Generating a Hearing Notifications List

After you schedule a hearing for a planning application, you can generate a hearing notifications list. This list consists of separate .csv files for parcels, owners, addresses, and neighborhood attributes. The list includes parcels that are at least partially within a specified distance from the one or more parcels that you select. The selected parcel is normally the parcel in the planning application, but you can override this and make your own selection.

You generate hearing notifications on the Public Notification page. The following steps provide hearing-specific navigation instructions followed by the standard steps for generating recipient lists for public notifications. For more information, see Creating Map-Based Public Notification Lists.

To generate a hearing notification list:

  1. Select the Planning Applications tile on the Agency Springboard.

  2. From the list of planning applications on the Transactions page, click a planning application to access the Planning Application page.

  3. Click Planning Application in the left panel of the Planning Application page.

  4. Click the Decision and Hearing link under Planning Application to view the list of hearings.

  5. Select the Actions button for the row and select Generate Notifications List from the menu that appears.

    The Generate Notifications List window appears and displays the Public Notification page. This page shows a map on which the parcel or parcels from the planning application are selected. Selected parcels appear as solid blue shapes.

    The selected parcels are the center of the notification area. The notification area consists of all parcels that are at least partially within a specified distance of the selected parcel or parcels.

  6. If the default parcel selection is not correct, modify the selection as described in Creating Map-Based Public Notification Lists.

    The selection tools are the same ones that you use on the Main Map. For detailed information on using the selection tools, see Using the Main Map and Explore Your City Map.

  7. Click Apply to update the notification area with your selection.

  8. If you are satisfied with the notification area, click the Download button that becomes visible after you apply a selection.

    Three files are downloaded: Address.csv, Owner.csv, and Parcel.csv. If the map is enabled to show neighborhood groups that are fully or partially within the notification area, a fourth file is downloaded: Neighborhood Group Mapping.csv.

    Files are saved to default folder defined in your browser settings. Your browser must be able to download multiple files.

  9. Save the .csv files so your agency can use them to generate notifications.

    The notification process is not part of the Oracle system.