Generating Accounting Transactions and Journal Entries

Depending on the accounting framework implemented by your agency, you use accounting batch processing to generate subledger accounting events or accounting transactions and journal entries from source transactions such as payments and refunds.

Accounting transactions and journal entries are created if the offering-level Accounting Framework Option is Public Sector Accounting, and subledger accounting events are created if the offering-level Accounting Framework Option is Financials Cloud Subledger Accounting. For more information, see Selecting an Accounting Framework.

Before you run the Generate Accounting process, set up accounting event definitions and accounting rules. Processing includes only source transactions with active accounting event definitions to create subledger accounting events or accounting transactions and journal entries. If an accounting event is enabled for Public Sector Accounting, you must activate the relevant accounting rules to create accounting transactions and journal entries. For more information, see Managing Accounting Events and Setting Up Accounting Rules.

Note: You must enable accounting event definitions for the FeeReceipts and FeeRefunds events to process source transactions in Code Enforcement. These events must also be enabled to support overpayments and payments made with multiple payment methods.
Note: If the source transaction is a cash reconciliation adjustment, accounting transactions are created at the time the reconciliation adjustment is made. However, batch processing is required to generate the resulting journal entries. If journal entries aren't created, verify that the ReconAdjustment event definition is enabled.

The transaction status of accounting transactions that are created without journals is Created. The status of accounting transactions after journal entries are generated is Generated. The Generate Accounting process groups accounting transactions into journals based on the combination of ledger, accounting date, accounting event, and accounting rule.

You set up and run batch processing on the Generate Accounting page, which you can access by selecting Accounting > Generate Accounting.

Entering Generate Accounting Process Parameters

  1. Access the Parameters tab on the Generate Accounting page.

  2. Use the Date From and Date To fields to process source transactions such as payments or refunds made during the date range that require accounting. The system configuration determines which source transactions will be processed.

The payment or refund accounting date is based on the next available date in the accounting calendar. You can review the accounting details after processing on the Accounting Transactions page. For more information, see Viewing Accounting Transactions.

Scheduling the Process

  1. Access the Schedule tab.

  2. To immediately add the process to the queue, select the As soon as possible option.

  3. To create a schedule for the process, select the Using a schedule option, and enter values using the following fields:

    Page Element



    Select how frequently you want to run the process. Values are:

    • Once: Select to run the process one time only.

    • Hourly or minute: Select to run the process at regular time intervals.

    • Daily: Select to run the process at regular intervals in days.

    • Weekly: Select to run the process at regular intervals in weeks.

    • Monthly: Select to run the process on specific days of the month.

    • Yearly: Select to run the process during specific months.

    Start Date

    Enter the date on which you want to begin your scheduled processing.

    End Date

    Enter the date on which you want to end your scheduling processing.

    Hours and Minutes

    Enter the time interval between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 2 in the Hours field and 30 in the Minutes field, the process will run every 2 hours and 30 minutes beginning on the specified start date.

    Note: These fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Hourly or minute.


    Enter the number of days between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 3, the process will run every 3 days beginning on the specified start date.

    Note: This field is available only if you select a process frequency of Daily.


    Enter the number of weeks between scheduled processes. For example, if you enter 6, the process will run every 6 weeks beginning on the specified start date.

    Note: This field is available only if you select a process frequency of Weekly.

    By day

    Select this option to run the process on specific days of the month irrespective of the date. For example, if you select the Secondand Wednesday options, the process will run on the second Wednesday of every month.

    You can select more than one week of the month and day of the week option. For example, you could schedule the process to run on the first and third Monday of every month.

    Note: This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Monthly or Yearly.

    By date

    Select this option to run the process on specific dates of the month. You can select more than one date.

    Note: This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Monthly or Yearly.


    Select the months in which you want your process to run.

    Note: This option and its associated fields are available only if you select a process frequency of Yearly.

Setting Up Process Notifications

You can set up the process to send notifications to you and others when it runs.

  1. Turn on the Notify Me When This Process Ends switch to send yourself a notification when the process finishes.

  2. Access Notification tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the Create Notification page, enter the email address of the person you want to receive notifications.

    By default, the recipient will receive a notification when the process ends with the following conditions:

    • On success

    • On error

    • On warning

    You can remove any of these process notification conditions.

  5. Click OK to save the notification recipient.

  6. (Optional) To delete a notification recipient, select the recipient in the Notification tab and click Delete.

Submitting the Process

Once you’ve entered your process parameters, scheduling information, and notification recipients, you’re ready to submit the process. Enter any additional information in the Submission Notes field and click Submit. Click Process Monitor to check the status of your process.