Working with Contractors and Agents in Applications

Use the Contractor page to view or update license information for contractors who are performing work for a permit or planning application. If the intake form for the application collects contractor or authorized agent information, the Contractor page initially displays the data provided during the intake process.

Agency staff and contractors or contacts with permit or planning application access working on their own applications can make updates until the transaction is closed or canceled. They can designate a contact person for a contractor license and give the contact access to the permit or planning application. They can indicate whether a contractor is currently performing work and also refresh contractor data from the agency's contractor records or integration with an external source. Other contractor information is read-only except for system administrators.

Adding Contractors to a Transaction

The fields on the Add Contractor page for a license associated with a transaction correspond to the same-named fields on the main contractor pages. For descriptions of these fields, see Working with Contractor Licenses.

To add contractors and their license information to a transaction:

  1. Access the detail page for the permit or planning application you are working with.

  2. Click the Contractor link in the left panel to view the Contractor page.

  3. If the applicant is either a contractor or a contractor's authorized agent, turn on the switch to indicate yes.

  4. Click Add Contractor.

  5. On the Add Contractor search page, enter values for a contractor. You can search by Business Name, Owner Name, or License Number.

    When you want to retrieve the contractor information by the exact license number, enter the number and select I know the exact license number. This option is only available when your agency integrates with a licensing body. The search looks for matches in the agency-maintained contractor list then in the licensing body's database.

  6. Click Find Contractors.

  7. On the Add Contractor results page, click Select to add a contractor. Only approved contractors appear in the results.

    If one or more conditions have been applied to the license, you can click the View More Details button for the condition on the Add Contractor page. Click Cancel on the Add Contractor page to exit if you want to find a different contractor.

  8. Review the contractor details, such as business information, classifications, bonds, insurance, and so on. You can make these changes:

    • Indicate whether the selected contractor is performing work by selecting the In Use check box. Contacts for contractors that are in use appear on the Contacts page in the application details.

    • Select whether the applicant is a contractor or authorized agent in the Applicant Role field. This field is only available if you turned on the switch in step 3 to indicate that the applicant is a contractor or a contractor's authorized agent.

    • Add or change the contact person for the contractor. When multiple contacts exist, you must select one. The available contacts are people associated with the contractor license on the Contacts page in the contractor record details. The contact will have permit or planning application access depending on the Contact Type that you select.

  9. Click Done to close the contractor details.

  10. Click Save to save the contractor to the transaction.

On the Contractor page in the license grid, you’ll see the information for the license you just added, including the contractor’s business name and contact information, and the dates when the license is valid.

A condition icon next to the license in the grid indicates that at least one condition is applied to the contractor license. The icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, description, and when the condition was applied.

Updating Contractor Information for a Transaction

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction you are working with.

  2. Click the Contractor link in the left panel to view the Contractor page.

  3. If you're agency staff, turn the switch on for yes or off for no to answer Is the applicant either a contractor or a contractor’s authorized agent?. Public users, who are usually homeowners, are not contractors or authorized agents.

  4. Click Refresh in the Actions menu to retrieve any updated contact information from the agency's contractor records,

  5. Select the row for the contractor’s license that you want to edit.

  6. On the contractor information page, you can make these changes:

    • Indicate whether the selected contractor is currently performing work by selecting the In Use check box. Contacts for contractors that are in use appear on the Contacts page in the application details.

    • Indicate whether the applicant is a contractor or authorized agent in the Applicant Role field. This field is only available if you turned on the switch in step 3 to indicate that the applicant is a contractor or a contractor's authorized agent.

    • Add or change the contact person for the contractor. When multiple contacts exist, you select one. The available contacts are people associated with the contractor license on the Contacts page in the contractor record details. The contact will have permit or planning application access depending on the Contact Type that you select.

  7. Click Done to close the contractor details.

  8. Click Save to save the contractor to the transaction.

Removing Contractors from a Transaction

Only system administrators and agency management with appropriate permissions can delete contractors after application submission.

  1. Access the detail page for the transaction you are working with.

  2. Click the Contractor link in the left panel to view the Contractor page.

  3. Click the Actions icon and select Delete.