Providing Identity Domain Credentials for Role Synchronization

After you have set up an identity domain for role synchronization, you need to enter the domain credentials so that Permitting and Licensing can access the identity provider data.

  1. Navigate to the Identity Domain Credentials page.

    • In Functional Setup Manager, select System Administration and click Provide Identity Domain Credentials for Role Synchronization.

    • In Permitting and Licensing, select Common Setup > Identity Domain Credentials.

  2. On the Identity Domain Credentials page click the row for Role Sync.

  3. Provide the following:

    Page Element


    Client ID

    The client ID of the identity domain you created in IDCS.

    Client Secret

    The client secret of the identity domain you created in IDCS.

  4. Click Save.

Synchronizing Roles Manually

Most of the role synchronization between Permitting and Licensing occurs automatically, but if, for example, an implementer updates role assignments directly in Security Console. In that case, that change wouldn't be reflected automatically in IDCS. As needed, it is recommended to run the Enterprise Scheduler Service job Synchronize Agency Staff Roles.