Setting Up Activities

When configuring activity tracking for your agency, you set up the activities that take place during the application process.

Activities are time-sensitive tasks that help you track due dates related to the progression of a planning application. You set up activities on the Activities Details page for reuse in the activity groups associated with the planning application type. When a planning application is submitted, you manage the activities to complete the application. For example, you might set up an activity called Administrative Close for completing the hearing decision report.

You can modify or delete an activity, but when an activity is assigned to an activity group, you can’t delete the activity.

Let’s take a look at how to set up application activities:

  1. Select Common Setup > Activity.

  2. On the Activity page, click Add to add a new activity.

  3. On the Activity Details page, you’ll find these fields:

    Page Element


    Activity ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the activity. You can’t modify this field after saving the activity.


    Enter a name for the activity.


    Enter a description of the activity.


    Displays Planning and Zoning to indicate the offering this activity will be used for.

  4. Turn on the Enabled switch when the activity is ready for use.

  5. Click Save.