Fields or Attributes in Custom Subject Areas

This topic explains the various types of fields or attributes that you use for configuring your custom subject area.

Fields or attributes store entity information in the application. Fields can be standard or custom.

Types of Reporting Fields

The fields you can use to create reports are as follows:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Date

  • Percentage

  • Date time

  • Currency

  • Check box

  • Fixed choice list

  • Dynamic choice list

  • Long text

Note: You cannot create reports using the Rich text area field.

When you create a custom field, you can create reports for the following data types:

  • Boolean

    Note: Note: If you are using the Boolean data type for fields other than check boxes, those fields are displayed as either 0 or 1 on your custom reports.
  • Number

  • Currency

  • Date

  • String

  • Percentage

  • Phone

  • Date time

  • Long text