Setting Up Transaction Subcategories

Transaction subcategories are the third level of categorization that you can select when you define your business license, permit, and planning application types.

If desired, you can set up subcategories for the different types of business licenses, permits, and planning applications. This setup is not required.

Adding Transaction Subcategories

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, click Add to add a new transaction subcategory.

  3. On the Transaction Subcategory Details page, enter values for the transaction subcategory.

    Page Element



    Enter a subcategory name for the transaction type.


    Enter a description of the subcategory.

    Applicable Classification

    Select a product area from these options:

    • Business Licenses

    • Permits

    • Planning and Zoning

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for a new subcategory.

  5. Click Save.

Modifying Transaction Subcategories

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, select the row for the subcategory that you want to modify.

  3. On the Transaction Subcategory Details page you can:

    • Edit the description. You cannot change the subcategory name.

    • Select an Applicable Classification check box.

    • Click the Enabled switch to enable or disable the transaction subcategory.

  4. Click Save to save any changes.

Deleting Transaction Subcategories

  1. Select Common Setup > Transaction Subcategory.

  2. On the Transaction Subcategory page, select the row for the subcategory that you want to delete.

  3. If you want to delete the subcategory, click the Delete button.

  4. If you want to delete multiple subcategories, you can delete them from the grid on the Transaction Subcategory page:

    1. Click the Edit icon.

    2. Select the check boxes for the transaction subcategory rows to delete.

    3. Click the Delete icon.