Canceling an Application

Agency staff and applicants can cancel applications in a pending or payment pending status that have not yet been submitted.

Caution: When you cancel a pending application, the action is permanent. There isn’t any way to restore a canceled application.

The system status for the application changes from Pending or Payment pending to Voided.

For information about withdrawing an application that was submitted and is already in progress, see Withdrawing an Application.

This example illustrates the Transactions page, where agency staff can delete an application. The steps are described in the following text. The Cancel Application link is called out with a red box.

Example showing the Cancel Application action on the transactions list page

Security Details for Canceling an Application

This section describes important security roles, requirements, or considerations specific to canceling an application.

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Cancel Permit Application

Allows an agency user to cancel a pending permit application.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Registered Public User

PSC Principal Planner

PSC Permits Supervisor

PSC System Administrator

PSC Permit Technician

Primary Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

PSC Cancel Planning Application

Allows an agency user to cancel a pending planning application.

PSC System Administrator

PSC Zoning Administrator

PSC Planning Assistant

PSC Associate Planner

PSC Registered Public User

PSC Principal Planner

For more information on creating roles for Public Sector Licensing and Permits, see Creating Custom Roles for Oracle Permitting and Licensing.

For more information on all the predefined security data such as abstract roles, job roles, privileges and so on, see the Security Reference for Oracle Public Sector Licensing and Permitting.

Canceling Pending Applications

The agency or applicants can cancel or void a pending or payment pending permit on the Transactions page for agencies or on the Applications page for registered public users. Registered public users can only cancel one of their own applications, Agency staff must have the correct access to cancel applications.

Let’s go through the steps to cancel an application:

  1. Select Permits or Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Transactions page, find the permit or planning application with a pending or payment pending status that you want to cancel.

  3. Click the Actions icon in the row of the application you want to cancel.

  4. Click Cancel Application.

  5. On the Cancel Application page, enter your reason for permanently canceling the application.

  6. Click OK.

Note: When you cancel an application, the system also cancels any plan reviews that are associated with the application.