Working with Pre-application Outcome

Agency planners determine the applications that are required to be submitted by the applicants, based on the nature of the project they discuss during the pre-application meeting.

Applicants and agency staff review the summary information and comments entered by their assigned agency planner on the Pre-application Outcome page and proceed with creating and linking the required applications.

Adding a Required Application

As an agency assigned planner you add application types to the Pre-application Outcome page, where the applicants can review and take appropriate actions such as linking an existing application or creating a new application.

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the pre-application record for which you want to add the required applications. The pre-application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Pre-application Outcome link to access the Pre-application Outcome page, which lists all the required application types added for the submitted planning application.

  5. Click the Add button to open the Required Application page and enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Application Type

    Use the look-up prompt to select a type of application that you want add.


    Enter text such as, to indicate to the applicant why the particular application is required along with any additional information.

  6. Click Save to return to the Pre-application Outcome page. You will now see the row you just created, with a status of Not Started.

Adding a Review Comment

As an agency assigned planner you add review comments to the Pre-application Outcome page, where the applicants can view the detailed information you have entered regarding the pre-application meeting outcome.

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the pre-application record for which you want to add your review comment. The pre-application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click the Pre-application Outcome link to access the Pre-application Outcome page.

  5. In the Review Comments section, click the Add Comment button to open the Add Comment page and enter text. You can use the Rich Text Editor option for formatting your comment.

  6. Click Save.

Viewing the Pre-application Outcome

To view the summary information:

  1. Select Planning Applications on the Agency Springboard.

  2. Select the pre-application record for which you want to add your review comment. The pre-application details page opens.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel.

  4. Click Pre-application Outcome in the left panel to open the Pre-application Outcome page.

  5. In the Required Application section, view a list of application types that are required for your submitted planning application. Find additional information:

    Page Element


    Application Type

    View the type of application required.


    Use the available options:

    • Create: Click to open the Create Application page. The system automatically populates the application form with values copied from the applicant’s pre-application. You can make changes and save or submit the application.

    • Link: Click to open the Link Application modal page. Use the look-up prompt to select an existing application and click Save. The Pre-application Outcome page now lists the application you just selected.

    • <Application>: Click to open the Overview page of the linked planning application.

    • Unlink: Click to remove the link from the required application type.


    View the status of the application type. For example, Not Started and Inspection. The Not Started status Indicates that no application has been created or linked for the identified application type.


    View the comments included by the planner regarding the application type.


    Select an action you want to perform on the transaction:

    • Edit Comments: Click to open the Required Application page and update the comments.

    • Delete: Click to delete the required application type. you can't delete a required application type that is linked to an application.

    Note: These actions are available only to planners.
  6. In the Review Comments section, view a list of review comments entered by the assigned planner of your pre-application. Only planners can create and edit the review comments.