Working with Grids

This topic describes how to add grids to you intake forms to collect and display data in a tabular format.

To collect and display data in a tabular fashion, with rows and columns, you can add grids to your intake form design. Grids can be added for these offerings:

  • Permits

  • Planning and Zoning

Adding a Grid

To add a grid:

  1. Expand the Add New > Layout section in the Elements panel.

  2. Select the Grid layout element, and drag it onto the workspace of your form design.

    Note: You can drop grids directly onto a page tab, or you can drop them within a group box.
  3. Select the grid, and set the required attributes in the Grid Attributes panel.

Page Element



Click to remove the element from the page.

Note: Remove all grid columns before removing a grid. The grid must be empty before you can remove it.


Add a name for the element, describing the collection of items within it.


Turn on to enable the element to be collapsed when an end user clicks it, hiding items it contains. If not turned on, the group box is always expanded and its content is always visible.

Show Label

Select to hide the element label (specified in the Label field).

Note: You can add help only to grids with Show Label turned on. If Show Label is turned off, the Add Help button does not appear on the attributes panel and any help icons associated with any previously added help no longer appear.

Hide Border

Hides the group box border. When turned on, the border is not visible.

Initial Sort

Select the grid column by which you want the grid sorted when it first displays at runtime.

Sort Order

Displays only when you've selected a column from the Initial Sort drop-down list. You can set how the grid is sorted as it first renders on the page.

Options are:

  • Ascending

  • Descending

The end user can change the sort order at runtime as needed.

Add Help

Click to launch the Contextual Help page, which you can use to add help information to aid public users in completing the intake form. The Add Help button appears only if Show Label is turned on. Help text added for group boxes should apply to the overall group box content. Help can be added also at the page level, field group level, and field level depending on the scope of the help text.

Note: You can add help at the grid-level only. You can't add help to individual grid columns.

For more information on adding Contextual Help, see Adding Contextual Help to Forms.

Control Display

Expand the Display section to the view this attribute.

Click to select an element in the form that controls the display of the group box.

For more information, see Displaying Form Elements Conditionally.

Hide from public user

Expand the Security section to view this attribute.

Hides the entire grid and all the grid columns it contains from the public user at runtime.

Note: Individual columns in the grid can't be hidden from or exposed to the public.

Only agency staff can view and update information within a grid with Hide from public user turned on. In addition to hiding the UI element from the public user in the interface, the application also secures the back end for that specific UI element, such as preventing any unauthorized access to the fields contained within that UI element using a REST API, for example.

Note: For fields within elements set to be hidden from the public, the default value for that field entered on the intake form design can be used to calculate fees for the intake form application at runtime.

Business Object

Indicates the name of the custom object created for the current intake form.

Collection ID

The name of the child object within the parent business object created for the grid. When writing Groovy business logic or setting up integrations, you will need to refer to the data within the grid child object using the collection ID.

For example: LNP1IDBuildPermit2207g1Collection_c

Where LNP1IDBuildPermit2207 is the permit ID and g1Collection_c is the first grid in the form design.

Note: The name of the grid is automatically generated based on the transaction ID, such as the permit ID, and the index number of the grid within the intake form layout, indicated by g1, g2, g3, and so on. The index number is determined by when you added the grid to the form layout, not where the grid displays in terms of sequence. For example, the third grid you added to an intake form would contain g3Collection_c in its collection ID.

Adding Fields to a Grid

To add fields to a grid:

  1. Expand the Add New > General section in the Elements panel.

  2. Select a field type, and drag it onto the grid.

    Each field type you add to the grid becomes a column in the grid.

    You can add these field types to a grid:

    • Date field

    • Date time field

    • Drop-down list

    • Number field

    • Single-item check box

    • Text field

    Note: You can't add ready-to-use field groups or fields, such as Job Cost, to a grid.
  3. Select the column header cell to display the Grid Column Attributes panel, and set the required attributes for that field type.

    The same attributes that apply to fields apply also to grid columns. For more information on field attributes, see Working with Fields.

    The following attributes apply specifically to grid columns.

    Page Element



    Adjust the order, from left to right, in which the selected grid column appears. For example, if the Sequence for a grid column is set to 1, it will be the first grid column appearing on the left of the grid.


    Select to wrap the field content so that all the required text is visible to users.

    Applies to text fields and drop-down lists.

    Field ID

    If performing tasks like writing Groovy, importing data, configuring integrations, and so on, use the field ID to identify the grid column.

Importing Intake Forms with Grids

If you are importing an intake form with a grid in the layout, you need to either save or publish the form after a successful import to make sure the grid layout and database object are created completely in the target environment.

For more information on exporting and importing forms, see Exporting and Importing Intake Forms.

Working with Grids and Groovy

When referencing data in grids in your business logic, follow the syntax described in "Accessing Data Within Grids" in Adding Logic.

Note: Currently, iterating through grid column rows in your logic by way of a trigger is not currently supported. It is recommended to use Groovy only for validations.