Changing the Applicant on an Application

Agency staff working on permit, planning, or business license applications can replace the current applicant with another responsible party. The new applicant receives full application access.

The applicant designation is managed on the Contacts page in the application details, where the current applicant appears along with the previous applicant, if any, and other contacts. You can only change the applicant to another active registered contact.

Here's how to change the applicant:

  1. In the left navigation panel of the application details, expand the application information section: License Information, Permit Information, or Planning Application.

  2. Click the Contacts tab.

  3. On the Contacts page, click the Add New Contact button if the new applicant isn't yet a contact on the application. The new applicant must be registered with the agency using a matching email address.

  4. Click the Actions button for a contact in the list to select from the available actions.

  5. Select Make Applicant.

    You must enter the contact's address if the address is missing.

  6. On the Confirm Applicant Update page, review and enter this information:

    Page Element


    New Applicant

    Displays the name of the contact who will be the new applicant.

    Previous Applicant

    Displays the name of the person who was formerly the applicant.


    Mark this check box to make the previous applicant an active contact for the application. If you leave this check box cleared, the previous applicant becomes an inactive contact without any application access.

    Contact Type

    Select a contact type.

    This field appears when you mark the Active check box. You must select a contact type and application access level if the previous applicant is active.


    Update the default access level for the contact type, if desired. Select from these options:

    • Full

    • View, pay, and print (available only for business license contacts)

    • None

    If the previous applicant is an inactive contact, the access level is None.

  7. Click OK.

The list is updated to show the contacts as Applicant and Previous Applicant, respectively. Turn on the Show inactive contacts switch to show the previous applicant if they're not an active contact anymore.