Setting Up Hearing and Decision Making Bodies

With Oracle Public Sector Compliance and Regulation Cloud, you will use the Public Hearing feature to configure hearing and decision making bodies and hearing hierarchies, schedule hearings, and record decisions.

Setting Up Public Hearing

A public hearing is an official meeting where members of the public, the hearing and decision making body, and the applicant of the planning and zoning application come together to discuss the facts about the application submitted by the applicants.

The following topics apply to administrators for setting up and maintaining the Public Hearing process:

  • Setting up Hearing and Decision Making Body

  • Setting up Hearing Decision

Setting Up Hearing and Decision Making Body

A hearing and decision making body is a group of individuals formed to evaluate the testimony presented by applicants and to provide feedback.

Adding a Hearing and Decision Making Body

To add a hearing and decision making body:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Body.

  2. Click Add on the Hearing and Decision Making Body page and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Decision Making Body Code

    Enter a unique identifier of the decision making body.

    Decision Making Body Name

    Enter a name for the decision making body.

    Additional Information

    Enter any text as details about the decision making body.


    Turn on the switch to make the decision making body available for use.

    Appeal Period

    Select the number of days after the public hearing, when an appeal is allowed.

    Maximum Agenda Items

    Select a value from the options. As an agency user you can configure the maximum number of agenda items that can be heard on a day.

    Set as First Body

    Turn on the switch to make the decision making body as the primary body.

    Note: When you enable this switch, you get the option to add additional appeal bodies.

    Appeal Period in Days

    Select the number of days after the public hearing, within which an appeal is allowed.

  3. Set up additional appeal bodies from these fields:

    Page Element


    Appeal Body

    Click the Add button to add a new appeal body and create a hearing hierarchy.

    Decision Making Body Name

    Search for or enter a name for the decision making or appeal body.


    Select a number to determine the escalation level of the selected decision making body within the hierarchy. For example, if the value 2 is selected, the selected decision making body will be the second in the hierarchy for the public hearing.

    Appeal Allowed

    Turn on the switch if you want to allow the agency to appeal after the decision making body places its decision. The agency will not be allowed to appeal the hearing to the next body in the hierarchy, if the switch is turned off.


    Turn on the switch if you want to allow the appeal body to be available for use.

    Appeal Period in Days

    View the number of days after the public hearing, within which an appeal is allowed.


    Click to delete the row. The appeal body will be removed from the hierarchy.

  4. Select a pattern of recurrence of the meeting from these fields:

    Page Element


    Recurrence Pattern

    Select the pattern for the recurrence of the public hearing:

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    Address fields

    The agency address. The Country field displays US.

    As you enter a Postal Code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate state and city combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address.

    If you don’t know the postal code, click the Don’t know link to display a full set of address fields.

  5. Select the Weekly recurrence if you want to schedule the meeting every week. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Weeks between Occurrences

    Select the number of weeks between one meeting occurrence and the next.

    Days of the Week

    Select the days of the week on which you want the meeting to recur.

    Recurrence Start Date Time

    Select a date and time from which the meeting recurrence should be effective.

  6. Select the Monthly recurrence if you want to schedule the meeting every month. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Months between Occurrences

    Select the number of months between one meeting occurrence and the next.

    Days of the Week

    Select the check box if you want to schedule the meeting on particular days of the week. Click Add to open the Days of the Week page and select the days of the week, for example First Monday:

    • Occurrence: Select – First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last the day of week

    • Weekday: Select the day of the week from Monday, Tuesday, and so on.

    Turn on the Enable switch to make the setting available for use and click Save. Use the Add button to include multiple rows.

    Note: You can modify or delete the entry. Click the row and use the Days of the Week page to make the change.


    Select the check box if you want to schedule the meeting on particular dates of the week. Click Add to open the Dates page and select from all the available dates.

    Turn on the Enable switch to make the setting available for use and click Save. Use the Add button to include multiple rows.

    Note: You can modify or delete the entry. Click the row and use the Dates page to make the change.

    Recurrence Start Date Time

    Select a date and time from which the meeting recurrence should be effective.

  7. Click Save to save the new hearing and decision making body and return to the Hearing and Decision Making Body page.

Adding a Hearing and Decision Making Body

To add a hearing and decision making body:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Body.

  2. Click Add on the Hearing and Decision Making Body page and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Decision Making Body Code

    Enter a unique identifier of the decision making body.

    Decision Making Body Name

    Enter a name for the decision making body.

    Additional Information

    Enter any text as details about the decision making body.


    Turn on the switch to make the decision making body available for use.

    Appeal Period

    Select the number of days after the public hearing, when an appeal is allowed.

    Maximum Agenda Items

    Select a value from the options. As an agency user you can configure the maximum number of agenda items that can be heard on a day.

    Set as First Body

    Turn on the switch to make the decision making body as the primary body.

    Note: When you enable this switch, you get the option to add additional appeal bodies.

    Appeal Period in Days

    Use the up and down arrows to select the number of days after the public hearing, within which an appeal is allowed.

  3. Select a pattern of recurrence of the meeting from these fields:

    Page Element


    Recurrence Pattern

    Select the pattern for the recurrence of the public hearing:

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    Address fields

    The agency address. The Country field displays US.

    As you enter a Postal Code, the type-ahead list shows values that include appropriate state and city combinations. After you select a value, the city and state appear as read-only fields, and two address fields appear so that you can enter the rest of the address.

    If you don’t know the postal code, click the Don’t know link to display a full set of address fields.

  4. Select the Weekly recurrence if you want to schedule the meeting every week. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Weeks between Occurrences

    Select the number of weeks between one meeting occurrence and the next.

    Days of the Week

    Select the days of the week on which you want the meeting to recur.

    Recurrence Start Date Time

    Select a date and time from which the meeting recurrence should be effective.

  5. Select the Monthly recurrence if you want to schedule the meeting every month. Enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Months between Occurrences

    Select the number of months between one meeting occurrence and the next.

    Days of the Week

    Select the check box if you want to schedule the meeting on particular days of the week. Click Add to open the Days of the Week page and select the days of the week, for example First Monday:

    • Occurrence: Select – First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last the day of week

    • Weekday: Select the day of the week from Monday, Tuesday, and so on.

    Turn on the Enable switch to make the setting available for use and click Save. Use the Add button to include multiple rows.

    Note: You can modify or delete the entry. Click the row and use the Days of the Week page to make the change.


    Select the check box if you want to schedule the meeting on particular dates of the week. Click Add to open the Dates page and select from all the available dates.

    Turn on the Enable switch to make the setting available for use and click Save. Use the Add button to include multiple rows.

    Note: You can modify or delete the entry. Click the row and use the Dates page to make the change.

    Recurrence Start Date Time

    Select a date and time from which the meeting recurrence should be effective.

  6. Click Save to save the new decision making body and return to the Hearing and Decision Making Body page.

Modifying a Hearing and Decision Making Body

To modify a hearing and decision making body:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Body.

  2. On the Hearing and Decision Making Body page, click the record of the hearing and decision making body you want to edit.

  3. On the Hearing and Decision Making Body details page you can make changes to the fields and click Save.

    Note: You can make changes to all the fields except the Decision Making Body Code.
  4. The Hearing and Decision Making Body page now lists the updated record.

Deleting a Hearing and Decision Making Body

To delete a hearing and decision making body:

  1. Select Hearing Setup > Hearing Body.

  2. On the Hearing and Decision Making Body page, click the record of the Decision Making body you want to delete.

  3. On the Hearing and Decision Making Body details page you can click the Delete button. Click OK on the confirmation message.

  4. The Hearing and Decision Making Body page lists only the existing records.