Business Rules Framework Event Details

This topic provides additional details for business rule events to help you make decisions regarding your implementation of the Business Rules Framework.


The following table provides additional details for events related to permits. The events are sorted by Resource.



Resource: Fee Communications

Event: New Fees Due

Description: New fees have been assessed and are due.

Trigger: Click Add Fees on the Fees and Payments tab in the permit details.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: New Fees Due (LNP-FEES-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection Requested

Description: An inspection is created.

Trigger: Select Add Inspection from the permit or the Inspections page, provide the required information, and click Submit on the Inspections page. This can occur also from the mobile application and IVR.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Requested (LNP-INSPREQ-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Final Inspection Passed

Description: Indicates that the final inspection is complete with a passing result.

Trigger: For a final inspection, click Submit on the Inspection Result page.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Final Inspection Passed (LNP-FINALINSP-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection Canceled

Description: Indicates that an inspection is canceled.

Trigger: Select Cancel Inspection for the inspection. An inspection can be canceled from the supervisor calendar, inspections console, the Inspections tab in the transaction details, or from the inspection request.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Canceled (LNP-INSPCANC-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection Rescheduled

Description: Indicates that an inspection is rescheduled.

Trigger: Click Select a Different Time for a currently scheduled inspection, determine a new time, click Select, and click Submit. An inspection can be rescheduled from the supervisor calendar, inspections console, the Inspections tab in the transaction details, or from the inspection request.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Rescheduled (LNP-INSPRESCH-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection Scheduled

Description: Indicates that an inspection is scheduled.

Trigger: For a newly added inspection, click Select a Time, determine a time slot, click Select, and click Submit. An inspection can be scheduled from the supervisor calendar, inspections console, the Inspections tab in the transaction details, or from the inspection request.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Scheduled (LNP-INSPSCH-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection Complete

Description: Notification sent to applicants when final inspection results have been determined.

Trigger: Click Submit on the Inspection Result page or from Inspection Details page within the Mobile Inspector app.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Complete (LNP-INSPCOMP-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Before Inspection Saved

Description: Before an inspection is saved.


  • Click Submit after adding or updating any inspection and the rule runs during the submit request, prior to the save.

  • Click Select to select a time when requesting an inspection.

  • Select Assign from the inspection list on the Inspection Console and Inspections page in the transaction details.

  • Click Assign on the Unassigned tab for Supervisor Calendar


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Stop process

Communication Event: Before Inspection Saved (LNP-INSPRSAVE-001)

Resource: Inspection

Event: Inspection ETA Updated

Description: Indicates that the estimated time of arrival for a scheduled inspection is updated.

Trigger: From the Actions menu in the Mobile Inspector app, select Update ETA. On the Estimated Time of Arrival page, select a new time, and click Save.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection ETA Updated (LNP-INSPETAUPDATE-001)

Resource: Permit Application Contact

Event: Permit Additional Contact Added

Description: Additional contact is added to the permit.

Trigger: Click Add New Contact in the Additional Contacts grid on the Contacts page in permit details, and either select an existing contact or create a new one.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Additional Contact Added (LNP-CONTACT-ADD)

Resource: Permit Document

Event: Permit Document Attached

Description: Applicant attaches a permit document.

Trigger: Click Add on Attachments page in permit details, select a document to upload, and click Upload on the Add Attachments dialog box.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Document Attached (LNP_ATTACHMENT_UPLOADED)

Resource: Permit Inspection Document

Event: Permit Document Attached for Inspection Supervisor

Description: Applicant attaches a permit document for the inspection supervisor.

Trigger: Click Add on Attachments page in permit details, select a document to upload, and click Upload on the Add Attachments dialog box.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Document Attached for Inspection Supervisor (LNP_ATTACHMENT_SUP_UPLOADED)

Resource: Permit Inspection Document

Event: Permit Document Attached for Inspector

Description: Applicant attaches a permit document for the inspection supervisor.

Trigger: Click Add on Attachments page in permit details, select a document to upload, and click Upload on the Add Attachments dialog box.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Document Attached for Inspector (LNP_ATTACHMENT_INS_UPLOADED)

Resource: Permit Plan Review

Event: Permit Plan Review Finalized

Description: Indicates that the permit plan review is finalized.

Trigger: Click Finalize Session for the plan review session in Bluebeam Studio™.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Plan Review Finalized (LNP_PR_FINALIZED)

Resource: Permit Plan Review

Event: Permit Plan Review Ready To Finalize

Description: Indicates that the permit plan review is ready to finalize.

Trigger: Click Save after the last reviewer provides a decision or the review is marked N/A, and it is an electronic review.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Plan Review Ready To Finalize (LNP_PR_READY_TO_FINALIZE)

Resource: Permit Plan Review

Event: Permit Plan Review Completed or Canceled

Description: Indicates that the permit plan review is completed or canceled.


  • Select a value from the Decision drop-down list on the Plan Review Decision Details page and click Save after the last reviewer provides a decision or the review is marked N/A, and it is an electronic review.

  • On the Plan Reviews page, click Cancel Review Cycle to cancel a plan review cycle that is active.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Inspection Scheduled (LNP-INSPSCH-001)

Resource: Permit Plan Review Document

Event: Permit Document Attached for Plan Coordinator

Description: Applicant attaches a plan review document for the plan coordinator.

Trigger: Click Add on Attachments page in permit details, select a document to upload, and click Upload on the Add Attachments dialog box.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Document Attached for Plan Coordinator (LNP_ATTACHMENT_PCC_UPLOADED)

Resource: Permit Plan Review Document

Event: Permit Document Attached for Plan Reviewers

Description: Applicant attaches a plan review document for plan reviewers.

Trigger: Click Add on Attachments page in permit details, select a document to upload, and click Upload on the Add Attachments dialog box.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Document Attached for Plan Reviewers (LNP_ATTACHMENT_PR_UPLOADED)

Resource: Permits Workflow Communications

Event: Permit Canceled

Description: Applicant receives email or alert notification when a permit is canceled.

Trigger: Select Cancel Application for a permit in the state of Pending, enter the cancellation reason, and click Yes on the Cancel Application page.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Canceled (LNP-CANCEL-COMMUNICATION)

Resource: Permits Workflow Communications

Event: Permit Application Updated

Description: Initiates actions when a permit application is updated.

Trigger: This event must be triggered from the workflow model.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Application Updated (LNP-PERMIT-UPDATE)

Resource: Permits Workflow Communications

Event: Permit Contact Added to Application

Description: Contacts are added to permit application.

Trigger: Occurs when a new application has been submitted. All contacts added during the application intake are notified. It is recommended to include all contacts in the communication template.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Contact Added to Application (LNP-CONTACT-ADD-TO-APP)

Resource: Permits Workflow Communications

Event: Permit Withdrawn

Description: Applicant receives email or alert notification when a permit is withdrawn.

Trigger: Click Withdraw Application on the Overview tab of the permit details, enter the reason, and click OK.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Permit Withdrawn (LNP-WITHDRAW-COMMUNICATION)

Planning and Zoning

The following table provides additional details for events related to planning and zoning. The events are sorted by Resource.



Resource: Activity Tracking

Event: Planning Activity Updated

Description: Indicates that an activity is updated.

Trigger: Updating the Activity Status or Due Date field on the Activity Tracking list page, and click Save.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Update workflow

Communication Event: Planning Activity Updated (COM-ACT-UPDATE)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Appealed

Description: Notifies that an appeal is submitted for the public hearing.

Trigger: On the Request Appeal page, provide the required information and click the Confirm and Pay button.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Appealed (PZ-HRGS-APPEAL-NOTIFY)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Canceled

Description: Notifies that the public hearing is canceled.

Trigger: An application previously inserted into the calendar on the Hearing Scheduler has the hearing date changed using the Cancel action.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Canceled (PZ-HRGS-SCHD-CANCEL)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Decision Changed

Description: Notifies that the public hearing decision is updated.

Trigger: On the Update Decision page, select a value from the Decision drop-down list, and click Save.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Decision Changed (PZ-HRGS-DECISION-CHANGED)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Re-scheduled

Description: Notifies that there is a change in the date of the public hearing.

Trigger: An application previously inserted into the calendar on the Hearing Scheduler has the hearing date changed using the Reschedule action.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Re-scheduled (PZ-HRGS-SCHD-RESCHEDULE)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Schedule Finalized

Description: Notifies that the public hearing is scheduled on a finalized date.

Trigger: An application has been added to the calendar on the Hearing Scheduler page with a Schedule Status of Final, a previously added application has the Schedule Status updated to Final, or the status is changed using the Finalize action.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Schedule Finalized (PZ-HRGS-SCHD-FINAL)

Resource: Hearing Notification

Event: Hearing Scheduled Tentatively

Description: Notifies that the public hearing is scheduled on a tentative date.

Trigger: An application has been added to the calendar on the Hearing Scheduler page with a Schedule Status of Tentative.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Hearing Scheduled Tentatively (PZ-HRGS-SCHD-TENTATIVE)

Resource: Planning Application Document

Event: Planning Application Document Attached

Description: Notifies agency staff when the applicant uploads a planning application document.

Trigger: An applicant has uploaded an attachment to a planning application or a preapplication.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Resolve conditions

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Document Attached (PNZ_ATTACHMENT_UPLOADED)

Resource: Planning Application Plan Review Document

Event: Planning Application Document Attached for Plan Review

Description: Notifies agency staff when the applicant uploads a planning application document for plan review.

Trigger: An applicant has uploaded an attachment to a planning application or a preapplication.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Resolve conditions

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Document Attached for Plan Reviewers (PNZ_ATTACHMENT_PR_UPLOADED)

Resource: Planning and Zoning Application

Event: Planner Assigned

Description: A planner is assigned for the application.

Trigger: When a planner is assigned from the Overview page of the planning application details page, or on the planner worklist Unassigned Planners tab.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Update workflow

Communication Event: Planner Assigned (PNZ-ASSIGN-PLANNER)

Resource: Planning and Zoning Application

Event: Planner Reassigned

Description: A planner is reassigned for the application.

Trigger: When a planner is reassigned from the Overview page of the Planning Application Details page, or on the Planner Worklist Unassigned Planners tab.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Update workflow

Communication Event: Planner Reassigned (PNZ-REASSIGN-PLANNER)

Resource: Planning and Zoning Application Contacts

Event: Planning and Zoning Additional Contact Added

Description: Additional contact added to a planning application or pre-application.

Trigger: Click Add New Contact in the Additional Contacts grid on the Contacts page in planning application details, and either select an existing contact or create a new one.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planner Assigned (PNZ-ASSIGN-PLANNER)

Resource: Planning and Zoning Workflow Communications

Event: Planning and Zoning Contact Added to Application

Description: Contacts are added to pre-application or planning application during the application intake form. When submitted.

Trigger: Occurs when a new application has been submitted. All contacts added during the application intake are notified. It is recommended to include all contacts in the communication template.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning and Zoning Contact Added to Application (PZ-CONTACT-ADD-TO-APP)

Resource: Planning and Zoning Workflow Communications

Event: Planning Application and Pre-Application Updated

Description: Initiates actions when a planning application or a pre-application is updated.

Trigger: This event is triggered by the workflow model.


  • Add fee

  • Apply parcel condition

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application and Pre-Application Updated (PZ-PLANNING-UPDATE)

Resource: Planning Plan Review

Event: Planning Plan Review Completed or Canceled

Description: Indicates that the planning plan review is completed or canceled.

Trigger: When the last reviewer provides a decision status for a plan review cycle, it is automatically closed. Upon closing, the overall review status changes to Complete. Or, on the Plan Reviews page, click the Cancel Review Cycle button to cancel a plan review cycle that is active.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Plan Review Completed or Canceled (PNZ_MPR_REVIEW_COMPLETED)

Resource: Planning Plan Review

Event: Planning Plan Review Finalized

Description: Indicates that the planning plan review is finalized.

Trigger: Click Finalize Session for the plan review session in Bluebeam Studio™.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Plan Review Finalized (PZ-HRGS-SCHD-FINAL)

Resource: Planning Plan Review

Event: Planning Plan Review Ready To Finalize

Description: Indicates that the planning plan review is ready to finalize.

Trigger: Click Save after the last reviewer provides a decision or the review is marked N/A, and it is an electronic review.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Plan Review Ready To Finalize (PNZ_PR_READY_TO_FINALIZE)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Invitee Added

Description: Notifies that the invitee has been added to the planning meeting.

Trigger: An invitee has been added to the invitee list for the planning application meeting and saved.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Invitee Added (PZ-NA-MEETSCH-INV-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Rescheduled

Description: Notifies that the planning application meeting is rescheduled on a tentative date.

Trigger: The meeting for the planning application has been moved to a different date on the calendar and saved.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Rescheduled (PZ-NA-MEETRESCH-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Canceled

Description: Notifies that the planning application meeting is canceled.

Trigger: On the Planning Application details page, select the Meetings tab for the planning application. Click Cancel for a meeting in the list.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Canceled (PZ-NA-MEETCAN-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Remove Invitees

Description: Notifies that the invitee has been removed from the meeting.

Trigger: Invitees previously on the invite list are removed, and the update has been saved.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Remove Invitees (PZ-NA-MEETREM-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Scheduled

Description: Notifies that the planning application meeting is scheduled on a tentative date.

Trigger: A meeting has been scheduled on the calendar.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Scheduled (PZ-NA-MEETSCH-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Planning Application Meeting Updated

Description: Notifies that there is a change in the planning application meeting date.

Trigger: An update has been made to the meeting and saved.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Updated (PZ-NA-MEETUPD-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Pre-Application Meeting Canceled

Description: Notifies that the pre-application meeting is canceled.

Trigger: On the Planning Application details page, select the Meetings tab for the planning pre-application. Click Cancel for a meeting in the list.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Pre-Application Meeting Canceled (PZ-PREAPP-MEETCAN-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Pre-Application Meeting Remove Invitees

Description: Notifies that the invitee has been removed from the meeting.

Trigger: Remove a row in the invitees list for a meeting.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Pre-Application Meeting Remove Invitees (PZ-PREAPP-MEETREM-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Pre-Application Meeting Scheduled

Description: Notifies that the pre-application meeting is scheduled on a tentative date.

Trigger: Click the Schedule button on the meeting request page.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Pre-Application Meeting Scheduled (PZ-PREAPP-MEETSCH-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Pre-Application Meeting Updated

Description: Notifies that there is a change in the pre-application meeting date.

Trigger: Update a scheduled meeting and save your changes.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Pre-Application Meeting Updated (PZ-PREAPP-MEETUPD-001)

Resource: Pre-Application Meeting Request Notification

Event: Pre-Application Meeting Invitee Added

Description: Notifies that the invitee has been added to the planning meeting.

Trigger: Invitee has been added to the invitees list for the pre-application meeting.


  • Add fee

  • Apply transaction condition

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Planning Application Meeting Invitee Added (PZ-NA-MEETSCH-INV-001)


The following table provides additional details for the common events. The events are sorted by Resource.



Resource: Application Summary

Event: Ad Hoc Application Event

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: General application event.

Trigger: Varies.


  • Add fee

  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Update workflow

Communication Event: Ad Hoc Application Event (ADHOC-WORKFLOW-EVENT-001)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Invitation Updated for Privilege Decrease

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A profile or transaction owner modifies a delegation invitation to decrease privileges.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Invitation Updated for Privilege Decrease (COM-DLG-INVITATION-MODIFY-PVGDEC)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Profile or Transaction Owner Ends Delegation

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A profile or transaction owner ends delegation privileges.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Profile or Transaction Owner Ends Delegation (COM-DLG-END-PTO)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegate Ends Delegation

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A delegate ends delegation privileges.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegate Ends Delegation (COM-DLG-END-DELEGATE)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Request Updated

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A prospective delegate modifies a delegation request.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Request Updated (COM-DLG-REQUEST-MODIFY)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Request Declined

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A profile or transaction owner declines a request to delegate.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Request Declined (COM-DLG-REQUEST-DECLINE)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Request Accepted

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A profile or transaction owner accepts a request to delegate.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Request Accepted (COM-DLG-REQUEST-ACCEPT)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Invitation Declined

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A prospective delegate declines an invitation.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Invitation Declined (COM-DLG-INVITATION-DECLINE)

Resource: Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Invitation Accepted

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A prospective delegate accepts an invitation.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Invitation Accepted (COM-DLG-INVITATION-ACCEPT)

Resource: Deposit Account

Event: Account Established

Description: Enables the agency to trigger a notification after establishing a deposit account.

Trigger: A deposit account has been created and saved.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Account Established (BNP-DEPOSIT-ACCOUNT)

Resource: Deposit Fund

Event: Additional Funds

Description: Enables the agency to trigger a notification when funds have to be deposited into deposit account.

Trigger: Funds have been added to an existing deposit account.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Additional Funds (BNP-DEPOSIT-FUND)

Resource: Deposit Received

Event: Deposit Received

Description: Enables the agency to trigger a notification after receiving a deposit.

Trigger: Initial funds have been added to a deposit account.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

  • Update workflow

Communication Event: Deposit Received (BNP-DEPOSIT-RECEIVED)

Resource: Invite Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Request

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A prospective delegate requests delegation.

Trigger: Varies.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Request (COM-DLG-REQUEST)

Resource: Invite Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Invitation

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: Profile or Transaction owner sends invitation to prospective delegate.

Trigger: Varies.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Invitation (COM-DLG-INVITATION)

Resource: Invite Delegation Notifications

Event: Delegation Invitation Updated for Privilege Increase

Note: Reserved for future use.

Description: A profile or transaction owner modifies a delegation invitation to increase privileges.

Trigger: Varies.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Delegation Invitation Updated for Privilege Increase (COM-DLG-INVITATION-MODIFY-PVGINC)

Resource: Payment History

Event: Payment Received

Description: Enables the agency to trigger a template that generates a successful payment notification.

Trigger: A fee payment has been received successfully.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Payment Received (BNP-PAYMENT-RECEIPT)

Resource: Refund Record

Event: Refund Notice

Description: Enables the agency to trigger a template that generates a successful payment notification.

Trigger: A refund has been completed successfully by the agency.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Refund Notice (BNP_REFUND_NOTICE)

Resource: User License Notifications

Event: License Verification Failed

Description: Notifies a public user that the license could not be verified.

Trigger: A license could not be verified or is no longer valid.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: License Verification Failed (PBL-LICENSE-FAILED)

Resource: User License Notifications

Event: License Verification Passed

Description: Notifies a public user that the license has been verified.

Trigger: The license verification process returns a successful verification.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: License Verification Passed (PBL-LICENSE-VERIFIED)

Resource: User License Notifications

Event: License Verification Pending

Description: Notifies a public user that the license verification is pending.

Trigger: The status of the license verification is currently being determined.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: License Verification Pending (PBL-LICENSE-PENDING)

Resource: User Profile Notifications

Event: Contractor License Verification Pending

Description: Notifies a public user that the contractor's license verification is pending.

Trigger: The status of a contractor license verification has not been determined.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Contractor License Verification Pending (PBL-CONTRACTOR-PENDING)

Resource: User Profile Notifications

Event: Contractor License Verification Passed

Description: Notifies a public user that the contractor's license has been verified.

Trigger: The contractor license verification process validated the provided contractor license.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Contractor License Verification Passed (PBL-CONTRACTOR-VERIFIED)

Resource: User Profile Notifications

Event: User Profile Information Changed

Description: Notifies a public user when the user's profile is updated by agency personnel.

Trigger: The public user's profile was updated and saved.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: User Profile Information Changed (PBL-PROFILE-INFO-CHANGED)

Resource: User Profile Notifications

Event: Contractor License Verification Failed

Description: Notifies a public user that the contractor's license could not be verified.

Trigger: The contractor license verification process could not verify the contractor license, the process failed, or the license is not valid.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: Contractor License Verification Failed (PBL-CONTRACTOR-FAILED)

Resource: User Profile Notifications

Event: User Account Information Changed

Description: Notifies a public user when the user's account is updated by agency personnel.

Trigger: The agency updates a public user's account and saves.


  • Relay to OIC

  • Send communication

Communication Event: User Account Information Changed (PBL-ACCOUNT-INFO-CHANGED)