Setting Up the Communications Connector

The communications connector enables Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to send data to the communications center in the Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting system using a POST operation. This connector is used when a workflow process definition includes a communication task, such as sending a permit applicant an email when the permit status changes.

Oracle provides a Solution Package with sample integration configurations. You can clone these samples and use them as starting points for your own connectors. The instructions in this procedure explain how to set up the communications connector from scratch.

The following procedure explains how to set up the communications connector with the specific integration information that is required by the Public Sector system. For general instructions related to setting up integrations in OIC, refer to your OIC documentation at

Note: Before you set up the communications connector, you must create the Space and the Application for your workflow processes. See Workflow Basics.
Note: Currently, in the context of data object parameters, data association parameters, and REST resource attributes, the terms record, transaction, and permit are interchangeable.

To set up the communication connector:

  1. Go to My Oracle Support, access Doc ID 2449735.1, Public Sector Licensing and Permitting: JSON Files for Transaction Integration, and download the following files that you will use later in this procedure:

    • RequestCommunications.json

    • ResponseCommunications.json

  2. Access the main console in OIC.

  3. In the list of OIC applications, click the application with your transaction workflow.

  4. Click the Integrations option in the left frame.

  5. Click the Create button, then in the pop-up menu under the Create button, select External > REST

  6. In the Create REST Connector window, enter the following:

    Page Element



    Enter a descriptive name such as CommunicationsConnector.

    Note: The name CommunicationsConnector is suggested, however, you can choose your own name if needed.

    Base URL

    Enter the URL for your Oracle Public Sector Cloud REST API resources. The URL follows this pattern, where ServerName is the server name for your instance of the application:


    Open Immediately

    Select this check box if it is not already selected.

  7. Click Create.

    The Rest Connector Editor opens.

  8. To set up security for this integration, click the Edit link for the Configuration section.

    Note: If you prefer to set up security when you activate the workflow application, you can skip the security-related steps in this procedure and skip ahead to step 13. Setting up security now simplifies the application activation steps.
  9. Click the Security tab.

  10. In the Security Type field, select APP Id - Basic Authentication.

  11. Complete these additional fields that appear after you select the Security Type:

    Page Element


    Keystore Credential

    If you previously created a keystore credential, select it. Otherwise, leave this field set to [New Key] so that the system will create the keystore credential when you apply your changes.

    Key Name

    If you selected [New Key] as the keystore credential, enter the name to give to the new keystore.

    If you selected an existing keystore credential, this field is read-only and displays the key name.


    Enter the user name for the process cloud proxy user that you previously created.

    If you’re using an existing keystore credential, that credential supplies a default username.


    Enter the password for the process cloud proxy user that you previously created.

    If you’re using an existing keystore credential, that credential supplies a default password.

  12. Click Apply to save the security information and close the Configuration section.

  13. In the Resources section of the Rest Connector Editor, click Add.

  14. Expand the new Resource section that appears, and enter the following values:







    When added to the base URL, this completes the path to the communications-related REST APIs.

  15. In the Operations section, click the Add button and then select POST operation from the drop-down menu.

  16. Click the new POST operation.

  17. Enter Trigger transaction communications in the Documentation field.

    You can leave the default values in the other fields, including leaving the Path field blank.

  18. Click Request

  19. Click the + icon next to the Body field to open the Import Business Object from JSON window.

  20. Enter RequestCommunications in the Name field.

  21. Click Schema.

  22. Import from File Click the Import from File icon next to the Schema button.

  23. Locate and upload the RequestCommunications.json file that you downloaded from My Oracle Support.

    The imported JSON code appears in the Import Business Object from JSON window.

  24. Click the Import button at the bottom of the window to save the code and close the window.

  25. Ensure that the following values now appear for the POST operation request:

    Page Element




    Media Type


    Media Type details


  26. Click Response.

  27. Click the + icon next to the Body field to open the Import Business Object from JSON window.

  28. Enter ResponseCommunications in the Name field.

  29. Click Schema.

  30. Import from File Click the Import from File icon next to the Schema button.

  31. Locate and upload the ResponseCommunications.json file that you downloaded from My Oracle Support.

    The imported JSON code appears in the Import Business Object from JSON window.

  32. Click the Import button at the bottom of the window to save the code and close the window.

  33. Ensure that the following values appear for the POST operation response:

    Page Element

    Value to Enter



    Media Type


  34. Click Apply.

  35. Click Save.