Choosing an Application Type

Your agency sets up application types for permit applications, planning applications, and business license applications. Before starting an application, users must choose what type of application they need. The Apply page provides multiple tools to help users choose the appropriate application type.

Working With the Apply Page

The Apply page offers these options for finding application types:



Available to Which Users


Search for an application type by name.


Recent application types

View the five application types for the applications that you most recently submitted.

Registered public users, agency staff

Popular application types

View the five application types that have been used most frequently in the last 30 days


Browse application types

Choose either business licenses, permits, or planning applications, then browse categories for the selected item. Expand a category to browse the specific application types within the category.


Guided questionnaire (includes saving and retrieving recommendations)

Answer questions about your needs, and the guide provides recommendations regarding the necessary application types.

Registered and anonymous public users

This example illustrates the Apply page for registered public users. The left side of the page has multiple options for finding application types. In this example, the user has not started looking for an application type, so the right side of the page does not have any information.

Apply page for a registered user

In this example, the user has started browsing for application types. As the user works with the tools on the left side of the Apply page, the related information appears on an overlay on the right side of the page. In this illustration, the user is browsing for business licenses, so the overlay shows expandable categories for those applications.

Apply page with the overlay for browsing application types

The descriptions of the categories and the application types come from the corresponding setup pages. Initially the overlay displays up to two lines of the description. If the description is longer, an icon at the end of the truncated description enables the user to expand it and see the full description.

If an application type has been configured with a URL for additional information, a Learn More link appears at the end of the description. The user clicks this link to open the specified URL.

For information about setting up the application type categories, see Setting Up Business License Display Groups, Setting Up Permit Display Groups, or Setting Up Planning Application Display Groups.

Accessing the Apply Page

Anonymous and registered public users can access the Apply page from the landing page by clicking the Apply tile. Anonymous users can explore application types, but they are prompted to sign in or register before actually starting an application.

Registered users and agency staff have these additional options

  • On the landing page or agency springboard, select the Start an Application quick action in the I Want To field, then click the Go button.

  • On the Applications page (registered users) or the Transactions page (agency staff), click the Apply button.

  • On the Explore Your City map (registered users) or the Main Map (agency staff), click the Apply button after selecting a parcel.

Searching for Application Types By Name

To search for an application type by name:

  1. Click in the search field.

    A drop-down list shows any matches.

  2. If you don’t see the desired application type in the initial drop-down list, begin typing the name of the application type.

    As you type, the drop-down list changes to show only application types that match your search criteria.

  3. To start an application, click the desired application type in the drop-down list.

Searching for Popular and Recent Application Types

To search for popular and recent application types:

  1. Click in the search field.

  2. Review these lists of popular and recently used application types.

    The lists appear in the overlay on the right panel of the Apply page. They can include a mix of business license, permit, and planning application types.




    Lists the application types (up to five) for the applications that the current user most recently submitted.

    Note: Anonymous public users do not see a list of recent application types.


    List the application types (up to five) that have been used most often in the last 30 days.

  3. To start an application, click Select for the desired application type.

Browsing for Application Types

To browse for application types:

  1. Click the button for Business Licenses, Permits, or Planning Applications on the left side of the Apply page.

    After you click a button, the overlay on the right side of the page lists categories for the specified type of transaction.

  2. Expand categories to browse the application types.

  3. To start an application, click Select for the desired application type.

Using a Guided Questionnaire to get Application Type Recommendations

If your agency sets up a questionnaire using Oracle Intelligent Advisor, the questionnaire can guide users and make application type recommendations. The guide users the Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy model that you specify for the Permits offering, if one exists. If there's no offering-level policy, the questionnaire comes from the agency-level Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy model. For more information on identifying the Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy model to use, see Setting Up Agencies.

To find application types using a guided questionnaire:

  1. Click the Guide button to open the guided questionnaire.

    This button appears only if the agency has configured an Oracle Intelligent Advisor policy for recommending application types.

  2. Step through the questionnaire.

    At the end of the questionnaire, the guide will recommend application types and provide an option to save the recommendations.

  3. Optionally save the recommendations.

    A registered user follows these steps to save the recommendations:

    1. Enter a nickname for the recommendations in the Nickname field.

    2. Click Save.

      The recommendations are associated with the user account and can be retrieved from the Apply page.

    An anonymous user follows these steps to save the recommendations:

    1. Enter an email address in the Email ID field.

    2. Enter a nickname for the recommendations in the Nickname field.

    3. Click Save.

      The system sends the user an email with an acknowledgement number that can be used to retrieve the recommendations from the Apply page.

Viewing Saved Recommendations from the Guided Questionnaire

Public users can view guided questionnaire recommendations that they save.

To view the recommendation that are already associated with a registered public user's account, the user follows these steps:

  1. Sign in.

  2. Click the Apply button on the registered public user landing page.

  3. Click View Recommendations.

    The recommendations appear in the right panel overlay under the heading Recommended Permits.

Both registered and anonymous public users can retrieve recommendations that were saved during an anonymous session. To retrieve these recommendations, the user follows these steps:

  1. Access the Apply page.

  2. Locate the Search Saved Recommendations link:

    • Anonymous users can find this link in the right frame of the Apply page.

    • Registered users who are signed in must click the View Recommendations link in the left panel. The resulting overlay on the right panel includes the Search Saved Recommendations link.

  3. Click Search Saved Recommendations to open a new window.

  4. Enter the Acknowledgement Number that was emailed to the user when the recommendations were saved.

  5. Enter the Emailthat the user provided when saving the recommendations.

  6. Click Search.