Overview of Working with Inspections

This overview provides information about working with inspections, including application statuses when you can create and manage inspections and issues that prevent inspections from being created or scheduled, such as conditions and inspection dependencies.

Agency staff can create and manage inspections, including pending inspections, as long as the application isn't in a presubmittal or terminal status. Here are the application statuses in which agency staff can create or update inspections:

  • Business license application statuses: Submitted, Application Accepted, In Process, Inspection, or License Issued.

  • Permit application statuses: Submitted, Application Accepted, In Process, Plan Review, Inspection, About to Expire, or Permit Issued.

Applicants can only create inspections or schedule pending inspections when business license applications are in an Inspection status or permit applications are in an Inspection, About to Expire, or Permit Issued status. Applicants can't create pending inspections, but if the agency allows them to postpone their inspections, the inspections are moved into a pending status.

Inspection Request Considerations

There are several reasons that you may not be allowed to request or schedule an inspection. When you're making a request for multiple inspections, only those that meet the requirements are created. The system displays the reasons the inspections can't be created. Let's take a look at the issues that may prevent you from creating an inspection.

Issues that prevent an inspection from being created or scheduled

Inspection Issue Description

Incomplete dependencies

Agencies may only allow inspections to be performed after prerequisite inspections are completed with a passing or corrected result, but agency staff can override dependency requirements when assigning, reassigning, or scheduling inspections. Applicants can't schedule an inspection or update a pending inspection that has prerequisite inspections.

If you have selected multiple inspections, you can schedule only the inspections with no dependency requirements or prerequisites that are already complete with a Pass or Corrected result.

Agencies identify inspection dependences in the inspection setup on the global Inspection Dependencies page and Inspection Group page.

Missing district

Assigning districts to properties is required setup for inspection requests and scheduling. Agency staff can create pending inspections with an incorrect or missing district if the agency supports pending inspections.

Inspections are scheduled and assigned based on the district associated with a property. For properties associated with a parcel, you assign districts to the parcel on the Parcel District page. For properties with an address, but no parcel, use the Address District page to assign districts to a property.

Preexisting pending inspections

If your agency supports pending inspections, the system prevents you from creating a new or duplicate inspection when an inspection of the same type is already pending. You can schedule the existing pending inspection.

Use the Inspections section of the agency's Permit Options page to configure how your agency handles pending inspections.

Incomplete required inspections before the final inspection

You can't schedule a final inspection or assign a pending final inspection to an inspector until all of the required inspections for the permit are complete with a passing or corrected result.

If one of multiple inspections selected is the final inspection and there are incomplete required inspections, you won't be able to create the final inspection. If the final inspection is in a pending status and there are incomplete required inspections, agency staff or applicants can't assign the inspection.

Agencies identify required inspections and the final inspection in the setup on the Inspection Group page.

If an inspection type is defined as required in the inspection group, but you turn off the Required switch when the inspection is created, then it's no longer considered a required inspection when completing the final inspection. The reverse is also true: You can turn on the Required switch to make the inspection required.

Business license and business license transaction conditions

Conditions on the business license or business license transaction such as Prevent Inspection Schedule, Prevent Inspection Result, or Prevent Final Inspection can prevent you from scheduling or providing results for an inspection or prevent you from adding or proceeding with a final inspection.

Business license fees due before the final inspection

Agencies may configure a stop process action in the Business Rules Framework to prevent you from creating or scheduling a final inspection when fees are outstanding.

The stop process action isn’t triggered by requests made in the Oracle Inspector mobile app. However, requests sent from a browser running on a mobile device will still trigger the stop process action.

Agencies configure stop process actions in the Business Rules Framework.

For information about setting up inspection dependencies, required inspections, and the final inspection, see Setting Up Inspection Groups.

For information about setting up cross-permit inspection dependencies, see Setting Up Inspection Dependencies.

For more information about setting up a business rule to prevent final inspections when fees are due, see Setting Up Stop Process Actions.