Managing Business License Transactions

Business license transactions are specific activities related to a business license or contractor registration. Transactions can be pre-license consultations, or they can be activities related to the initial business license application—such as the license origination, amendment, or renewal activity. Business license transactions are distinct from the actual business license that gets issued.

Use the Transactions page to view summary information about activities such as consultations and license origination. Access the Transactions page by clicking the Business License Transactions tile on the Agency Springboard.

You can access the transactions list page on mobile devices as well as on a laptop or desktop computer. The layout changes based on the device you are using.

Use the Transactions page to:

  • View a summary of business license transactions, including consultations and contractor registration.

  • Access details about a business license transaction.

  • Apply for a business license on behalf of an applicant.

  • Copy an existing business license application, permit, planning application, or a preapplication into a new application.

  • View the conditions applied on the business license applications, if any.

  • Manually enter fee payments on behalf of an applicant.

Note: This topic discusses only business license transactions. For information about the other types of transactions that appear on the Transactions page, see Managing Transactions.

Security Details for Managing Business Information

Administrators manage their user role assignments, which determine access parameters such as what level of control is given to the users and agency staff for viewing information related to business license transactions, licenses, and the entity.

The following security roles are delivered with predefined access configured based on the level of security you want to provide to your staff. Accordingly, confidential field values are masked for users who must be restricted from accessing the information:
  • Inquiry Duty: With the highest level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have minimum access to information.

  • Limited Confidential Data: With the medium level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have limited access to information.

  • Confidential Data: With the least level of security implemented, agency staff assigned to this role will have complete access to information.

Security Role

Access Description

Associated Job Roles and Abstract Roles

Inquiry Duty


Basic information such as business owner name and title are displayed.

PSC Agency Staff

Limited Confidential Data


Details in fields such as mailing address, email, phone numbers, and parcel information are displayed.

Additionally, details visible to the staff assigned with the Inquiry Duty role are also visible.

PSC Building Inspector

PSC Chief Building Officer

PSC Code Enforcement Supervisor

PSC Inspections Supervisor

PSC Zoning Administrator

Confidential Data


No restrictions applied for users with this role assignment.

Users can view values in the fields such as federal, state, and city tax ID. In addition, details visible to the staff assigned with the roles Inquiry Duty and Limited Confidential Data are also visible.

PSC Auditor

PSC Business Analyst

PSC Business License Application Administrator

PSC Business License Manager

PSC Business License Specialist

PSC System Administrator

PSC Treasury Administrator

PSC Treasury Supervisor

Registered User View of Business License Transactions

Registered users can access a list of their own business license transactions. The public-facing list shows restricted information as compared to agent-facing list. Public users don’t see the name of the assigned agent and confidential field values are masked.

From the registered user landing page, a registered user accesses the transaction list by clicking the Applications tile or by using the Go to Applications action in the quick actions drop-down list.

The Applications page has tabs for viewing different types of transactions. The Business Licenses tab lists the user’s business license transactions. Clicking a list item displays details for a specific transaction.

Applicants can apply for a new business license by filling and submitting an application. They can also view the details of their submitted applications on their Applications list page. Contacts are added to an application by the applicant or by the agency staff. The primary contact and contacts who have full access to applications or have access to—view the application, pay fees, and print license—can view the details of applications. Contacts also see the applications they applied for themselves.

For information about adding and removing contact users, see Setting Up Contact Types and Working with Application Contacts.

Note: If the applicant or the agency staff removes a contact from an application, then the application is no longer listed on the user's Applications page. Applications are not listed for those associated contacts who are neither the primary contact nor have application access.

The payments banner at the top of the page displays information if there is a payment due for the submitted business license applications. The payment due details include the total amount payable, the number of applications the user is associated with, and a Make a Payment button to pay for all or selected applications. Applicants can pay for all or selected applications. Only those contacts who have full access to application or access to—view, pay, and print—can make payments. For more information, see Working with Application Contacts and Making Payments.

Users can make a payment for individual applications by using the Pay button, which is displayed on the application record row when there is a payment due. The Pay button is also available in the application details on the Fees and Payments page. For more information, see Working with Fees and Payments.

Overview of General Page Controls

The Transactions page includes separate tabs for business license activity, permits, and planning applications. Although the transaction data varies depending on the transaction type, the following page elements appear above the transaction list and are common to all transaction types.

Note: Grids are rendered in either a condensed or expanded format based on the FSM option selection made by the agency during implementation. On the Transactions page, each agency staff member can now personalize expanded grids to display information in a manner that suits their own requirement. See Personalizing Grid Displays.

Page Element


Business Licenses, Permits, Planning Applications, and All

Click these tabs to choose which types of transactions to list.


Click to access the Apply page, where you choose an application type and start a new application on behalf of an applicant.

For more information, see Choosing an Application Type and Completing an Application.


Click to export the list to a .csv file.

Quick Filter

Quick Filter

Click to select an option to filter applications based on when the application was last updated, submitted, created, or to show all data. If you select Show All Data, the page will show all records in the system without applying any filters.

Click and select a period to apply the above filter – last 14, 30, or 60 days. If you use the Date Range option, you can select dates from the date picker and click the Refresh button to list the transactions for the selected period. This filter is not available when Show All Data is selected.

Last Updated and Last 30 Days are the default options. Once you make the changes, your settings will remain throughout your online session and reset to the default for the next session. You can have separate settings for Business Licenses, Permits, Planning Applications, and All pages.

Show All Statuses

Use this switch to filter the list based on transaction status:

  • If the switch is off, the list includes only active transactions.

    This is the default setting if any active transactions exist.

  • If the switch is on, the list includes transactions in all statuses, including active, inactive, canceled and withdrawn applications.

    This is the default setting if there aren’t any active transactions.


Use keywords to search for transactions. For example, you can search using an application ID or applicant name. To search on a date, use the date format MM/DD/YYYY.

Filter By

Apply filters to display transactions that contain the selected parameter values in the list. Click the filter button to open the filter options, where you can define, modify, and save your own filters.

Caution: When defining filters, if you select Creation Date or Submission Date, then ensure that the Show All Records option is selected from the Quick Filter described above.

Sort By

Here are some of the sorting options:

  • Application: The application ID.

  • Type: The application type.

  • Status: The activity status (not the license status).

  • Creation Date: The date when the application was first saved, regardless of when it was submitted.

  • Created By: The person who created the application.

  • Submission Date: The date when the application was submitted.

  • Submitted By: The person who submitted the application.

  • Description: The description of the application.

  • Applicant: The applicant for whom the application was created.

  • Total Fees: The fees for the activity.

  • Total Due: The unpaid fees for the activity.

  • Expiration Date: The date that a pending application expires (not the expiration date for the actual license).

  • License Status: Status of the business license.

  • License Expiration Date: The expiration date for the business license.

  • Doing Business As

  • Version Type: The version of the business license.

  • License Period: The valid period for the business license.

List View

View the transactions in list format.

Grid View

View the transactions in grid format. Unlike lists, grids include a header row with column labels.

Map View

View the transactions on an interactive map.

The left frame of the map view displays a list of transactions. The list includes only basic information about each item: the transaction ID, type, and status.

The right frame of the map view displays a map with markers to show the locations of the items on the list. Click a list item to zoom to its marker on the map.

See Viewing Map Markers.

Identifying Transactions Page Icons

The icons on the Transactions page help you identify application activity. Let’s look at the icons:



Condition - Hold icon


Condition - Lock icon


Condition - Notice icon


Indicates that a condition has been placed on the application.

If multiple conditions are applied, then the icon displays the most severe condition. Click the icon to see a list of all applicable conditions, including the condition name, severity, source, source reference, display message, and when the condition was applied. Click a condition row to open the application's Conditions detail page in a new window.

If the condition was automatically applied, a condition source reference ID is displayed. A reference link is available only to agency staff. Click the link to access the Condition Details page from the source application that applied the condition.

When an agency staff applies a condition to an address, contractor license, parcel, or person by enabling the Apply Condition to Transactions option, then the condition is automatically applied to all transactions belonging to the source application. For details, see Setting Up Conditions.

Reviewing Business License Transactions

Use the Transactions page to view summary information about business license activities such as consultations, contractor registration, license origination, amendments, and renewals.

To review business license transactions:

  1. Select the Business License Transactions tile on the agency springboard.

    This navigation option brings you directly to the Business Licenses tab on the Transactions page.

    If you access the Transaction page using the Permits or Planning Applications tiles on the agency springboard, simply click the Business Licenses tab to switch lists.

  2. Review transaction information.

    The following table of page elements includes the column labels that appear in the grid view. The list view shows the same information, but without column labels.

    Page Element



    Displays summary information about the license:

    • Consultations display a consultation ID.

    • License-related transactions (origination, renewal, and amendment) display the license ID. If the license has been issued, the ID is a link to the license details.

    • All transaction rows display the application type.

    • Origination transactions for origination, renewal, and amendment display Active if the license was issued. If the license was inactivated, the transaction displays Inactive.

    • License-related related transactions (origination, renewal, and amendment) display license expiration information. If the license is about to expire, the expiration information includes a warning icon as well as the expiration date and the number of days remaining until that date.

    On the All tab, the column label for this information is Application.

    Business Information

    Displays the business name and address that are associated with the transaction location. This can be different from the name and address of the business itself.

    If the application indicates that the location is outside of the agency’s jurisdiction, then the address of the business is displayed. Else, the specific location address is displayed.

    On the All tab, the column label for this information is Property.


    Displays the description of the application. Applicants optionally enter a description on the Application section of the application form. Agency staff can add or update descriptions on the overview or summary page of the transaction detail.


    Displays the type of activity, such as Consultation, Origination, Renewal, or Amendment, along with the activity status.

    Pending transactions of all types also display expiration information. The transaction must be submitted by this date. When the pending transaction is about to expire, the messages include a warning icon and the number of days remaining.

    Note: On the All tab, the column label for transaction activity information is Additional Information.


    This column appears only in grid view. It displays the name of the business license specialist who is assigned to the activity.

    In list view, the assignment information appears with the activity information.

    This information does not appear on the All tab.


    Displays the total fees for the activity, and the balance due if the total has not been paid.


    Pay button
    • Select the

      Copy Application button to copy this application into a new application.

      See Copying an Application.
    • Select the Pay button in the Actions column to submit payment information on behalf of the applicant.

      The Pay button takes agency staff to the Pay Fees page where you can initiate a full or partial payment for the application fees. The Pay button on the Applications page takes applicants and contacts with application access directly to the Checkout page. Only agency staff can initiate partial payments.

      If the application status is Payment Pending, full payment is required. That is, fees that are due when you submit an application must be paid in full.

    • From the Action menu for the application row, select
      Cancel Application and enter a reason for the cancellation, and then click OK. The application will be removed from the active business license transaction list. However, when the Show All Statuses toggle button is on, all the applications will be listed.
      Note: Cancel Application option is available only for the applications in Payment Pending status or Pending status. The cancelled applications can be viewed only by the agency staff and applicants.
    • From the Actions menu for the application row, select
      Withdraw Application and enter a reason for the withdrawal, and then click OK. The application will be removed from the business license transaction.
      Note: Withdraw Application option is available only for the applications in the Submitted, AcceptedIn Process, Inspection, and License Issuancestatus. You can also withdraw an application on the record details page using the Actions menu.

    For more information about paying fees, see the Payment Flow Overview.

  3. To access the details for a transaction, click the row.

    If the application hasn’t been submitted (it is in Pending status), the application form appears. You can review and update the form and submit it on behalf of the applicant.

    If the application has been submitted, the detail page for the business license transaction or consultation appears.