Viewing Transactions Associated with a Parcel

View summary information of all transactions associated with a parcel or property address.

Agency staff can view a summary of transactions for Permits, Planning Applications, Business Licenses, Cases and Incidents, that are associated with a parcel or property address.

You can navigate to the Transactions page from:
  • The Parcel tile on the agency springboard. On the Parcel page, click the parcel row to view its transactions.

  • The Property Address tile on the agency springboard. On the Address page, click the address row to view its transactions.

Note: A condition icon is displayed on a row if a parcel or property address has a condition applied to it. If multiple conditions are applied, then the icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, description, and when the condition was applied. Click a condition row to open the Condition Details page in a new window.
The Parcel page has tabs in the left navigation panel to access the following pages:
The Address page has tabs in the left navigation panel to access the following pages:

On the Parcel or Address page for the selected row, select the Transactions tab in the left panel. On the Transactions page, click the transaction tab you wish to view for the parcel or address.

Page Element


Additional Information

Business Licenses

Agency staff can view summary information about business licenses that are associated with a parcel or property address.

Viewing Business Licenses Associated with a Parcel or Property Address


Agency staff can view a summary of cases that are associated with a parcel or property address.

Viewing Cases Associated with a Parcel or Property Address


Agency staff can view a summary of incidents that are associated with a parcel or property address.

Viewing Incidents Associated with a Parcel or Property Address


Agency staff can view application data and statuses for permits using the transactions page. You can also perform actions, such as paying fees and accessing detailed application information from here.

Managing Transactions

Planning Applications

Agency staff can view application data and statuses for planning applications using the transactions page. You can also perform actions, such as paying fees and accessing detailed application information from here.

Managing Transactions

Viewing Business Licenses Associated with a Parcel or Property Address

Agency staff can view a summary of business licenses that are associated with a parcel or property address on the Transactions page, Business Licenses tab.

  1. Select the Parcel or Property Address tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel or Address page, click a row to view its transactions.

  3. On the Parcel or Address page, select the Transactions tab in the left panel.

  4. On the Transactions page, click the Business Licenses tab.

  5. Here are some of the information on the Business Licenses Transactions page for a parcel or property address.

  6. Page Element



    Displays summary information about the license.

    Doing Business As

    Displays the name by which the business is conducted, also known as DBA.


    Displays the address associated with the location of the business.


    Displays the business description.

    Additional Information

    Displays information related to the business license application, such as the name of the user who created the application, the date on which the application was created, and the name of the applicant.


    Displays the total fees for the transaction activity, and the balance due if the total has not been paid.

  7. To access the details for a transaction, click the row.

    If the application hasn’t been submitted (it is in Pending status), the application form appears. You can review and update the form and submit it on behalf of the applicant.

    If the application has been submitted, the detail page for the business license transaction or consultation appears.

Viewing Cases Associated with a Parcel or Property Address

Agency staff can view a summary of cases that are associated with a parcel or property address on the Transactions page, Cases tab.

  1. Select the Parcel or Property Address tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel or Address page, click a row to view its transactions.

  3. On the Parcel or Address page, select the Transactions tab in the left panel.

  4. On the Transactions page, click the Cases tab.

  5. Here are some of the information on the case transactions page for a parcel or property address.

    Page Element



    This column displays:

    • The case ID that is assigned based on the agency’s autonumbering rules.

    • The issue type and subtype, separated by a hyphen.

    Creation Date

    Displays the date on which the case was created.


    Displays the location of the issue.

    Issue Description

    Displays the description of the case

    Case Status

    Displays the status of the case, for example, Compliance, Violation, Citation, and so on.

    Comply By

    Displays the last date to ensure compliance.

  6. Click a row to access the case overview page.

Viewing Incidents Associated with a Parcel or Property Address

Agency staff can view a summary of incidents that are associated with a parcel or property address on the Transactions page, Incidents tab.

  1. Select the Parcel or Property Address tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. On the Parcel or Address page, click a row to view its transactions.

  3. On the Parcel or Address page, select the Transactions tab in the left panel.

  4. On the Transactions page, click the Incidents tab.

  5. Here are some of the information on the incidents transactions page for a parcel or Address page.

  6. Page Element


    Issue ID

    This column displays:

    • The incident ID that is assigned based on the agency’s autonumbering rules.

    • The incident type and subtype, separated by a hyphen.

    • The incident status. Unclaimed incidents have a status of Reported.

    • The date on which the incident was reported.


    Displays the incident address and the incident’s district type and district.

    If district information is missing, a warning icon appears in its place.


    Displays the incident description.


    Displays the name of the technician or code officer to whom the incident is assigned.

  7. Click a row to access the incident overview page.