Setting Up Inspection Assignment

In addition to defining the appropriate employee data for inspectors and calendars to determine assignments, your agency may also limit the number of daily inspections based on inspection duration or an inspection count. The assignment method determines whether the daily inspection limit for inspectors will be based on the duration of inspections or the total number of inspections assigned to an inspector for the day.

For more information about the setup required for determining inspection assignments and scheduling, see Setting Up Inspection Scheduling

Count Assignment Method

To use the count assignment method, you set up the maximum daily inspection count in the agency's inspection settings and configure the scheduling method options for permit and business license inspections to use the Count assignment method.

The Inspection Count Limit field is the agency setting used to alert inspection supervisors when an inspector's total permit and business license inspections for the day exceeds the maximum defined. Only inspections set up with the Count assignment method are tallied. Inspectors below the limit can be assigned using automatic assignment, however, inspector supervisors can override the maximum number when manually assigning inspections. You must have an inspection supervisor job role to see inspector names and counts when scheduling inspections; an alert icon appears next to the count on the schedule page when an inspector has reached the daily limit.

Here's how to set up the count assignment method:

  1. Select Common Setup > Agency.

  2. Click the agency row.

  3. On the Agency Information tab, go to the Inspections section, which applies to both the Permits and Business Licenses offerings.

  4. Enter the maximum number of daily inspections for an inspector in the Inspection Count Limit field. The default value is 20.

    See the inspection setup options in Setting Up Agencies.

  5. On the Features tab, set up the permit and business license options. Click the Options link for the Permits and Business Licenses offering, respectively.

  6. On the Permit Options or Business License Options page, expand the Inspections section.

  7. Configure the inspection scheduling method to use the Date only option in the Time Entry Method field and the Count option in the Assignment Method field. Each scheduling method can use a different assignment method.

    Scheduling Method Time Entry Method Assignment Method


    Date only



    Date only



    Date only


The inspector arrival is displayed as a date only when you're using the count assignment method. An inspector can have inspections by both count and duration on the same day.

For more information about setup, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits and Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses.

Duration Assignment Method

When you configure the scheduling methods to use the duration assignment method, assignments are based on the scheduled inspection times and not by count. An inspector can have inspections by both count and duration on the same day.

  1. On the Permit Options or Business License Options page, expand the Inspections section.

  2. Configure the inspection scheduling method to use the Duration option in the Assignment Method field. Each scheduling method can use different entry methods and inspector arrival information, including a specific time, time range, or date only.

For more information about setup, see Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Permits and Setting Up Agency-Level Options for Business Licenses.