Viewing Business Rule Logs

This topic describes how to access the logs generated when a business rule runs and explains the information contained in the logs.

Use business rule logs to gather insight into the status and results when your business rules run. Each time a rule runs, triggered by either an event or a scheduled rule, that information is captured and stored. The information can help you confirm that a rule has run, what its status is, and it can also help you to identify, troubleshoot, and resolve any errors or discrepancies. Typically, the logs would be used to assist development and testing efforts, however, log information can also be useful for communicating production environment issues with Oracle support teams.

You access the high-level business rule run information on the Logs page. You can then drill into a specific log to access:

  • Log details
  • Rule logs
  • Action logs

Accessing Business Rule Logs

To access the business rule logs:

  1. In the Navigator, select Common Setup > Business Rules Framework.

  2. Click View Logs on the Business Rules Framework landing page.

  3. On the Logs page, use the search controls to filter the logs and isolate the log(s) you need to review.

    You can select to view logs for the last 7, 14, or 30 days. Or, you can select Date Range from the drop-down list to specify a custom range.

  4. Turn on Show All Statuses to display all rule logs.

    By default, only Error and Warning statuses are displayed.

  5. Click anywhere in the row for a particular log to open the Log Detail page for that business rule run.

Working with Log Details

The Log Detail enables you to drill into specific information regarding a business rule run and its actions.

Page Element


Reference Name

Indicates the object the rule is running against, such as permit, an incident, a user profile, and so on.

Reference ID

The system identification for the object the rule is running against. For example, in the case of a user profile it may display the user name, while in the case of a permit, it displays the transaction ID, which can be clicked to navigate directly to the transaction associated with the rule.

Resource Code

The system name for the business object of the event that triggered the rule. For example, CE_INCIDENT.


The name of the resource (business object) of the event that triggered the rule. For example, Code Enforcement Incident.

Event Code

The system name of the event that triggered the rule. For example, CE_INCIDENT_STATUS_UPDATED.


The name of the event that triggered the rule. For example, Incident Status Updated.

Log ID

The unique identifier of a particular log entry.

Execution ID

The unique identifier of the internal system instance associated with the Business Rules Framework request.

Created Date

The date and time at which the Business Rules Framework request was created.

Created By

The user ID of the individual user, system component, or application that created the Business Rules Framework request. For example, it could be the Oracle Integration Cloud user, an individual user, or the Oracle Permitting and Licensing application (FUSION_APPS_PSC_APPID).

Log Message

A high-level message indicating more details related to when the Business Rules Framework received the request.

The detailed log information resides in the rule and actions grid below.

Note: The message display is limited to 1,000 characters. In the case of a longer log message, some critical information may not be visible.


The status of a business rule run, such as Success, Error, or Warning.

The overall status is comprised of the results of the underlying rule run and action(s) run.

A status of Success indicates all rules within an execution ID, display a status of Success. If there are both Success and Warning statuses within an execution ID, the status will be Warning. If there are both Error and Warning statuses within an execution ID, the status will be Error.

In the case of No Rules, it can indicate the rule found nothing to be completed or the rules associated with an event aren't enabled.

Beneath the main rule information, you can access additional information related to the rule and actions.

Working with Rule Logs

The rules and actions grid displays the following details for the rules associated with the event.

Page Element


Rule Name

The names of all rules associated with that event appear in the Rule Name column.


Indicates the status of an individual rule.

Log Type

Indicates the type of log, in this case a rule log, and provides a link to display the log text for that rule.

Key-value pairs

Displays the key information that applies to the transaction of the business rule's focus, such as the record key for a permit, inspection, and so on.

There can be up to five key-value pairs.

Working with Action Logs

When actions have been triggered, you can expand the rule log row to reveal the action logs for that rule. The action log provides this information.

Page Element


Action Name

The names of all actions associated with that rule appear in the Action Name column.

Log Type

Indicates the type of log, in this case an action log, and provides a link to display the log text for that action.


Indicates the status of an individual action.

Retry Count

Indicates the number of times an action in the status of Error has been retried, automatically or manually.


Click to view the JSON payload sent by the Business Rules Framework.

If needed, an administrator can edit the payload manually to correct data. Click Save to store the changes.

Response Code

Displays the REST/HTTP response code received by the Business Rules Framework after sending the rule payload. For example, 200, 400, 403, and so on.


Click to view the JSON payload received by the Business Rules Framework.


In the case of actions in the Error status, the Actions column displays the Retry button, which administrators can click to retry the action.

If you've modified the sent payload, the Business Rules Framework sends the modified payload.