Setting Up Deposit Account Options

Set up agency level options that apply to all deposit accounts.

You set up deposit account options on the Deposit Account Options page.

Configuring Deposit Account Options

  1. Select Payment Setup > Deposit Account Options.

  2. On the Deposit Account Options page, click Add.

  3. On the Deposit Account Options page, enter values for the following fields:

Page Element


Account Auto Number Rule

Specify the auto number rule that will be used to generate account numbers for all deposit accounts.

Assign Multiple Projects

This option enables you to assign more than one project to a deposit account.

Assign Multiple Transactions

This option enables you to assign more than one transaction to a deposit account.

Currency Code

Displays the currency code value set up in Agency Options.

Initial Deposit

Enter the initial amount that must be deposited after a deposit account is set up. This amount will default when a deposit account is set up and can be overridden for each deposit account.

Minimum Balance

Enter the minimum amount that must be maintained. This amount will default when a deposit account is set up and can be overridden for each deposit account.

Minimum Deposit

Enter the minimum increments of deposits. This amount will default when a deposit account is set up and can be overridden for each deposit account.


Select the financial entity or management unit that is responsible for managing deposits.

See Setting Up Departments.