Setting Up Plan Reviewer Departments

A plan review department represents an area of expertise for reviewers of plan documents.

For example, a plan review department of Building is associated with experts in building-related codes and regulations whereas a plan reviewer department of Fire is associated with experts in fire-related codes and regulations.

You select a plan review department for a plan reviewer when you add a department job attribute for your plan reviewer job function during agency staff setup. For more information on adding job functions and job attributes, see Managing Agency Staff Profiles.

System administrators add, modify, and delete plan reviewer departments on the Plan Reviewer Department page.

Adding Plan Reviewer Departments

  1. Select the Setup and Maintenance tile on the Agency Springboard to access Functional Setup Manager.
  2. From the Setup drop-down list, select your offering.
  3. From the Functional Areas list in the left panel, select Plan Review.
  4. The right panel shows the required tasks for the selected functional area. Select All Tasks from the Show drop-down list and then select Manage Plan Reviewer Departments from the tasks list.
  5. On the Plan Reviewer Department page, click +.
  6. On the New plan reviewer department drawer, enter values for the following fields:

    Page Element


    Department ID

    Enter an ID for the department.


    Enter a name for the department.


    Enter a description for the department.

    Department Lead

    Before you can select a plan reviewer as the department lead, you must save the new plan reviewer department and assign it as a plan reviewer job attribute. Then the system administrator can return to the plan reviewer department definition and add a department lead. For more information, see "Modifying Plan Reviewer Departments" in this topic.

    Applicable Classification

    Select the types of transactions that the department applies to. You must select at least one classification from these options:

    • Permits

    • Planning and Zoning

    Note: These options are available to select only if you have more than one offering installed.
  7. Turn on the Enabled switch to make the plan reviewer department available as a value on other pages.

  8. Click Save.

Modifying Plan Reviewer Departments

Before you can select a plan reviewer as the department lead, you must save the new plan reviewer department and assign it as a plan reviewer job attribute. Then the system administrator can return to the plan reviewer department definition and add a department lead. For information about assigning job attributes, see Setting Up Agency Staff.

The automatic plan reviewer assignment process adds the department lead as the default plan reviewer for the department. You enable automatic plan review assignment and select the default plan reviewer departments on the Permit Type and Planning Application Type pages. See Setting Up Permit Types and Setting Up Planning Application Types.

  1. Navigate to the Plan Reviewer Department page and select the plan reviewer department that you want to modify.
  2. On the Plan reviewer department details drawer, you can:
    • Edit the description. You can't change the values of the Department ID and Department fields.

    • Add a plan reviewer to the Department Lead field or update the department lead.

    • Update the applicable classifications.

    • Enable or disable the plan reviewer department using the Enabled switch.

      Note: When you disable a plan reviewer department that is already associated with a plan review, the department remains associated with that plan review.
    • Delete the plan reviewer department. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.

  3. Click Save.

Deleting Plan Reviewer Departments

  1. Navigate to the Plan Reviewer Department page and select the check box for the plan reviewer departments that you want to delete. If you want to delete multiple plan reviewer departments, select the check boxes for the plan reviewer departments to delete.
  2. Click Delete. You will be prompted to confirm the permanent deletion.
Note: You can’t delete a plan reviewer department that is already in use as part of a plan reviewer’s job attribute, or selected for a permit type or planning application type. In this case, to prevent the plan reviewer department from being used in the future, turn off the Enabled switch to disable it.