Overview of Business Licenses

Business owners apply for licenses using the Public Sector Licensing and Permitting Business Licenses system. Agency staff approve the license applications and issue licenses using workflow processes.

Business Licensing Flow

The business license process flow begins with an applicant applying for a business license. Once the application is received, the following sequence of events is processed:


Object Used

Activity Type

Various Statuses

Agency staff such as the business specialist set up a consultation meeting with the applicants to determine the required applications that are to be submitted.

Business License Transactions

Agency Springboard > Business License Transaction.


Activity Status: Pending, Payment Pending, Pending Submit, Submitted, Accepted, In Process, and Completed.

Based on the meeting outcome, the required application types are linked or added to the license application submission.

Business License Transactions

Agency Springboard > Business License Transaction.


Activity Status: Pending, Payment Pending, Pending Submit, Submitted, Accepted, In Process, and Completed.

License Status: Pending, Payment Pending, Pending Submit, Submitted, Accepted, In Process, and Completed.

A business entity is created to maintain the details of the business — owners, locations, and license records.


Agency Springboard > Businesses.


Business Entity Status: Provisional.

The status changes to Active once the license is approved.

Agency staff approve the license application using the Workflow process.

Business License Transactions

Agency Springboard > Business License Transaction.


Activity Status: Completed.

License Status: Active, Expired, and Void.

The newly approved license record is created and listed among active licenses.

Business Licenses

Agency Springboard > Business Licenses.


Activity Status: Completed.

License Status: Active, Expired, and Void.

The status of the business entity is updated with the license approval.


Agency Springboard > Businesses.


Business Entity Status: Active.

The following diagram provides a general outline of the business license process flow.

This diagram illustrates the business license process flow.

Business License Process Flow