Managing Instructional Text

Agency staff can set up and manage instructional or assistive text that can be configured to appear on applications.

For more information about embedding instructional text in each section of the contractor field group of a contractor registration form or business license application, see Using the Intake Form Designer for Business License Types.

Here's how to create instructional text:

  1. Select Common Setup > Instructional Text.

  2. On the Instructional Text page, click Add.

  3. On the Instructional Text details page, enter values for the fields:

    Page Element


    Text ID

    Enter a unique identifier for the instructional text. The name can’t include spaces.

    Text Name

    Enter a name for the instructional text.


    Enter a description for the instructional text.


    Select a category used to filter or group the instructional text. This setup is optional. For example, select Contractor to group instructional text set up for display on contractor sections used for collecting contractor license information.

    You can set up instructional text categories on the Lookup page. For more information, see Setting Up Lookups.

    Effective Start Date and Effective End Date

    Enter the range of dates when the instructional text is effective. If you want to leave the effective dates open-ended, don’t enter a date for the end date.

    Note: You can't update the start date after saving the instructional text details.

    Show All Dates

    Click to access the History Data page where you can update existing effective dated rows, and add new ones.


    Add content using the available formatting options in the text editor.

  4. Verify that the Enabled switch is turned on. The option is active by default for new instructional text.

  5. Click Save.