Setting Up Issue Types

Issue types are broad categories that are used to report code enforcement issues.

Adding an Issue Type

To create a new issue type:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Type.

  2. On the Issue Type page, click Add.
  3. On the Issue Type Details page, enter the following general information about the issue type:

    Page Element


    Issue Type ID

    Enter a unique alphanumeric code for the issue subtype. Do not use special characters, including symbols or punctuation, or spaces.

    Issue Type

    Enter a short name for the issue type.

    Valid From Date

    Enter the first date that the issue type is available for issue reporting.

    Valid To Date

    Enter the last date that the issue type is available for issue reporting. The default value is Open, indicating that the issue type will remain available indefinitely.


    Select Active or Inactive.

    Inactive issue types are not available for issue reporting. They also are not available to add to an issue subtype definition.


    Select an icon for the tile that public users click when reporting this type of issue.

    Process Definition Group

    Click the look-up prompt to view a list of enabled process definition groups for this issue type.

    Click the Group Setup link next to the Process Definition Group field, to set up a new group or edit an existing one. The Process Definition Group page opens in a new tab.


    Enter a description of the issue type. This description appears on the back of the tile that users click when reporting this type of issue.

  4. Click Save.

    When the issue is saved, three additional sections appear: Issue Subtypes, Code Reference Group, and Time-Based Rules.

    You don’t need to enter information in the Issue Subtypes section. The relationship between issue types and issue subtypes is established when you set up the issue subtype. After you create the related subtypes, you can return to the Issue Type Details page to view a complete list of subtypes for the issue type.

  5. Configure the list in the Code Reference Group section.
    1. Expand the section and review your agency’s default values, if any.

      The default values come from the Code Enforcement Options page. For more information, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Code Enforcement.

      If your agency does not have default code reference groups, a blank row appears.

    2. For each code reference group, review or enter the following settings:

      Page Element


      Group ID

      Select a code reference group that will be added by default to all newly created issue subtypes.


      Turn this switch on to have the code reference group added by default to new issue subtypes for this issue type.

      If the switch is off, the code group is not added to new issue subtypes for this issue type.

    3. To add additional code reference groups to this issue type, click the Add icon and enter information in the new row.

    4. To remove code reference groups from the issue type, click the Delete icon.

  6. Configure the list in the Time-Based Rules section:

    This section displays rows for all of the due date types that require time rules. You can’t add or remove rows from this list. Instead, you must supply a time rule for each due date.

    For more information about time rules, see Setting Up Time Rules.

    To set up time rules for the issue type:

    1. Expand the section and review your agency’s default values.

      These default values also come from the Code Enforcement Options page.

    2. For each rule, review or enter the following settings:

      Page Element


      Due Date Type ID

      Displays the unique identifier for the type of due date.

      Due Date Type

      Displays the description of the type of due date — for example, Incident review date.

      Time Rule ID

      Select the time rule ID that specifies how the due date is calculated. The time rule ID includes a time policy that states how many days or hours from the trigger date until the due date.

      Time rules IDs are available for selection if they have the specified due date type and they are enabled.

  7. Click Save again if you made any changes in the sections for code reference groups and time-based rules.

Viewing or Modifying an Issue Type

To view or modify an issue type:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Type.

  2. Click the row for the issue type you want to view or modify.

    The Issue Type Detail page appears. Because the issue type has already been saved, the page displays all fields, including the sections for Issue Subtype Details, Code Reference Group, and Time-Based Rules.

  3. Make any necessary updates.

  4. Click Save if you made any updates.

Inactivating an Issue Type

You cannot delete issue types, but you can make them unavailable for use by changing the status to Inactive.

To inactivate an issue type:

  1. Select Code Enforcement Setup > Issue Type.

  2. Click the row for the issue type you want to modify.

    The Issue Type Detail page appears.

  3. Change the Status to Inactive.

  4. Click Save.