turn the Enabled switch off to make the row unavailable as a value on other pages.

    New rows are enabled, by default.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying a Cash Drawer

  1. Select Payment Setup > Cash Drawer.

  2. Click a row on the Cash Drawer page.

  3. On the Cash Drawer Details page you can:

    • Update the cash drawer field values.

      Note: You cannot edit any of the fields for a cash drawer that is assigned to an open cashier session.
    • Enable or disable the cash drawer. You can use only enabled cash drawers on other pages.

    • Delete the cash drawer. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

      Note: The Delete button is unavailable for a cash drawer that is assigned to a cashier session.
  4. Click Save.

    Note: The Save button is unavailable for a cash drawer that is assigned to an open cashier session.